Chapter XXXIII: Three

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Harrison and Salter began the journey up the cell tower the arrows stopped momentarily peering down at them. He climbed despite his legs and arms burning at close to the halfway point, Harrison wasn't specifically afraid of heights but being this high up on a ladder was still a little scary for sure. However, Harrison had too much riding on his shoulders, Annabelle, Sakata, Yor, Jalter, and Salter all counted on him to deliver and now was not the time for cold feet. With a sudden burst of speed Harrison continued to climb higher not caring for the ache in his muscles, his training had been leagues harder than this anyways. After what seemed like ages, especially with the time constraint of Annabelle, Harrison finally crested onto the platform. Salter soon to follow no doubt, Harrison thought. He was looking at a sly magus more stereotypically dressed than typical fate magus, an archer who looked to be in his 50-60s range with a long flowing grey beard. There was also another servant present that Harrison did recognize,  Gilles de Rais. "Oh god," Harrison spit out realizing what awaited him, as he prepared himself mentally.

 "Oh god," Harrison spit out realizing what awaited him, as he prepared himself mentally

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(This is the Archer Servant)

The mage flipped his cowl back revealing his face, it was the smug face that radiated arrogance. "Well hello there Harrison, I believe you are here because of Annabelle," the magus said with contempt. "Yeah and you best believe I have come to end things now," Harrison responded with venom in his voice. "Hah you amuse me, Harrison, I'll have you know that I Octavious Igenitor heir to house Igenitor, own the homunculus you call Annabelle as she rightfully belongs to me, and to do what I wish with her weather that is drain her to death or have her fight battles she can't win, her family sold her to our house after all," he says with a mad cackle. Sparks flew from Harrison's skin as his magic circuits flared to life, "Oh look your pathetic magecraft, is that supposed to stop me, when I have two servant's and yours hasn't even climbed all the way up the tower," Octavious says.

Harrison whips himself around not caring about Gilles who started casting or the bowman who had an arrow trained on his head as he looked down the ladder that Salter and he had climbed up. She was about 10 feet from the top and what looked like barely able to hold on nevertheless climb up, one strong breeze would be enough to send her flying. It occurred to him in that moment what had happened, Salter had said earlier that the motorcycle was incredibly draining for her. Harrison knew he had no time, no time to think especially so. As the world sped back up to normal speed his senses landed on the Archer who was now aiming off the side of the tower wearing a sorrowful face. "NOW I SAID NOW, FIRE THE ARROW YOU WORTHLESS SERVANT," Octavious called out to the archer who regretfully loosed the arrow. 

Yet for as much as Harrison wanted to run and stop it he couldn't as lighting erupted around him stopping him in his tracks. As he reeled around pulling his fist back to deal with Gilles a familiar and reassuring sight graced him, Jalter had appeared in front of him ready for action. "GO NOW, I'LL HOLD THESE THREE OFF," Jalter called towards Harrison as she kicked him back towards the end of the platform the Archer had loosed the arrow. He didn't hesitate, didn't ask questions, he accepted the state of things as all he could do was put his trust in Jalter. Once again the world seemed to slow to almost a standstill as Harrison gazed at the arrow which just changed direction heading straight for Salter. Each footfall that struck the metal platform beneath Harrison rang out like the sound of gongs in his head. He could hear the clamor of battle behind him but it sounded as if he was underwater. There was about a 6ft tall guard rail on the platform to ensure no one flew off but that wouldn't stop Harrison now as his thoughts lagged long behind his action.

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