Chapter XLIV: Resonate

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As the man began to roll up his sleeves as he martched towards Harrison a small girl got in between the two. To Harrison, she couldn't be older than Annabelle so maybe around 8. She wore a cross between leather armor and a puffy dress fit for a noble, yet her appearance was deceiving as from the high-pitched squeaky voice she let out oozed confidence and self-assurance. "Please sir I'm sure he did not intend to stand in front of your shoulder," she said to the man as she put her hand on his chest to stop him from moving. "And who are you little girl..." the words died on his lips as a man, no a set of armor seemed to meld out of the building crowd almost completely unnoticeable. The armor was floating as if an invisible man was inside of it, and he seemed to fit the appearance of a traditional samurai perfectly. The weirdest part was the fact that one couldn't see his eyes or face yet his intimidating presence was suffocating and his invisible gaze landed on the man who began to shrink back into the crowd.

 The weirdest part was the fact that one couldn't see his eyes or face yet his intimidating presence was suffocating and his invisible gaze landed on the man who began to shrink back into the crowd

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(My drawing of how the swordsman looks inspired by Koyoharu Gotouge)

Harrison just stood slacked jaw at what had just happened. The girl turned to face him, "Sorry for that I just hate people who go around looking for fights, the names Sophie and the one behind me is Hikari, though he doesn't talk much," she said with an outstretched hand. Harrison hesitantly took as he spoke, "My name is Harrison nice to meet you, Sophie." She smiled at the mention of her name. "So you are a master too, right? Are you more nervous or excited about the coming fights?" She asked in childlike curiosity that more accurately reflected her appearance. Harrison couldn't help but laugh at how she acted but he responded honestly no less, "I am quite nervous I won't lie, I am not the best master here certainly," he said with an awkward laugh.

"Welp Harrison I hope to see you around, and hopefully not in the ring I wouldn't want to send you home," she says with a smile that sends shivers down Harrison's spine before she disappears into the crowd, followed by Hikari who performs a small bow before following suit. "She is weird," Jalter notifies Harrison in his head. "I don't know I just think it isn't right for young children to be involved in this, but I think that Hikari has her back, I hope she'll be alright," Harrison responds aloud garnering a couple of weird glances as he talks to himself. Suddenly in his vision, a small blue flame lit up in the upper right, a timer it seemed, and as Harrison moved so did the flames. "Hey man do you got one of those blue timer things in your vision," a man said from behind Harrison as he set a hand on his shoulder startling Harrison. 

Harrison whipped around in an instant immediately taking a fighting stance, before relaxing as the guy put his hands up with a large smile on his face. "Sorry, haha you startled me," Harrison laughed off as he came out of his stance. "The name is Zerik, nice to meet you," the man said as he saw Harrison relax. He seemed to be a lax guy with bangs that washed over his left eye, and he wore simple jeans and a T-shirt. Harrison returned the greeting finally answering the man's question, "Yeah I believe the timer is the number of minutes to get back to your room before you are forcibly teleported." Zerik nodded as he looked at Harrison, "Well see you around, I don't want to be late for that teleportation always makes me a little sick to my stomach," he said.

With that, the man turned to leave throwing Harrison a wave as he turned. "What a cast of characters Harrison, if I was a mangaka which I am, I would say based on Chekhov's gun they are going to be pretty important in the future," Jalter mocked him in his own head. Harrison just sighed taking a seat at the bar he had been standing next to for a while now as the timer slowly ticked down. Harrison would be lying if he said he wasn't a little overwhelmed with all that was happening, and he lost track of time as he zoned out. That was until Jalter finally broke him from his thoughts, "Dang that was a pretty good movie and all but I think we are almost out of time," she said. "Wait you can see my THoUgHtS-" Harrison spoke aloud as he was wrenched from his seat and pulled to the ground with a thump. As he rubbed his back he opened his eyes to see the man that was bothering him earlier standing above him in the almost completely cleared out common room. "Now without that servant here let's finish things boy," he spat at Harrison.

Harrison was more confused than threatened at why this guy made it his personal mission to come after Harrison, but as the first stomp came for his face Harrison was forced to roll away doubt free from his mind. He easily carried the momentum from the roll pushing him up on his feet as he had seen Jalter do once before, "Hey that's my style... well at least you are learning from the best. Anyways nock this guy down a peg Harrison, come on you've been sparing with servants this should be child play," Jalter cheered him on which he appreciated but the loud words injected directly into his skull were pretty distracting. Though with all that considered Harrison dodged most of the wild punches easily even with his focus torn as it was. 

"Fight back, fight back," the man spat as he threw punch after punch. One of the things Harrison still struggled with was waiting for the perfect moment to strike as that was the only time he would come close to striking one of the servants, so he put himself in a limited mindset unfit to take risks. It didn't take long with the mess of technique the man used, as he sent out a long arching punch that Harrison easily ducked under. With a flash, Harrison put the force of his hips, legs, and upper body into an uppercut that sent the man flying a couple of feet off the ground. Though Harrison didn't get to see the results of which as the timer struck zero and he was wrenched from the common area back into his room.

Coughing up some blood from the forceful teleportation which was not nearly as nice as the one consented to, Salter came to his side patting his back sympathetically. "You suck you know that," Harrison said as he didn't move from his hands and knees. "She knows," Jalter said as she appeared behind Salter, "and not in a good way like myself if you know what I mean," she finished with a wink. "I hate both of you right now," Harrison said with a sigh as Salter helped him to his feet, she tried and failed to hide a laugh. Regardless, Harrison stood up and he was distracted more so by the blue names on the window on the other side of the room.

"Round 1 Match

Harrison vs Micheal

Fight 102"

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