Chapter LXXV: Avalon

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Salter appeared in the center of Harrison's room holding Harrison in her arms. The scene that she warped into was one of interest. Jalter had just gotten well enough to stand and walk around by herself. Alice and Morgan were sitting at the table talking with Zerik despite both of them having had to fight their own matches during Harrison's. So the lax but tense mood shifted completely once Salter, almost in tears, appeared before them all, a bloody and unconscious near-death Harrison in toe. Jalter was the first to respond as she bonded over to Salter despite herself. Sliding to her knees to support Harrison as she could see Salter's injuries as well.

"W-what happened!" Jalter exclaimed as she quickly took Harrison to the bed she was on while Morgan was working on her. It was at this point that the two Masters and Morgan came running towards the commotion to only see what was unfolding in front of them. "I'm sorr-," Salter started before Jalter slapped her across the face. "Would he accept an apology from you, no I'm sure you did your absolute best now what happened," Jalter asked her face stern yet comforting. As Salter began to recant the battle Jalter, organized the other two masters to help their friend Harrison. Morgan worked mainly as an overseer, as her magic was long since drained, however, Zerik made full use of his new servant Martha as she took the position as primary healer, as his other servant Muramasa helped bandage Harrison.

Salter was wrapped up in recanting the story but when she noticed Muramasa working on Harrison her voice caught for a moment. Her memory was getting more and more muddled every time she changed saint graphs and she knew what she was seeing now was connected to Caliburn and Excalibur to some extent. It seemed Muramasa did not share the same level of recognition that Salter took as a sign not to ask about her memory.


A field of flowers contrasted by a sea breeze that was so beautiful it could only be found in dreams. Harrison knew this place well by now, though he hadn't been able to recognize what drew him to this place the way it did. That is until now, pushing himself off the plush grass Harrison looked out over the scene around him. Harrison took slow deep breaths, and for the first time did not rush to stand or fight against the pull to lay back down, he just tried to analyze what he saw. 

For starters the field he drew that he had intended to give to Jalter before forgetting in the meeting with Alice in the bar. It was here this was the flower field. In fact, it wasn't just that piece, the one before his fight with Annabelle he drew Salter here. Unconsciously he had been drawing this world, was it his own manifestation or one he intrinsically understood? What pulled Harrison from his thoughts was when someone leaned their head against his from behind. "So no rush this time huh, what happened to refusing death," a familiar yet booming voice spoke behind Harrison. Despite not knowing who it was he made no motion to turn to look, as for whatever reason he had complete faith in whomever it was. 

"No, I have just been thinking what if I shouldn't," Harrison recited rather sorrowfully. "Hmm I see, so then is it that you have lost sight of them then," the booming voice asked a rhetorical question of sorts, yet Harrison still responded. "Lost sight of..." his voice slowly died out as he saw the figures he had seemingly forgotten about. No, it wasn't that he realized, it was as if something was keeping him from seeing them. The knight in armor is as black as night. The now fully grown dragon proudly stood off past the hill, and a frozen crown. Harrison turned to say thank you but the person who had been there was gone.

As Harrison looked at the three before him, for the first time ever he asked for help. "Could I get a hand," he asked simply. As the words left his mouth the world around him flashed in and out of his paradise as the knight, no Salter helped him never left his side, watched over him with a level of care that made his heart hurt in a way that wasn't physical. "Thank you," was all he could say before he went back under.


After about an hour of no progress suddenly Harrison's body began to convulse requiring Salter and Jalter to restrain him. Though Harrison looked up to Salter and smiled sweetly before mumbling something unintelligible. Thick blood gurgled in his throat. Then just as suddenly as he was up he was back under once again but a newfound hope filled the room. He would live.


Hey coming in really fast to apologize if chapter notations get a little funky here, there was some stuff that got absorbed into other chapters because it felt better that way. Don't worry though it should return to normal by chapter LXXIX. Anyways I wish you all a wonderous rest of your day/night.

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