Chapter XCVIII: Condense

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The past couple of days had gone by for Harrison in a blur after his date with Salter. He had been catching up and adjusting to life back at home for the most part. Despite this deep down, he knew things wouldn't stay the way they were. Harrison still had lots of lingering anxiety and dread about both the past and future, the pleasant distractions his friends had offered him were lovely but ultimately distractions were all they were. He couldn't get Sophie's face out of his mind, a life ended short because of his ignorance and this stupid war. He didn't realize what a Holy Grail war truly entailed until he has involved in one himself. Harrison was reminded at any moment, that any one of the people around him, servants, master, or anyone in between could be ripped from the mortal coil so easily. 

Not to mention his anxiety about the future, what Salter had repeated from Uriel also kicked around in his head. A second Ruler class servant in this war Harrison would have to confront. He couldn't wrap his head around the vaguely of it, did that mean that Harrison would break the rules of the war or something else entirely? Then there was Scathach and the assassin she supposedly brought with her. Who were they, why were they here and where did they go? Harrison still had the spear in his room and it didn't seem to be going much of anywhere though it is weird for the Scathach not to come back for it or make a play or something of that sort. 


Harrison was smacked across the head with a wooden sword sending him to the floor. He had totally lost track of the fight again. Salter helped him to his feet, "What was that all about Righter, come on you aren't going to learn how to use that weapon of yours if you just space out on me like that all the time," Salter says with a slightly disappointed look. Harrison rubbed at the back of his shoulder as he stowed the knife, "Yeah I am sorry about that." Salter looked him up and down with resignation, "I can tell you got a lot on your mind why don't we take a break for a bit, I'd be happy to talk anything out if you like," Salter offers considerately. Harrison waves the offer off with a smile, "No there is no need but thank you."

Salter watched him walk away and sighed knowing that this was one of Harrison's flaws, he never liked to burden anyone with his problems or take help from anyone at that, to him that would make him too much of a burden and now it was starting to wear on him. "What is on your mind," she couldn't help but mumble to herself. Harrison on the other hand had plans of his own to visit a place he hadn't gone in a long time, his own little section of the world, he just needed to get away from the Holy Grail war for a moment. Despite his brain telling him he needed to train desperately, he just couldn't do it anymore the stress was getting to him and he refused to let those around him deal with the effects of such a thing.

So after a short drive and walk up an abandoned apartment complex he made his way to the roof of the tall building that overlooked most others in the area. It was still around evening so no stars were out yet but the view was still breathtaking, no one knew about this spot but he was sure that if Salter or Jalter really wanted to find him it would be easy enough for those two. Out of force of habit, he made his way to the beanbag chair he had lugged up under a small canopy ages ago and fell back into it with a satisfying foof sound. 

"Nice spot you've got here," a voice Harrison had grown to recognize by now. "Berserker," he responded as he whipped around to see the servant of the first core master under the canopy sipping some sort of drink. "What do you want," Harrison asked his hand on his knife, though he was really hoping Berserker would just go away he needed a moment to himself badly right now. "Nothing from you I had just wanted to take a moment to myself," was Berserker's response in turn as he looked off wistfully towards the sky. "If you have no business here then leave," Harrison almost growled out. "Alright, I get the picture sorry for interrupting," the man said before placing his cup on the counter and then stepping back towards the edge of the roof before falling off entirely.

Harrison, of course, the curious person he was immediately rushed to the side of the roof to see what had happened but alas Berserker was gone without a trace. Immediately he fell to the ground in a heap having not noticed how fast his heart was racing. "What am I doing," he said to himself through ragged breaths as anxiety groped his heart. Harrison missed his parents a lot but in times like these, it was almost unbearable. "What do I do, I'm so lost," he repeated to himself as his breathing only continued to worsen. The pressure of having to win as well as keep all those around him safe was weighing heavy on him, and he felt as if there was no one he could talk to.

In a sea of friends and allies, Harrison felt utterly alone. How silly it would be to complain to the Which of Vengence, or Dark Tainted Tyrannt that he was lost, that he didn't have an idea what he was doing or how to win the war. He couldn't do anything on his own and relied on the information and strength of others around him to get him this far. Everything about him was some unremarkable unrefined knockoff of something better. 

Harrison only continued to sink further and further into his own distant thoughts. He couldn't help but think back to the moment he got to see his mother again in some other space, if only he could go there again, if only he could see them, they would know what to do. Harrison was silently crying in his rooftop escape finally feeling safe enough to reveal his vulnerability. He wanted a family again his mother and father, he just wanted to know what to do, where to go, and how to live. His thoughts finally began to silence themselves again as he lay there in a heap of his own sorrows. 

It took him until sunset to collect himself again. Despite no longer crying on the floor he knew by no means was he okay, as that just wasn't the case. He still was anxious about the future regretful of the past and confused about what to do next. That being said he also knew deep down that staying where he wasn't going to do any of that for him, he knew what he had to do. He would have to push through despite his insecurity.

"I can do this"

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