Chapter XXV: Awake

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Harrison comes too as the sun slowly filters in through the blinds in his room, Salter however is sleeping with her arms folded to rest her head atop of Harrison. The dull pain in Harrison's body but his dreamless sleep did provide him with some respite and recovery. "This is some sick sense of deja vu," he mumbled under his breath. He placed his hand gently against Salter's head ruffling her hair gently as she stirred awake. The memories of the dream quickly faded from Salter's mind as a scene of smiling faces seem to mesh together before being left with Harrison bandaged all over yet still smiling. "You sleep well?" he asks as if his injuries were of no concern. Salter just rolls her eyes as she sits up, "I don't need it but thank you," she says deflecting before taking a seat at his desk across the room. She takes a deep breath in before continuing, "You do know what you did right?"

Harrison closes his eyes thinking back to the events that have transpired over what must have been the last day and a half. "Yeah, I think I just became a core master, by forging a contract with a second heroic spirit," Harrison says breathing out with each word as if the consequences were dawning on him. "I figure since we are on about news, the master we injured recently is back up and about which is why Annabelle had to leave, not that we had much room, to begin with," Salter says as if to just pile on all the bad news while she has the chance. Harrison laughs to himself a pained sort of laugh that makes Salter feel a tinge of sadness. However, Harrison recovers incredibly fast as he looks at her, "So what's the plan then?"

Salter goes to open her mouth but a loud grumble that sounds like a bobcat cuts her off as her face turns to an expression of mass embarrassment. "Food, right you haven't left my side and I doubt Yor would cook," Harrison says without a second thought slowly pushing himself up. Salter rushes to his side trying to make excuses and deny the truth he just spoke, as he grimaces with each movement of a muscle, pain shooting through him as liberally as a chain smoker goes through cigarettes. "Harrison you are really supposed to stay put, remember what you told me when I was bedridden," Salter tries to reason with him. With a cough and a pained inhale Harrison says, "Well that was different I still got duties to fulfill as a master especially since I am an utter failure in aspects such as magecraft and the like," Harrison says with a pained smile as he puts most of his weight on Salter just to stay upright.

As soon as he makes his way into the small hallway being basically carried by Salter, she helps drag him to his destination Yor and Jalter jump up in celebration seeing his return. Well until Yor quickly scowls at his current condition, "Wait you shouldn't be out of bed yet. Salter, I thought we had an agreement." Before Salter can speak Harrison waves a hand in front of Yor, "I wouldn't take no for an answer besides I have all these people to cook for," Harrison says looking at the 3 faces around him. "Wait Righter you can cook as well!" Jalter says as she looks excitedly at Harrison putting his other arm over her shoulder as the two heroic spirits take him to the kitchen, Yor still verbally berating him. 

Thankfully Yor and Annabelle had gone shopping the other day so the fridge was fully stocked. So, emploring full use of his "Extra Arms" that being Salter, Jalter, and BB's magic. In no time flat, Harrison with the help of his assistants had managed to cook up a feast fit to feed double the number of people present, he had to prepare for Salter and Jalter after all, who both dug in with reckless abandon. Jalter would openly steal food from Salter's plate inciting a cold blood feud between them as forks were brandished like swords. Harrison didn't even catch the tear that rolled down his face silently as for the first time in a very long time did he not feel alone, but like the few memories he had with his parents.

"So Harrison, you never asked for my true name or anything like that," Jalter says with food in her mouth. "Ah, yeah I already know," Harrison laughs off, Jater slams her hands onto the table sending some food flying, "WHAT HOW!?!" Yor, BB, and Salter all laugh to themselves slightly having dealt with Harrison's ungodly knowledge of servants before. "Dragon witch, Righter has a unique knowledge of servants so yes it would have been more surprising if he didn't," Salter says with a scoff poking fun at Jalter. "Yeah then what is my name then," she responds trying to make a point. As if reading from a scrip Harrison recites without hesitation, "You are Jeanne D'arc Alter Berserker-class, noble phantasm Völkermord Feuerdrache." Jalter just looks at him absolutely stunned. "Well, well I'll show you something you didn't know... eventually," the last word she says barely audible. Harrison strains to stand up but he gives Jalter a consoling head pat as she begins to pout, "I am sure you will, and I'll be so proud," he says with that smile everyone has a love-hate relationship with.

Jalter doesn't know how to respond to that as her face flushes a crimson, Salter clearly pissed by the extra attention, the "new girl" is getting. This just encourages her to help more with chores to one-up Jalter. Yor, Harrison, and BB are swept up in this fierce rivalry between servants as they race to see who can clean the most dishes and things of the like. Once again despite the aggression in each of them Harrison can't help but smile at his now very lively home. Yor pulls him back to reality with one simple sentence, however, "So are you ready for what's next?"

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