Chapter XXXI: Apology

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Salter didn't take her eyes off the floor as she stood there waiting, as Harrison looked at her he noticed her puffy eyes evidence of someone who had shed tears moments earlier. Once again in his mind, he heard it, "People can change," nodding to himself Harrison took in a long breath knowing it was time for him to stop acting like a child. "Salter you alright," he asked tilting his head slightly his voice an even and welcoming one, in stark contrast to the last time Salter had heard him speak. Harrison watched on with curious eyes as she took in a shuddering breath and he saw the words hitch in her throat. "It's alright I should probably start anyway, he said taking her hand and leading her to the seat at the table Harrison was at previously. When he took her hand he could feel the extent that which she was shaking and instantly guilt plagued his entire being worse than before, as he winced.

Sitting her down, and getting a coffee from the man behind the counter, who told Harrison he would make himself scarce, returned to Salter. He slid the mug containing the warm liquid over to her hands and took another long pull from the terrible tasting coffee. "I'm sorry," Harrison let out with a sigh getting right into it, "The way I acted was childish and immature and nowhere becoming of a master. That doesn't mean I am excusing what happened today, but it is certainly not your fault, and I am sorry for lashing out at you in that way. Well really everyone, they were trying to help the best they could but I snapped. Life and health are of utmost importance to me as you never know 100 percent of circumstances and even if you do, you can never truly understand what someone is thinking. I'm glad you came looking for me Salter though I am not sure how you knew I would come here," the last words he spoke shooked Salter the most.

She had been sure that once she opened that door she would only get turned away, after all, she was "the Dark Tainted-Tyrannt, an Alter, a corruption of the grail, that was it right?" But here was someone who believed in her wholeheartedly and apologized for when they were wrong. Someone that didn't just consider her in the way she could wield a sword or how she could carry out a mission but someone who thought of her as a knight, and foremost a person. Salter is by no means an emotional servant or one to get overly attached but at this moment she wiped at her face to stop her tears from flowing, a fruitless effort as it seems no matter what she did they continued to flow like a damn overflowing.

Harrison immediately threw himself to Salter's side, trying to find what he had said to make things worse. "Hey is everything alright, I didn't mean to make things worse," he said in an apologetic tone as he sat next to Salter. He did not receive a verbal response just the sniffles and hiccups of someone mid-cry. In the next moment, Salter threw herself into Harrison's chest just wanting to be held. She didn't have to be told what she did she knew that she would make Harrison angry and then sad that he had gotten mad at them and that filled her with the ultimate regret. In a barely audible tone, Salter said, "I'm so sorry Righter." Harrison's expression softened as he wrapped his arms around Salter supporting her for however long she needed. 

Salter stayed nuzzled up against Harrison's chest for a long time and Harrison held her as her breathing stabilized and slowly calmed down. However, she still made no motion to move or get up, and it was at this point a smile crossed Harrison's lips. "Did you fall asleep?" he asked knowing he would get no response. He carefully reached into his pants and took out his wallet before putting down a 20-dollar bill and stowing the wallet once again. 

Then Harrison picked up the surprisingly light and delicate girl, contrary to popular belief she wasn't built like how one would expect at all. Thankfully she was relatively small and Harrison was able to carry her out of the cafe giving a restricted wave to the owner, as he left the owner laughed at Harrison's circumstances. When he turned to see where his car was parked Jalter was leaning on a motorcycle Harrison didn't recognize. "Jalter I am-" Harrison started before he was cut off by Jalter, "Yeah yeah I know already, did she fall asleep or something," she asked contempt evident in her voice. "Yeah she's pretty cute when she is asleep," Harrison said as he began walking towards his car. Jalter was fuming at this, however, "W-what do you mean she is cute when she is asleep, what about me. I am 10 times better than the wretch," Jalter stated huffy as Harrison set Salter into the passenger seat.

Harrison wasn't really paying attention to what Jalter had said and was caught off guard as she seized her moment with Salter out of the picture. So as Harrison came back around towards the driver's side door where Jalter was, she grabbed him by the wrist as she stole his lips for a moment. "There see, and stop with that stupid bewildering reaction, I am just a servant so I don't feel any special way towards you, I just got prove I am better than that wretch," Jalter says as Harrison reels back in surprise. Harrison rubs the back of his neck nervously, "I am afraid you might have just caught up but definitely not surpassed if kissing me randomly was your secret plan, Salter did that a long time ago," when Harrison says this Jalter's whole face goes red as she struggles to find the words. 

"I-I will not let her win!" she says with a determination that scares Harrison in her eyes. "Yes I already have a perfect plan," she says flicking her leg over the side of the motorcycle. Harrison just rolled his eyes, "One I hope that is either yours or Salter's motorcycle, two I'll race you home," Harrison says ease returning to him. "I'll have you know it is ...hers BUT I AM GOING TO WIN," she shouts as she begins racing off.

A smile slowly crosses Harrison's face as he shifts his car into reverse and peels out of the parking spot his tiers throwing out smoke.

A smile slowly crosses Harrison's face as he shifts his car into reverse and peels out of the parking spot his tiers throwing out smoke

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The image above is a commissioned piece I got of Harrison recently, I am also going to throw it in one of the earlier chapters but I figured I'd put it here for everybody else.

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