Chapter XC: Awaken

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Purple hair flittered down Harrison's face as he slept a feeling indescribable. It was soft and angelic like fleece and as it graced his skin it stole his breath away. The tips of the hair seemed to nip at him as if they were alive and little snakes caused shivers to roll down his spine. "Shhhh," a sultry voice filtered into Harrison's ears. His breath was shaky with arousal as the lengthy body above him slowly lowered down a top like a heavy blanket. He couldn't rip his eyes away from her full and plush lips that seemed to taunt him, hovering just out of reach. Her hot breath rolled down Harrison's neck like an early morning mist. Harisson tried to move to pull her close but it was revealed to him that both of his arms were held to his sides by the woman, not that he was complaining. Slowly she lowered her lips not to his own but to the side of his neck, causing his body to squirm under the light touch of her lips. 

Harrison snapped awake as a sharp pain in his neck woke him up abruptly. Thankfully Salter who was usually coddling him had been turned around or he would have rocketed her out of bed as well. As Harrison tried to recover his eyes wandered his room, Harrison's room was dark well except for the red spear leaning against his desk that pulsated with eerie red light. "I haven't had a dream like that in such a long time," Harrison mumbled to himself unable to identify exactly who was the woman in his dream. Sadly now that Harrison was this awake he wasn't going to be able to go to bed and so he silently slid out of bed.

Thinking he was probably going to go for another one of those late-night walks he decided to throw on a sweater not making the same mistake twice. It was pretty weird walking around his apartment at night as opposed to the day it was silent and the busybodies of the day rested. He made it to the door as quietly as possible however as he reached for the doorknob he grabbed the essentials. His keys, the knife from Shiki, and he double-checked that his Sunglasses which he realized were mystic code blockers were square on his face. Yet as he stared at the door he couldn't shake the feeling that maybe he was missing something.


Heyo it's the writer I just wanted to interject here really quick to say something I will expand on at the end of the chapter. So like the route two chapter I released a long time ago this is a part from another route as well. Though the top half is canon in all routes this bottom half is purely for the third route (and my second favorite), King of the Grail's Fate: North Star Overture.


"I wonder if Yor is up," Harrison mumbled to himself as he pushed the door to his apartment open, a chill breeze impacting his chest. It was a beautiful night for sure with the stars and moon shining brightly in the night sky above. For whatever reason Harrison felt it hard not to smile under the stars that showed as brightly as the most angelic smiles. The gaze of the light was that of a comforting parent showing that someone was looking on with good intentions. 

The walk to Yor's small campervan was accompanied by many thoughts along this track of thinking. Harrison thought back to Zerik and Alice, Morgan and Muramasa, Uriel and Yoriichi, he missed them all already, especially the last two. Maybe that is exactly why the stars seemed to burn brighter today. Uriel was still watching over everyone making sure that they were safe. Yoriichi well he was something that Harrison would carry with him on a daily basis, he found it hard to think of many people he could respect to the degree of the selfless swordsman.

'Just like Sophies.. .   .'

The ever-noble and impressive Yoriichi reminded Harrison of Sophie and her servant. Harrison couldn't help but feel a pit in his stomach as he thought of what might have become of them since they lost. In the best-case scenario, they were both left with one command seal, in the worst case well, Harrison didn't want to think about that. It was as he shook the worst-case scenario from his head that he knocked on the door of Yor's campervan. 

A long moment passed without an answer, and Harrison even started to walk away before the door came swinging wide open. There in the doorway of what must have been an elaborate mansion from the looks of things Yor stood. She had all of her black hair down which was a new look for Harrison, and she was in clothes he had never seen her in, a loose-fitting t-shirt that was definitely two sizes two big and a pair of athletic shorts that ever so stuck out from the bottom of her shirt. "Harrison why are you up," she asked looking at him with sleep still in her eyes.

"Ah uhh I was just going to walk and I wanted to see if you wanted to come," Harrison said with an awkward laugh. "You know its... like 1 am right," was Yor's immediate and snappy as usual response. "Ah right haha, uhh guess I'll be off-" BOOM the door slammed cutting Harrison off. Moments later Yor opened the door again, however, now she was wearing sneakers. "Alright let us go, clearly something is up but I won't press," Yor said before hopping out of the van and shutting the door behind her.

"Got anywhere in mind," Yor asked as she walked beside Harrison. "I think I know just the spot yeah."


Yeah, so there are 3 routes in total sadly though I do not have the resources to give them all their own series. So I have decided to do this in which I give the highlights from the different routes. This is also a bit of an excuse to write some wholesome stuff/spicy stuff with other members of the cast while still maintaining the fairness that Harrison would give to each girl in their respective route. 

TLDR: I want to write stuff with all the love interests and so I am giving a highlight reel of some of the stuff Harrison would have done if things went differently. 

Of course, there will be a warning if things are unique to one route or another but the main focus will of course be on the relationship between Harrison and Salter.

Route Names:

King of the Grail's Fate- Salter and Main Timeline

King of the Grail's Fate: Conquering the Witch of Vengence- Jalter and a darker timeline

King of the Grail's Fate: North Star Overture- Yor and think unlimited blade works type beat

Anyways I wish you all a wonderful rest of your days and or nights.

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