Chapter VII: Distrubance

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Harrison's eyes flutter open as his alarm once again wakes him up for school as if it was any other day. Fumbling around in the dark looking for his phone he throws the blankets off of him and finally stops his alarm. Now semi-awake Harrison stumbles out of bed and lazily makes his way towards his light switch flicking it on as he stretches with a yawn. As he is still not entirely cognisant Harrison continues his morning routine as normal, making his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Before returning back to his room to get changed into his school clothes. 

Returning back to his room Harrison glances around his room momentarily, "desk chair, desk, computer, figures, Salter wrapped up in blankets, shoes... WAIT!" Harrison shocked fully awake marches over to where Salteris curled up next to where he was sleeping. Fury in his eyes as he realizes he was played for a fool, "Ugh I should never have agreed to this." However, as he stands there glaring at Salter who is soundly asleep his scowl slowly fades, "I can't stay mad at you can I, well guess I should make you breakfast for when you wake up huh."

Before leaving the room and heading to the kitchen Harrison quickly grabs a whole new change of clothes, and slowly covers the parts of salter that had been exposed when he threw the covers off of him this morning. Checking the time a torn look crosses Harrison's face, "Eh no one is going out of their way to speak to me anyway," he lets out with a chuckle as he opens his small refrigerator gathering ideas for breakfast.


Having just parked his car in the almost full parking lot at 6:50 Harrison sighs and relaxes talking aloud to himself, "Salter seems to be way more agreeable than usual when they are fed, this is useful information." Laughing to himself for a moment he continues, "Don't get me wrong I'd love to have a strong woman like her follow me around all day I just know that, well school isn't big on the whole stranger policy." Soon enough the bell rings and as if it was any other day Harrison leans over to take his bag out of the passenger seat, to only realize all too late that he totally got his stuff destroyed yesterday, "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-"


"Forget your bag or something," Vikari mentions to Harrison as he walks up to her with a dejected look on his face, "Let's not talk about it." Vikari laughs to herself at Harrison's sour attitude. "Oh wait I just noticed did you color on your hand with a red marker," she continues still laughing slightly to herself. Harrison looks at the command spells on his hands before responding with "Yeah something like that." 

When Harrison sits at his usual desk in math class another one of his close friends joins him sitting at the desk before him. Baron is an androgynous person who can seem to look more feminine depending on the angle you look at them. Today they are wearing a black cardigan over a "Howls Moving Castle" shirt most likely bought from Hot topic. "I like the new tattoo," they say while sitting down, Harrison just lets out an exasperated groan as he is already fed up with people noticing his red command seals.


As the bell to dismiss 4th-period rings Harrison, politely says goodbye to his shoulder partner Yor the ever aloof envy of the school, and gets up and to leave not having anything to pack up. Entering the almost empty hallway someone catches his eye. Almost undetectably a small girl who doesn't look above the age of 9, and certainly doesn't belong in a high school passes by him. She has blonde hair and piercing blue eyes with a long violet and blue gown that screams extravagance and luxury, as she passes she whispers something to him. "You are a stupid Master to think you could exist without your servant beside you, I wish you luck," however as soon as Harrison whips around to follow where the young girl had disappeared she is seemingly gone.

Before he can go out in the direction she left searching for her he is swept up by the crowd of high schoolers moving to their next class. "What was all that about, and how'd she know I was a Master that quickly, also she snuck right past me," are all thoughts that run through Harrison's mind taking all of his focus as he just stumbles through the rest of his classes nodding along as his real focus is elsewhere.


The rest of the day goes by like a blur to Harrison, unable to focus on anything as countless ideas and plans run through his head, however, two in specific stick out. "What would be the reason another Master is at this school other than them attending it, and what servant does she command." What pulls Harrison away from his thoughts is the sudden sickly feeling he gets as he enters the parking lot after school. 

It is as if he had placed his whole body upon syrup and is trying to walk through it, the air around him seems to stretch and tug until it finally breaks allowing him entry into the field. "I am not just going to pretend like that was normal," Harrison says ducking behind a car, "Given I know nothing about the abilities of mages in real-life but from what I know of Fate I definitely just entered a bonded field with an unknown ability. This is incredibly troublesome." Harrison's entire deminer changes as he begins to look around noticing that every other student that should have entered the parking lot is only a foot into the field and seems as if they are asleep while standing.

"Tsk, a way to keep normal people out of this area someone clearly wants to fight in broad daylight. Most likely they are coming for me judging by what that girl said earlier. Though these precautions mean they also don't want to hurt other individuals, possibly someone from the mage's association going off of Fate logic," Harison says as he peeks his head over the car he was huddled down behind. The quick glance shocks him in a reassuring and unsettling way.

When he looked over the car he saw the same girl from earlier standing before John, they seem to be talking to each other with John's head bowed to the floor. What is infinitely more concerning however is the figure beside her. Seemingly at a height of 6'2'' (190cm) and built with crazy muscle, his blonde hair sticks out accented by all the gold on this man's person including his giant belt buckle with GOLD embossed on it. Not to mention his plunge neck white shirt that shows his crazy pectoral muscles to the world, this guy is a beast among men, this guy is a heroic spirit, this guy is a berserker, this guy is Sakata Kintoki.

 Not to mention his plunge neck white shirt that shows his crazy pectoral muscles to the world, this guy is a beast among men, this guy is a heroic spirit, this guy is a berserker, this guy is Sakata Kintoki

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(Attached picture of Sakata Kintoki)


Sorry for the chapter today however the next chapter will be interesting, to say the least, and more lore about the world, and the current holy grail war will be revealed in the coming chapters.

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