Chapter LXIV: Indomitable

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As the smoke cleared around where the mage craft had struck Jalter, Jess could see Jalter standing perfectly upright. Yet she seemed to be heavily injured, she stood staring forward as if nothing happened. Her eyes were shaded as well which only added to the atmosphere of the moment. Blood was dripping down her entire body in fact Jess was fairly off-put for a multitude of reasons she couldn't help but ask, "What happened?" With her arms crossed, Jalter said the only thing that made sense. 

"Nothing, nothing at all." 

"Give me your knife," Shiki said forcefully to Jess who was in so much fear she did as instructed without question

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"Give me your knife," Shiki said forcefully to Jess who was in so much fear she did as instructed without question. It was when she handed her knife over however that she remembered something important, "WAIT I SHOULDN'T FEAR YOU, YOU CAN'T EVEN HIT ME NEVERTHELESS HURT ME. I KNOW ALL YOUR TRICKS," Jess exclaimed with a devilish smile. Jalter slowly unsheathed two of her blades with a long hiss. She then brought the one in her right hand to her face and with a chomp took hold of the blade in her mouth. Jess's eyes widened as she didn't recognize where this was going at all, it was as if the person moving wasn't Jalter. Jalter then unsheathed her third and final sword. "I told you I would show you something new eventually, 1080 Pound Phoniex," Jalter echoed words that were not hers. "DODGE," Shiki cried recognizing the strength of the technique before it was even thrown, pushing her master far away.

With a twist of her frame as she brought all three blades back before striking forward, the slash created in the air was so strong it easily cut through the stone trees and anything else in her way. It proceeded to cut a large gash through the entirety of the allotted space only stopping when it impacted the barrier, but the gash left on the surface was easily big enough for a large lake. Jalter knew she was on a time limit with Jess so that was her number one priority. Jalter resheathed all of her blades once again and took up a new stance, as Shiki rushed toward her.

With one hand on the sheath and one hand on the handle of the sword, Jalter closed both her eyes with an exhale. "Ittōryū Iai," even with Shiki's increased perception Jalter appeared to have disappeared. As Jess was still stumbling to her feet after being shoved to the side narrowly avoiding certain death a familiar figure appeared in front of her. Jalter in the same stance she had left Shiki's vision. Trying anything again Jess activated her mystic eyes, but the only thing it reassured her of was how wrong she was to assume, that heroic spirits could not adapt or develop new techniques. "Shi-Shishi Sonson," Jalter once again echoed the words of another great swordsman as her blade flashed with brilliant light. Though Jess never saw the blade unsheathed, she saw it slide smoothly back into the hilt of the sheath with an audible click. With that noise, she felt a sharp pain and then nothing as the world went black around her.

(2:33 time stamp for the technique)

Shiki looked behind her at the sound of stone collapsing, yet all she saw was a cloud of dust and smoke. "I was right this fight is already over," she echoed herself from earlier. She couldn't help the smile that slowly grew across her lips as the monster that was Jeanne D'Arc alter came running towards her with a vengeance. With a simple glance her eyes lit up a brilliant blue and pink, and her mystic eyes were activated. 

The blows exchanged between the two of them were so fast for most observers they would have seemed invisible as they easily passed the speed threshold for the human eye. Jalter choose to only wield two swords in her altercation with Shiki, she would not spare Shiki any mercy this was Harrison's match to win. Despite her crazy offense Shiki saw an opening and took it without hesitation. Jalter felt her arm explode with pain as it seemed to curl and crush with the sounds of breaking bones unnaturally with a simple cut from Shiki. This forced Jalter to let go of the sword in that hand as her right arm was killed.

So one can only imagine the surprise when that same arm grabbed Shiki's face and exploded in purple flames, and as Jalter's face contorted with determination she slammed Shiki to the ground by her head. Somehow Jalter had not resisted death but come back from it. The stone around the impact site shattered easily under the weight of the blow and blood came spurting from Shiki's mouth. She was quick to recover though and quickly spun back onto her feet. This fight would clearly require some reevaluation even if she had already accepted defeat.

Jalter looked on at Shiki with a face that was pure animosity, she could feel the hatred and violence from every cell in Jalter's being. Shiki didn't even see when Jalter added the third blade to her mouth again as Jalter dashed forward cleaving through the air and cutting a large gash across Shiki's chest. Jalter whipped around back to face Shiki, however, she was already too close for three sword style, and Shiki struck deadly across Jalter's neck, afflicting the death status effect.

Jalter's body fell back lifeless for just long enough for Shiki to lower guard, her body curling back unnaturally as her eyes fell hollow. Then just as before with a snap, her eyes exploded with purple flames and life returned to her form. "I will never lose," Jalter said under her breath before thrusting both her arms in front of her the two handles of the swords touching. There was no time to dodge so whatever was coming might as well finish things. Jalter began to spin said swords like a whirlwind before invoking the name "Sanzen Sekai!" In a flash of light Jalter seemingly teleported behind Shiki as three distinct columns of blood erupted from her form.

(the Sanzen Sekai in question)

"Match that Tyrannt," Jalter says with a hollow tone of voice as blood continues to pour out of all her open wounds. However, she stands frozen in the pose after the completion of the technique because she lacks the strength to even fall over.

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