Chapter XXVIV: Interrogation

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When Scott finally came to the next morning he realized he had been tied down to a chair and was in the middle of some field in the dark of night. Harrison, Salter, Jalter, and Yor all watched from outside of his vision in the brush as he struggled and shouted to the empty air around himself. "HEY I KNOW YOU ARE OUT THERE WHAT IS THIS!" his voice was already hoarse from strain. It was at this point that Harrison made himself known as he exited from the brush. However, between the time of the tussle between Scott and himself he had shed the bandages that covered his body before which revealed newly gained muscle. "WHAT IS THIS HARRISON LET ME GO," Scott continued to yell and struggle against the restraints. A smile the Harrison had gleaned from when he first met Salter danced across his face, freezing Scott as shivers flew down his spine.

Not acknowledging Scott's previous question Harrison let the smile fade from his face as it shifted to apathy. "So who sent you to fight me," he said with dejected interest. At this moment he was very glad for the intimidation crash course he was given by Salter, and Yor right before this. As they thought it would be much worse if it was just him proving his confidence over Scott instead of sending a servant to do it. Scott's face betrayed his words as a look of shock crossed his face, "I-I don't know what you are talking about, the boss didn't send me..." his words trailed off after that as realization dawned on him too late.

"Oh, who's this boss character then," Harrison continued not letting up. Trying to strategically change the topic Scott pulled a 180, "D-didn't you want to know about your friend S-stella was it," he said unsure of the name. Harrison put his foot on the front of the chair in between Scott's legs as he rocked the chair backward slightly before leaning in close. "You are right I almost forgot about that, thank you for the reminder," he said in a tone of voice that sounded closer to the sounds of a rock slide than human speech. However, Harrison didn't actually forget it was just another strategy to throw Scott for a loop, to once again put the leverage in his fields showing that Harrison didn't really care for any information Scott had.

"So you going to continue to stare at me or are you going to talk," Harrison said leaning Scott further back tired of watching that man stare at him in silence. "Uhhh umm, S-Stella! Right, uhh s-she is uhh being watched. Yeah, that's right, and ummm... T-Someone is very interested in her servant," Scott manages to get out in between stutters and pauses thinking about his word choice carefully. Harrison nods slowly throughout trying to maintain this intimidating persona of apathy but is struggling to keep it together. He is worried about Stella a lot and Scott did not help that. Finally, with a sigh, Harrison removes his foot from the chair causing Scott to fall backward as he begins to walk away ignoring the calls from Scott.

Once he got out of the perceivable range of Scott, Harrison collapsed to the ground in front of the group of girls who were watching the events go down. "I hate it so much," Harrison groans exhausted after having to put on that spectacle. Salter pulls Harrison more to herself as she pets his hair giving a smug look to Jalter who looks enraged. Yor just rolls her eyes as she gets up to finish the job with Scott. While Harrison had taken the time to get the information about his friend the three girls put their heads together to formulate a method of torture that would get any remaining info from Scott, one that put even Jalters death to shame.

"Come on you did great don't be so hard on yourself," Salter said trying to comfort Harrison. He finally pushed himself up as he rolled his eyes, "It doesn't matter how good I did, you heard what he said someone is interested in Stella, that is bad on so many levels." Salter's face returned to its usual collected self at this moment. "Yes it isn't calming information but it beats not knowing at all," she says with a calm and even tone. High-pitched screams then make their way to the ears of Salter, Jalter, and Harrison as they all stand suddenly looking out into the clearing to see Scott writhing on the ground.

There is a purple glow terminating from his eyes as BB stands over him her eyes clearly focused on something as Yor looks on approvingly. "Yor what are you doing!" Harrison shouts as he starts running towards Yor. Salter and Jalter followed after him also surprised by the unfolding of current events, not what Yor was doing but Harrison's reaction. Yor replied to Harrison's question with self-assurance evident in her tone, "Extracting information through magical torture."

Harrison's eyes grew wide as his magic circuits flared to life, "Absolutely not, no I will not stand for any of this. Torture, I don't care how bad someone is no person is deserving of such a fate, and we don't even know Scott, or what he is. What if he is acting against his own will like Annabelle," Harrison echoed in his own head before screaming out, "GOD DAMNIT YOR!" For a moment all aware parties swore that Harrison seemed to meld into his surroundings as if he melted or something of the like before his fist made a square impact with BB's gut causing her to lose focus as she skidded across the ground 20ft (6.5 meters) away. Harrison seemed to cross the distance in an instant. Salter and Jalter who typically could outrun Harrison were somehow out sped.

Taking a long deep breath as his circuits stabilized and his muscles recovered Harrison began to untie the now unconscious Scott. "H.R what are you doing," Yor called out to him as she put a hand on his shoulder. "Something I should have done a long time ago, the right thing," he says unintentional venom dripping from his voice. Harrison picked up the unconscious body of Scott and slung it over his shoulder as he begins walking away from the group. "Righter it is just a way to get information," Jalter tries to protest. Harrison glares at her moving his gaze between the three of them now. "So you all knew about this and not a single one of you thought ill of it, Yor you have no excuses, and even Salter and Jalter I know you were Alter's but I wasn't naive enough to assume you were as two-dimensional as prior knowledge would suggest, but maybe I should have been more hesitant to think you could care about others than yourself," Harrison says almost spitting the words out calm furry dripping from his voice.

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