Chapter L: Broken

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After Harrison left that morning Salter waited the agreed-upon five minutes alone in the room. She walked around the room a little bit exploring the areas she hadn't earlier. She found a closet and when she opened it she found it was absolutely full of different clothes. She shrugged to herself before going through the clothes in the closet that somehow was all her size she realized. So she picked out something that she thought looked cool losing track of time a little bit. A cropped leather jacket, a white tank top, and black jeans with rips adorning the pant legs. When she put everything on she checked herself out in the mirror before nodding to herself with approval. She walked up to the door without further delay. "Let's see if anyone knows how to win this stupid war," she said to herself before reaching to the coat rack by the door taking her baseball cap, and pressing it on her head.

With a deep breath, she walked through the door. Familiar with the sensation by now she was unfazed by the teleportation into the middle of the less crowded common room. Though it seemed many of the Masters were in conversation with one another or with their servants for that matter. So Salter started to look for people that weren't involved in some other conversation, moving between groups easily enough she might as well have been invisible. She manages to have some small talk with other masters though she doesn't gain any useful information.

She had talked to a small girl and a suit of armor about their strategy, yet she seemed angry for some reason Salter couldn't discern. Though she did mention something curious. "You seem like you would be perfect for someone I know, nevertheless I have other matters to attend to thank you for being your acquaintance," she said with a bow before ducking out of the conversation entirely. Then there was another time that she could swear that someone was watching her every move intently, however, it was not a gaze filled with malice or desire, but sorrow, it reminded Salter of how Harrison would look at her if she ever got injured. Though no matter how much she looked she could never discern the source of the gaze or what exactly they were looking for.

She spoke to another master without a visible servant in the area at one point. She had asked Salter, "I was wondering if you have used your preview function already and if not could I sit in with you," Salter had no idea what a preview function was so she just lied saying in fact she had, and that seemed to send the woman away. In all honesty, Salter is more concerned with Harrison, and what he did to his eyes. She is really worried about him, but like her, he refuses help and just keeps pushing onward. She knew that Harrison would probably be okay but she still couldn't shake the visage of when Jalter had brought him back. In all her years she had never seen someone bleed so much from their eyes, and when she did open his eyelids his pupils had lost all color fading to a dull grey tone which indicated a lack of sight. Then the story Jalter told her about what had happened, it shock her to her core, she felt sick to her stomach about it and she couldn't understand why. She had lived through hundreds of battles and done countless things yet now she felt like her world might fall apart it was killing her.

It is when Salter is in her own thoughts that she feels a light tap on her shoulder. She looks up at the hand that pulled her from her thoughts. The woman was wearing an outfit befitting a noble with a fancy blue coat with a white undershirt that hugged her body tightly. As Salter's eyes continued to move up the woman's body she noticed a face she recognized, or her body told her she recognized. She had blueish-white hair, blue gemstones for earrings, and a simple gold tiara. 

(The woman who got Salter's attention, artist credit: Yorukun)

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(The woman who got Salter's attention, artist credit: Yorukun)

Salter felt like she had been punched in the gut as she stuttered to get any words out, "U-uh I'm s-sorry what's up," Salter said trying to collect herself. The woman covered her mouth as she laughed quietly. "You can calm down Artoria," the woman comments. If Salter had felt like she was gut-punched earlier this felt like being shot, "She knows my name?" she questioned herself in her mind. "Why don't we take a seat," the woman says as she waves a hand causing the area they are in, to squash and stretch unnaturally around them before returning to normal around them. They were now in a totally unpopulated area of the common room as if the woman had shifted the world around them. With a small round silver table and two matching silver chairs before them.

A seat moved into the back of Salter's legs forcing her to plop down into it. "What is going on?" she asked rather predictably as her head tried to catch up to all that was happening around her. "I would love nothing more than to explain, except I am already hard-pressed for time, I just needed to get you away from prying ears," she said as she took a seat across from Salter. The tone of voice she used indicated to Salter that she was serious and she knew something Salter should pay attention to absolutely. With a sigh, she looked deep into Salter's eyes before speaking.

 "You are broken"

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