Chapter XIII: Memories

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The smell of ash and burning flesh is intoxicating as it wafts up Harrison's nose shocking him awake. Instantly pain shoots up his entire being as he takes note of the lance pinning him to the ground. The atmosphere is heavy and seems to crush him as he begins to lose the feeling in his legs, blood running down the large wound in his chest caused by the lance. He needs to save them, he is their king. Grabbing the handle of the spear Harrison begins to pull himself forward off of the spear causing him to grit his teeth as pain explodes around the wound.

The world is spinning around him with a ferocity that seems to tell him to stop, to give up, to let it all go. Pouring his soul into the fiber of his being he uses some of the last remnants of strength left in him to push himself off the final edge of the spear. As soon as he lifts himself off of the spear he falls to the ground coughing up rivers of blood. His mouth tastes of soot and metal. Extending an armored hand he begins to drag himself upon the crest of the hill in front of him.

"If I can just reach them, if I could just be there, if I could just be the king they need," echos in his mind. Shoving all thoughts of the pain discomfort and emotions to the back of his mind he wills his body to move no matter what his brain screams at him in response. The air is thick with the smell of blood, and burning flesh. The remaining strands of light begin to fade out as Harrison sees the sun setting behind the crest of the hill. He doesn't even notice the piers of smoke that spiral to the heavens as if hellish spikes meant to pin hell to Earth. 

The feeling of moist dirt is what his hands are greeted with as the furiously searches for any sort of hand hold to drag his body further up the hill that seems to extend onward forever. His muscles scream at him as his blood turns to flames inside his body, his heart and endlessly pained organ, and his legs completely numb to the world. The only identifiable thing that would clue one on that he is still alive is the ragged breathing that emanates from this moving corpse on such a lethargic pace one might miss it.

"Another breath, another push just get me over that damned mountain!" Harrison screams to himself as he approaches the crest of the hill. "FOR CAMELOT!" the next hand Harrison thrusts out in front of himself hits dirt at an equal level as himself indicating he has reached the top of the mountain. His body doesn't want to move an inch more, but he must. Taking another ragged breath that feels like breathing nails and tastes of sap filled with iron, Harrison pushes both of his wreaked arms into the ground.

The cracked armor takes on a black appearance from all of the soot, dirt, and blood. Sitting up Harrison looks over the scene that steals the last breath he will ever take from his lips. His people, the army everyone laid there. Everything from the water at the shore, to the breeze, to the pillars of smoke, seemed as if it was paused in time unmoving. The land that could be seen under the mountains of corpses of friend and foe alike was stained with blood forever tainted by the foolishness of a kind.

The edges of Harrison's vision began to grow dark as he could no longer hold himself up his body falling to the floor. His armor flaking off of his right hand as it slid forward just grasping the sword thought to lead only to victory.



Sorry for the non-Harrison perspective stuff I've been doing the last couple of days, however, I think it is pretty interesting and is a cool advantage to the nontraditional format of a web novel like this. Regardless I hope all enjoyed this chapter and I hope even more so it raised a lot of questions.

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