Chapter XXXV: Fall

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Harrison let out a sigh as he fully leaned into Salter giving up on straining to keep himself up. "Okay I am just glad you are alright," Harrison said his breath ragged. "There is no need to worry about me silly a lot has happened we should probably head back, and see if Yor was able to contact the Stella, Scott mentioned," Salter says as she ruffles Harrison's hair.  Upon hearing Stella's name, however, Harrison immediately perks up digging for his phone in his pocket, before pulling it out the worried expression on his face slowly melting away. Harrison sighs as he slips his phone back into his pocket. All he wants to do is go to sleep he is so tired and he feels as if his arms weren't numb they would be in a lot of pain right now. 

"What was that all about," Jalter chimes in reminding the two of them about her presence. Susenictly Harrison responds in kind, "I forgot to tell Stella to watch out but I think she has got things handled," Harrison says pulling out his phone once again. His fingers struggle to act as his hands shake vigorously as he fiddles with the device eventually managing to get it open to messages. He first shows Jalter and then Salter the selfies Stella sent him. They are of her in various poses standing over assassin-looking types with Archer in the background, "Are these the people you said would come for Archer, because we totally handled them," the caption read. "Ah I see well at least they look relatively unharmed," Jalter said still staggering from her own injuries.

Salter scoped Harrison and Jalter up supporting each of them as she tried to figure a way out of their current predicament, being tens of stories in the air with 2 significantly injured individuals, getting down wasn't going to be easy. "You'll probably be fine," she said to herself as they all overlooked the far drop, "W-wait what are you suggesting," Harrison tried to worm his way away but his muscles and nerves were at their wit's end, and he could do little more the twitch. With a twang that rang out through the air, Salter leaped from the tower 200ft in the air carrying the two injured individuals in her arms. For the first time in a while, Harrison saw a smile cross Salter's lips as they plummeted towards the Earth.

Harrison tried to call out to her but his words were swept up with the wind as they got incredibly close to the ground, what surprised Harrison though was instead of making a straight impact with the Earth Salter slid her foot out in front of herself spinning and sending Jalter flying across the small field as her momentum was transferred perfectly. When Jalter pushed herself out of the rubble her wounds starting to heal she yelled at Salter, "WHAT WAS THAT FOR TYRANT!" Salter looked unabashed by the insult, "I don't know what you mean I needed to protect Harrison it was a necessary sacrifice," Salter retorted with contempt in her voice. 

Smiling to herself mischievously Jalter responded, "Oh is that why he is passed out on the floor next to you." Salter's face immediately changed as she scrambled to the floor to pick up the now unconscious Harrison his mind and body too tired to stay awake with the relief of Annabelle and Stella's safety. "So are we taking his car back," Jalter said as she strolled up next to Salter the bickering rivalry they had momentarily taking a backseat. "It would appear so, but I am driving," Salter said not expecting Jalter's response to be so fast, "YES!"

It was soon after that Salter realized why Jalter was so keen on not driving, she just had to roll her eyes one more time as she looked over to the passenger seat. Jalter had Harrison all coddled up against her chest as she played with his hair humming to herself. "Regretting your choice, hmm are you jealous," Jalter mockingly pestered Salter as she drove. "Why would I be jealous of a mad witch who can only get affection when her target is so exhausted they fall asleep before them," she responded with a snarky tone. "Y-you GAH! That's not it!" Jalter tried to deny what Salter said before the two of them started laughing to themselves quietly.

When the three of them arrived at the apartments, Yor waved her hand wildly from the balcony accompanied by BB and Sakata, who all looked on with smiles. Despite the sun setting off in the distance behind the buildings they still cheered for Harrison who had done it, he must have. Yet the cheering stopped as Harrison was picked up by Jalter and slung over her shoulder as they walked up the stairs. "What happened to Harrison," Yor blurted out running down the stairs to meet them halfway. Salter responded in kind without much dismay, "He is exhausted merely and needs to rest up, especially if he is to return to school tomorrow." Relief visually washed over all assembled parties as they had thought something more serious was affecting Harrison.

As the group of them walked back up to the door Sakata whispered something only audible to himself, "Thank you golden boy for doing something I was unable to protect her from, I am in your debt as well." It would be a long night for Harrison as his body and circuits recovered from the exertion... Well, that and a witch of had plans of her own.


There we have it guys if you made it this far you officially made it to the end of an arc, the first of many. If you couldn't tell I have a lot of ambition with this story and each one of you who read on a regular basis is that much more motivation for me to deliver, thank you again and I hope we all see this series until completion.

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