Chapter XLVIII: Whiplash

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With a gasp Harrison came to his eyes snapping open, only to bear witness to a bandaged skull. For some reason his eyes were killing him just to keep open, so he decided to close them once again resigning to the bandage on his face. Since Harrison was more or less forced to close his eyes he became more attuned to his other senses. Like his sense of touch, he seemed to be laying down in a bed, maybe a medical ward no that wasn't it as the mattress was too soft. Harrison then noticed the two sets of arms wrapped around him one on each side, and Harrison let out a pained sigh. "Salter, Jalter," Harrison said in a questioning tone as he blindly felt around for the two girls codling him.

Salter and Jalter stirred when Harrison blindly started to feel around. The two girls locked eyes and Jalter slowly smiled as Salter brought a finger to her lips gushing the witch. The two of them knew Harrison couldn't see at the moment and planned to take advantage of it. "Are you guys there," he asked more hesitantly as they strategically moved out of the way of his hands. Suddenly Jalter sat on Harrison's hips pinning his legs to the bed as Salter grabbed his hands pinning them above his head before kissing him roughly. When she finally broke the kiss Harrison exclaimed, "Woah woah woah, what are you two up to!" 

He only heard giggles as the unseen girls began to tease him in his state of weakness as even his muscles were too weak to respond well. "Noooothing," Jalter said as she moved her hands down Harrison's chest. "Why can't we have a little fun hm?" Salter whispered hotly into Harrison's ear causing his whole body to shiver. He couldn't tell exactly who was doing what but god damn was he torn. "Oh Harrison all this training has really been doing work look at all this muscle mass," he heard Jalter tease him before he felt her tongue run up his abs. 

"YOU TWO I SW- eaw Iwwwiwww gewt yowww bawck," Salter covered his mouth muffling his voice as the two servants continued to mess with him, both of them unwilling to agree they had ulterior motives. "Sorry what was that Harrison besides, I think you owe me mana after that last battle," Jalter said with a wink as she began to unbutton Harrison's jeans. At this point Harrison's eyes snapped open going wide once again, he had read many a cough adult manga cough and this plot was sounding very similar.


About an hour later the two of them finally let Harrison go his vision finally starting to return to himself. He ripped off the bandages as he stumbled away. Everything was still very fuzzy and his muscles burned, but anything to get away from those two monsters. "Oh come on Righter, you had fun, don't lie," Jalter said while licking her lips. "I- NO SHUT UP," Harrison childishly countered. Salter was next to pipe up with a comment after straightening her clothes and brushing her bangs into place she said, "Yes it is about time we resume what we are here for, after you Harrison."

Harrison stumbled up to the door still not recovered from the events of the past as Jalter entered spirit form disappearing from sight. With a couple more dexterity failures' Harrison finally opened the door, closer to falling through than walking through. A piece of note while he had regained some sense of vision he could see a counter in the top right of his vision yet to start counting down, so he had no idea how much time he would have. Entering the white abyss once again he was teleported to a random spot within the common area once again. Once he entered the common room he could tell it was about half as full as it was the last time he had been in there, lots of people were eliminated. "Hey, it's you again H.R how's it hanging," an angelic voice said from his left. 

It was the girl he had met when first entering the common area the last time. Her bright smile was in weird contrast to her dark sunglasses. "Oh yeah, Angel right?" Harrison responded hesitantly. She nodded furiously the large smile still plastered on her face. "You were boarded up in your room for a while, so I think you missed the announcement, is that correct?" she responded, and now it was Harrison's turn to nod in response. "Well, the Game Master announced for everyone that the barriers put in place are able to take the force of a concentrated supernova, was it? Yeah basically people tried to run away last round but good look getting through those mystic codes," she said with a laugh.

"Oh thank you, Angel, though I don't think running is really an option for me," Harrison laughed while scratching the back of his neck trying not to fall over. "Of course, I figured as much, just thought I should tell you is all, oh also I believe that little girl Sophie in room 47B wanted to see you when you came around," Angel says while pointing to one of the many doors along the back wall of the common area. "Thank yo-" Harrison said while trying to walk away but his swimming vision disoriented him to the point he tripped over his two feet. Forcing Jalter to reveal herself as Angel and her both lunge for Harrison Angel moving across the counter of the bar within a matter of movements, saving him from faceplanting into concrete. "Geez Righter you got to keep it together," Jalter says ruffling his hair before settling him back up. 

"Thank you two, though I should really be on my way," Harrison says before very carefully watching where he steps his vision still barely returning to him at all, he hopes it will return before the next match at minimum. Regardless Jalter helped him to the door of the room he was directed to. Though Harrison was still a little upset at her actions previously and she could not be any happier at his minor disappointment. As Harrison raised a hand to knock on the door, which was a very dark tinted glass sliding door with a navy stripe running across the perimeter with the gold lettering of 47B in the smack middle, it slide open revealing Sophie looking pretty much untouched from last time he saw her bar a few scrapes. She grabbed him by the shirt and yanked him into the booth before looking around outside as if to make sure he wasn't followed before the door shut behind all of them.

Sophie sat down on the opposite side of the booth looking pretty pissed and pouty next to her servant who was as silent and intimidating as ever. "Is that your servant," she said still pouting with her arms crossed as she motioned to Jalter who looked as stiff and uncomfortable as Harrison. "Yes..." he responded somewhat unsure of himself even. "Have you used your one-match watch yet?" Sophie asked now pointing to the screen directly across from the door they both sat parallel to. "No?" Harrison questioned. 

"YOU NEED TO DO THAT AS SOON AS THIS MEETING IS OVER YOU ONLY HAVE LIKE TEN MINUTES BEFORE MATCHES ARE SET UP AND THEN YOU ARE BARRED FROM WATCHING THEM," Sophie shouted slamming her fists on the table before she collected herself as her servant handed her a small juice pouch. "Okay okay, I get it I'm sorry I just woke up really, I got pretty beat up in the last match-"

"Yeah I know shut up Harrison, every team that has made it to this round had some level of teamwork yet you and your servant seem to share none. So you really need to work on that why don't you learn each other's strikes and blocks and plan around each other because splitting off a master and servant may not always be a reliable strategy, am I understood," Sophie cut Harrison off completely. "I apologize that may be more of my fault than Harrisons, I tried to make him as independent as possible instead of relying on us as a team, my apologies Harrison," Jalter said ducking her head politely totally shocking Harrison. "I uhh sorry what," Harrison struggled to get a complete thought out. "Good I think we are done here then, see you around Harrison, and don't mess it up, because you're pretty funny and things would be boring if you lost so soon," Sophie said as she and her servant left the booth without another word leaving Harrison alone with Jalter in stunned silence.

"I- what, what was that," Harrison questioned infinitely confused about that little interaction.

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