Chapter XXI: Self

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 Salter lets a small smile creep across her face as the tension in the room is dissipated at this notion. "Yes the beach, Annabelle thinks he should get a break and I agree, however, I am also able to see Yor's side of the argument and I agree he should keep up with his training. Therefore beach, letting him relax as well as allowing for, well I shall not reveal that yet." She says with a cynical grin lacing her hands together. Yor pushes her way past BB and Sakata to meet gazes with Salter, "And how is that fair, you two get a day on the beach justifying it with training while Annabelle and I have to work on getting another servant." Salter makes her way over to the small couch unable to stand up any longer as she says, "I never said it was fair."

Grumbling Yor stamps back towards Harrison her servant dematerializing in the process, "Harrison tell your servant off who does she think she can order us around like that." Harrison shrugs slightly and says, "I hate to be this way but I think she is right, everyone gets what they want this way, and in all honesty, Salter and I shouldn't be expected to do any hard labor tomorrow, plus it's a Saturday." Grumbling still Yor turns to Annabelle, "As long as you are upset I am fully supportive," the small girl says with a thumbs up and a smile.


Yor and Annabelle left Harrison's apartment hours later after discussing the criteria for a second servant, how to maximize command seal gain, and the optimal servant class. Harrison didn't really listen as he was concerned about setting everyone up for tomorrow, which included prepping meals, prepping supplies, and the seemingly impossible task of keeping Salter in her bed. Yor and Annabelle decided that having a Lancer or Assassin would cover for their current weaknesses, and as to not waste command seals they would accept any other contracts. Harrison was not involved in that decision or discussion for that matter once again oblivious to the strategies being made in his living room.

Harrison had to read to Salter to keep her from moving around. However, at some point, he finally drifted off to sleep at his desk unable to keep his eyes open any longer. Though Harrison didn't sleep much at all that night as his dreams were plagued by thoughts and memories that weren't his. So when the last vestiges of alertness left his mind and his eyelids finally closed shut fully, they reopened to a dream unlike any before.


Harrison's head is reeling as he can hear the clamber of steel and cries of battle. Pushing himself off the ground he lay in, he can see the sea of corpses that litter the ground around him. He is a monster as everyone within 200ft of him lay dead by his hand. Looking around he notices the rising sun indicating the length of the battle is much greater than a full day. A fit of rage as intense as any other emotion wells in his stomach. For some reason, he is livid at the world around him the sights, the sounds everything makes his skin crawl.

"[e̷̢̠̜͇̺̗̰̳̖̖͈͛̊̅̓̃r̴̘̲̆͌̍̎̇́͂ŗ̷̛̛͇̖̼̪̳̙̯̟̘̦̞͛̂̓̆̄̈́̀̀̇͋͝͠ͅͅö̷̪ȑ̸̨̝̪̲̲̍̊̈́͊̒̈́͐̏̒͋̽͜͝͠] why are you just standing there we are being overrun," a voice calls from behind Harrison. The first word sounded like a bunch of static and as Harrison turns to great the person whose voice called out to him, he is greeted by a walking corpse, the man has open wounds and gashes all over his taters of armor, and where his face should be is a mess of static obscuring any detail. Harison feels like he is going to explode, lash out, and demolish everything within his sight. Everything is deserving of eating the justice he is owed. 

Taking his first step he can feel the power and rage that rushes through his blood. On the second step like a hurricane, he is gone with a powerful gust of wind blowing the man backward. Harrison didn't need to be told where the enemy was as he could sense their heartbeat and their fear. Suddenly in front of masses of knights and holy warriors, Harrison stands above a mound of corpses, his scowl sending chills down each of their spines. He can tell they are hesitant to take up arms against the one who had said many of their brothers already, but they steel themselves as a few come charging up the mound towards Harrison.

Just like huge ocean waves on the Icarian Sea, when East Wind and South Wind rush down together from the heavens itself to whip up the sea, the whole assembly rippled, like a large grain field, undulating under the fury of the storm, as West Wind roars in with force, all ears of corn ducking down under the power of the gusts—that's how the Harrison decimated the countless troops rushing him.

Harrison released a cry from the bowls of his chest that was more similar to the roar of a dragon than anything a human could make, as he crushed the heads of enemies in his hand like that of a ripe tomato. Spraying fountains of blood across his face and armor. "DIE!" he cried out the merciless killing of those around him unmatched, as wherever he went death was sure to follow. At seemingly the climax of the battle when Harrison's heart rate was at its highest his smile reached from ear to ear, as blood stained his vision, one after another his limbs were being restrained. Just as one wouldn't go to fight a ragging a boar head on those around him threw nets and ropes around him, holding the ragging monster to the ground. The ungodly noises that escaped his snapping maws of Harrison froze those around him in their tracks as they doubted their resolve despite his inability to move the strength and power in his movements were that intimidating. That is until fire rained down on him like a torrent. The sun was dim in comparison to the red flames that billowed from Harrison's frame as he was burned alive under the restraints that struggled to hold him. With one final outcry, Harrison screamed to the heavens the volume of the scream would echo throughout the world reaching ears all over the world as the Dragon Witch was slain.


Gasping for breath Harrison snaps his head up as he is jolted awake his anxiety and blood pressure skyrocketing. However, just as fast as he wakes up does the memory of his dream fade from his mind only leaving a residual feeling of unrest. Like a robot being flicked on Salter's eyes snap open as she gets up like a whirlwind flinging blankets around Harrison's room as she brandishes her sword in a perfect ready stance. "Harrison are you okay? Where is the enemy?" Salter asks as her eyes dart around the room, the image of her injuries from the other day a distant memory already. "No enemy Salter, I just had a really bad dream, I think?" Harrison says in response as his body calms down. Salter lets out a sigh of relief as she dismisses her sword. She then walks toward Harrison. Wrapping her arms around him suddenly, she squeezes him against her in a deep embrace. "It's okay, you got me, I'll protect you from anything, dreams or not. It is a promise." Salter says to Harrison holding him tight in her arms. Harrison doesn't even notice the tears that fall from his eyes as the reassuring and calming hug is gifted to him by Salter.


I am so super sorry for not uploading two days ago that is very much on me. Things have been very hectic with family and all that. I still plan to upload consistently and I hope you all didn't lose faith haha. Regardless I wish you all well.

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