Chapter XXIV: Uncertainty

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"W-what, who," Yor stutters out in complete shock at how easily she was almost killed by someone she presumed to be unconscious. "You could call her an old friend," Salter says now loading the girl into the car's trunk. Annabelle then cuts in, "Who exactly is it," she says shifting uncomfortably behind Yor. "I told you a friend, it is up to Righter if he wants to tell you exactly who she is," Salter says slamming the trunk shut causing the two girls to flinch. "I have two people to take care of now, so I imagine I will see you Sunday," Salter says before stepping into the car.

The two girls in shock watch as she drives away leaving them in the parking lot well past sunset illuminated only by the flickering light overhead. "What just happened," Annabelle echoed thoughts they were both thinking. "I will be frank Anna, I have no idea, but we should probably follow them before Salter kills someone," Yor says a certain seriousness and worries evident in her voice. Annabelle nods along both of them worried about what may become of Harrison and this mysterious girl, with Slater.

Shortly after the two arrive at Avalon apartments passing Harrison's car already parked, meaning they all must be inside by now. The two of them materialize the servants ready for the worst. The stairs up to Harrison's apartment become more like a trek up Mt. Everest as the stairs seemed to stretch and contort.

When they finally arrive at the door an ominous feeling washes over the four of them causing even Sakata to seem small. "Umm do we have to go in there," BB pipes up pointing at the door weakly. Yor looked at her with uncertain eyes, "Sadly I think we do, he is our ally after all." Everyone gathers before Harrison's door and takes one collective deep breath as Sakata knocks on the door.


The sight that stared back at Harrison when he finally went unconscious was one he was not expecting. After the pain that felt equivocal to being burned alive as electricity coursed through his muscles, the cool spring breeze was a welcome change of pace. As the light slowly started to filter through his opening eyelids he gazed upon the serene scene. Harrison was in a familiar field of flowers, except instead of the lone-some Excalibur there was more to the scene. 

In addition to the soft plush grass and flowers underfoot, the black saber thrust into the ground had a figure clad in void-like armor with a hand on the pommel. Currently, they overlooked the surroundings in front of Harrison and their back to him. A red scarf drifted in the breeze slightly the only thing seeming to move on the perfectly still knight. That was not all, however, as there was the small addition of a dragon skull, it seemed to be no bigger than a twin-size bed, next to the knight. It commanded power and respect however, as Harrison looked at it more he noticed the large cracks throughout the skull.

There was one other figure as well however, whenever Harrison tried to look at or at them, they were wrapped in a haze that completely obscured his vision. The only things he was able to make out were a faint bluish light from one, and a bright light like a reflection. Harrison subconsciously knew what this space was for him, he could choose to lay back down in the grass and let the warm sun bask over him throughout the day, but he knew he would never meet that knight or dragon if he did that. He pleaded with his tired and sore muscles, no he commanded them to move slowly standing up despite the screaming pain in his legs. 

Taking a soft step forward Harrison's vision swam, he couldn't breathe. The whole world seemed to spin but Harrison just stood still for what felt like an eternity waiting for the dizziness to lessen before taking the next step. "People need me, I haven't fulfilled my promise yet, Salter still needs her wish, there are those who are counting on me, allies, friends, enemies, they all need me to get back up," Harrison called out to himself unable to call out the words physically as all his energy was spent on standing and not falling over.

As he got within arm's reach away from the form of the knight, he outstretched his arm trying to grab at their armor. His hand narrowly fell short just barely brushing the backside of a shoulder pad. It was at this point that Harrison's legs truly gave out on him as he faltered as began to fall over. "So that is it huh, just falling short like usual," Harrison thought to himself as he knew he would not be able to force his legs to obey him any longer. As he closed his eyes he waited for the sensation of impacting the ground to come, but it never did. Slowly opening his eyes he found he was staring at a pond that reflected the beautiful yellow light from the sun perfectly cascading sparkling reflections all over the small field he found himself in. His chin was held against cold yet comforting steel, as the rest of his body was firmly supported in the knight's embrace. Even the dragon's skull seemed to regard him with determination in its eyes.


Harrison's eyes fluttered open to a weird scene, he was lying flat on his back in his bed with a cool rag on his head as a fan blowing on him to keep him cool. He also noticed he was in different clothes than he remembered going to the beach in, and on a similar note, he was covered in large bandages that wrapped around his arms, and legs. However, the weirdest sights were the people. He could hear Yor's voice off in the distance talking with another feminine voice Harrison didn't recognize about something Harrison was in too much pain to care about. Salter was in a chair next to his bed wrapped up in a blanket as she slept with her head in her hands. This is when Harrison took note of the lack of light filtering through the window in fact it looked as though it was the middle of the night. Who was by that window no less, the girl he had met in the ally way. She was sitting on the window sill one of Harrison's manga in her hand as she went from reading it to staring out the window intermittently. 

Actually, now that Harrison got a good look at her he noticed that she looked very familiar, and realization and recollection dawned on him. "Berserker," he said to himself. To this, the girl turned around slowly having heard her new master speak for the first time since he passed out yesterday night. She gave him a soft smile relief evident on her face. "I was told by that one that you like to be called Righter, so Righter thank you for saving me. Also yes I am Berserker," when Harrison heard her voice and that name all the memories seemingly locked away came back to him as a servant he was very familiar with sat on his window sill. Jalter seeing Harrison's eyes light up as he clearly wanted to speak with her just put a finger over her mouth hushing him. "You probably want to wait until she wakes up for now just rest, she hasn't left your side once, you owe it the cold-blooded wrench," Jalter said before turning back to her manga. "Oh also I like your collection," she said thrusting a thumb towards Harrison's collection of manga and figures.

 "Oh also I like your collection," she said thrusting a thumb towards Harrison's collection of manga and figures

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(Jalter with her three swords)

At the notion of going back to sleep Harrison falters, he hasn't slept well in a long time, seemingly constantly plagued by terrible dreams. Jalter notices his hesitation and laughs to herself slightly with a slight sorrowful smile, "I didn't say it but the cold-blooded wrench won't let anything touch you, nevertheless nightmares or the like," she says as if reading his mind. "In fact, I'm sure she'd find a way to fight the sandman himself before she let that happen," she continues trying to cut the tension down, not once removing her gaze from her book.

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