Salter's War Strain

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"Rider," finish this Reverant yelled out to his servant hoping that she would end the last master quickly before things snowballed out of control. Rider smiled bringing her surfboard up above her head before slamming it back down to the floor. The sound of shattering concrete could be heard as dust and debris started to billow out around the servant. 

All the while Lancer was still locked in combat with the Berserker. He was fast and deadly with his spear, to say the least as he effortlessly flourished around her jabs and pokes with his own lance. Despite this Lancer's trump card was coming in full force as the lance she currently wielded wasn't the fake Rhoygmiand that the grail creates, but the truest form of the spear taken from an entirely different time period. What this meant for her is that the lance easily obliterated and overpowered Berserker. With every strike, more and more cuts began to appear on the surface of Berseker as their battle only ramped up in intensity. Finally, when Lancer thought she might finally have it as she lunged forward lance held it high above her head. Berserker exclaimed, "Curruid Coinchenn," with ferocity lancer was yet to hear from the man. In a flash of brilliant light, he was enveloped in armor of sorts with large claws made of the spear he was using previously. It was as if looking at a demon themselves.

Rider was also not having the best time as it seemed the master had dodged her strike and disappeared into the cloud of dust. Rider frantically looked around to find the master as she held herself ready for a fight. It was around this time that everyone other than Lancer and Berserker felt a pull in their gut. The mana in the area was being condensed somewhere, and Rider wasn't going to wait around to find out what it was. "Stay put Master I am going to go investigate," she called out to her master Reverant. With an exhale she burst through the dust like a bullet and looked around for any sign of life, her sense on edge.

She didn't have to look too far as she took note of the master that had escaped her crouched before a large magic circle. The circle was about the size of two cars put lengthwise together and it pulsed an inhumane red glow as if it was a heart of sorts. However, a drop of some red liquid stole Rider's attention as she began to follow where the drip had come from upwards. She had seen a lot of terrible sights in her days as a knight but what she saw almost made her vomit. There was a clump of children skewered by hundreds of blood-red spears pinning them to the ceiling where their blood slowly pooled and dripped down the spears. The bodies of the children were mangled and broken beyond a recognizable state.

Rider was enraged as she tried to lunge at the master conducting the ritual blindly. She ran head-first into an invisible barrier. Of course, her first reaction was to hit it hard, but no matter how hard she hit the barrier it refused to shatter. "God damnit," she cried out.

Berserker had completely turned the tables of battle as he came at Lancer like a demon slashing and striking at her with reckless abandon. Despite holding the true spear of legend she was still unable to defend against his onslaught of attacks and thus was weakened greatly by the explosive attacks. Her master took note of this and as he saw his servant on the back pedal was unable to sit by and do nothing. "Go after Rider," he called to his friend and partner Reverand as he rushed towards Lancer and Berserker.

His magic circuits exploded to life as they traced along his body. "Visualize, improve, perfect, STRENGTHEN!" he called out as his body was fortified allowing him to keep up with servants. A side effect of this magecraft however was that his magic crest glowed brightly on his shoulder, and his hair became sterling silver seemingly unaffected by gravity as if submerged in water. Just as Lancer stared down Berserker with both claws overhead about to come down with the final blow her master appeared between the two of them with a ferocity of a lion. He slammed his fist deep into the gut of the servant sending them staggering backward and giving Lancer enough time to recover. 

"What are you doing," she asked glaring at him. "You looked like you could have used some help is all," he responded matter-of-factly with a grin. They didn't have much time for small talk however as Berseker came rushing back at the two of them, a ball of ferocity and deadly claws.

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