The Boys Part 2

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Yor couldn't help it any more emotion welled up inside of her. Something she had tried to bury deep down had come back up in full force, she didn't want to acknowledge how she felt, it wasn't very becoming of her. She totally lost track of time as she sat slumped against the door crying. That is until she heard the lock on the door unlock with a loud click. Yor scrambled to her feet away from the door trying to wipe the tears from her face. "Well, Archer let's just hope they didn't okay... Oh Yor," Stella returned home with a plastic bag with unknown treasure. Though when she saw Yor's puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks she instantly knew something was up. Giving Yor a look she immediately doubled back, "It- it's nothing," Yor tried to brush off the accusatory gaze from Stella. Stella nodded slowly and closed the door quietly behind her.

Yor had thought she got out free, that is until Stella unexpectedly pulled her into a tight embrace. At first, Yor was tight with surprise at the hug offered by Stella, "It is alright you don't have to tell me what's up, but I am here to listen," Stella offered her comfort. Yor started to cry all over again hyperventilating and struggling to breathe as she fully gave into the hug. It was something Yor hadn't really experienced, growing up without any family she had never experienced a comforting embrace like the one she was getting now. 

Once the sounds of crying had reached the area Annabelle was hiding she slowly made her way to the front door, where she saw the scene unfolding. Despite herself she also wrapped her arms around Yor from behind, sandwiching her in sisterly love. They stayed like that for a long moment until Yor made the move to escape from the embrace stepping back slightly almost tripping over Annabelle. "Th-thank you," she said whipping her tears further. Stella smiled at her sweetly as if to say "Of course."

Regardless she made her way to the kitchen where she dropped off the small bag that Yor and Annabelle realized was filled with candy, microwave popcorn, and a DVD from one of the bargain bins. "What's that for!" Annabelle asked excitedly running up to Stella. She laughed slightly at the young girl's excitement, "I never had any actual sisters, but I always wanted to do those things you see in movies where they stay up late watching a movie and eating snacks, and well I figured you two would probably enjoy it," Stella explained her ingenious plan. So the three girls set to work getting things ready for the impromptu movie night.

Yor tried to get the DVD player to function but she ended up having to be forcibly pulled away by Archer before she destroyed it in a fit of rage. All the while Stella was preparing the snacks and Annabelle "Fluffed the pillows" aka rolled herself in a blanket and got comfortable on the couch. Finally, Archer got the DVD player ready and put the movie in. "This Girl is Badass" a weird title to say the least. The movie wasn't too long but around halfway through Annabelle ended up falling asleep leaning against Stella's side as if she was a large teddy bear. Soon Yor was to join her falling asleep and crashing into Stella, "not what I expected to say the least," she mumbled to herself as the credits began to roll.


Sorry for the super short chapter, I just really wanted to do some quick cute character stuff with the "boys". Regardless I wish you all well and a wonderful rest of your days and or nights.

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