Chapter VI: Journey

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Harrison is so blown away that he is unaware of the sounds of clothes being thrown around in his room, nor the passage of time as 10 minutes go by before Salter opens the door again to find Harrison dumbfounded in the same place she left him. "Come on silly how do I look is this better streetwear," Salter says pulling Harrison from his thoughts as she does a small twirl in place. She is wearing a black sweater Harrison has never seen before and jeans... "Did you cut my jeans!" "...Maybe, but I look good in them right!" Salter replies striking a pose showing off her handy work. To reiterate Salter was wearing her trademark knee-high boots most likely from her under armor dress, cut-up jean shorts, and a black sweater, all of this contrasted with her pale skin and yellow eyes perfectly.

Shaking the last bit of haze Harrison gets up from where he was sitting as he walks toward the bathroom to finally take his shower. Just before he closes the door he hears a grumble that could be compared to a growling lion. He then leans back out of the doorway looking at Salter with a devious grin. "Is someone hungry?" Salter looks around for means of escape, "Umm I mean I guess maybe a little bit," an embarrassed expression growing on her face. "Alright I'll whip something together then, you could have just asked if you were hungry I was under the impression servants don't need to eat," Harrison says as he makes his way towards the kitchen Salter following close behind. "I don't, just forget I wasn't hungry at all regardless," another grumble echos throughout the room. "Mhm I will just make food for myself then," Harrison says with feigned ignorance.

Salter pouts slightly as she sits at the table watching Harrison as he goes to work. Trying not to think of everything that's happened in recent events Harrison changes the subject. "I still can't believe we won that race earlier, you really are a spectacular driver, though I think they may have been pissed you just drove off afterward," Salter just laughed to herself at this, "well it wasn't just me your car is built fairly well." 

Soon enough after some more ideal chatter, Harrison slides a plate of stir fry towards Salter. The steam of the hot food slowly rises from the plate providing a nice scent to the air around. "B-but I told you I wasn't hungry," Salter tried to protest. "Blah blah, blah can't hear you I'm going to shower, don't let the food go to waste." Salter hears from around the corner before the loud thump of a door being closed rings out.

Soon after, she hears the showerhead turn on. Salter however is more caught up in the food in front of her, taunting her resolve. "I'm sure if I take a bite Righter won't notice..." Salter speaks under her breath as she grabs the fork Harrison placed next to the food as she swoops up a bite of food taking it into her mouth. "Mmmmmm," a face of glee spreads across Salter's face as she savors the bite of flavorful food.


Around 15 minutes later Harison exits the shower wrapped in the towel Salter had refused to use. As he exits he looks to his left seeing Salter putting the last vestiges of what was food made for two into her mouth. Salter then flushes a light pink as she looks at Harrison who has a simple black towel wrapped around his waist, as his semi-wet hair sticks to his face, and his decently toned chest is exposed for her to see. He just flashes her a smile seeing that she enjoyed the food he cooked. "Would you put that dumb smile away Righter," Salter declares throwing her fork into the sink pretending as if she didn't eat all of the food by herself.

By the time Harrison got dressed it was already 7:45 pm, and the sun had fully disappeared from the night sky. When he entered the living room/kitchen area he saw Salter holding the picture of him and his parents. "Whatcha looking at," Harrison asked with mock curiosity already aware of the picture in her hand. "These are your parents, correct," Salter slowly set the frame back onto the side table it was resting upon. "Yeah that's them, they disappeared a while ago during a trip they took, I like to imagine they are still out there, but chances of that are pretty low," Harrison says with an awkward smile.

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