Chapter XI: Evidence

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As Harrison gathered the small number of bags from the trunk of his car he was still thinking about who he saw Stella with at the coffee shop before chickening out and returning home. "That couldn't have possibly been Emiya Archer, maybe I am just too wrapped up in the Holy Grail nonsense, I'll just speak to her tomorrow about it." nodding he said to himself in affirmation. As he began to quicken his pace to catch up to Salter who was already making her way up the stairs she turned and asked, "Did you say something Righter?" He waved it off with a laugh, "No no no, it's just some idol thoughts, come on let us get all this stuff situated before dinner."


That morning went rather similarly to the previous as Harrison still wasn't used to living with another person. After making a simple breakfast for the two of them, once they both had a minute to wake Harrison asks, "So, Salter you won't listen to me and plan on following me to school anyways, can I trust you not to do anything too stupid." Salter looking aghast at the suggestion that she would do such a thing responds, "Of course not," in an overdramatized tone. "Right well I'll be heading out in a bit, so you better get changed soon if you want me to drive you," by the time he finishes his sentence and turns from the pan he was using back to where Salter was sitting, it seemed she disappeared. Harrison just laughs to himself finishing up cooking.

Salter soon rushes out of Harrison and Salter's temporary shared room in her new clothes they just bought, a black tank top, black biker shorts, a black jacket with red interior lining, and the baseball cap Harrison picked out for her. She also had Harrison's backpack in tow which she quickly throws to him before digging into the breakfast that Harrison just finished. 

(Everything but the baseball cap is shown, and art by yami_(konekoten))

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(Everything but the baseball cap is shown, and art by yami_(konekoten))

Soon enough the two begin setting off towards Harrison's school as they begin to plan their coming actions in response to the surprise attack of Annabelle yesterday, the mood growing somber as they do. "When we get there I will make myself scarce," Salter says with a serious tone before continuing, "I will keep a watch on the perimeter for any fielding, traces of other servants, and the like." Harrison nodded in acknowledgment, "Let me guess I will be doing the same just on the inside of the school." Salter crosses her arms and nods repeatedly liking this plan of action. 

Shortly the two arrive at the school. "Well Salter I guess this is wh-" Harrison starts trying to say goodbye before he is interrupted by a rough kiss pressed to his lips. "Goodbye," are the words that leave Salter's mouth once she breaks the kiss before she quickly exits the car and disappears altogether. "I hate when she does that," Harrison says with a small pout despite definitely enjoying the events that have transpired. He is sure she just does it to mess with him but he can't help but well a tinge of want, a small wish that maybe she felt something more.


"Nothing," Salter says with defeat evident in her voice as she plops down in the passenger side of Harrison's car. "Really you too, I thought there would have been at least some explanation or evidence of the two of them," shock clear in his tone. They both just sit in silence as perfect mirrors of each other with their arms crossed as they both silently work to come up with some sort of explanation. That is when a devious smile crosses Salter's lips. "Since there isn't anything further to investigate... Remember what we agreed upon?" Salter starts before changing her question. "No what did I agree on..." nervous sweat starts to trickle down Harrison as Salter's smile only gets wider. "TRAINING!" she exclaims loudly throwing her arms up.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Harrison exclaims dramatically in response. "So where do you know of a large open area without a lot of prying eyes," Salter questions earnestly. "Yeah about that, those aren't really things I can get, maybe one or the other but not both. Actually, we do have a pretty forested area outside Avallon, would that work," serious contemplation evident on Harrison's face. Salter rubbing her chin as if she had a beard responds in kind, "It could work I suppose, well no time like the present."

After driving the two of them home Harrison begins to show Salter the way to the woods behind the apartments a place he would occasionally visit. To actually reach the fence before the forest one had to snake through the lobby section of the apartments, where the common mailroom is and other niche amenities. Eventually, the two of them do make it through the building only to get assaulted by natural light and new smells.

It was the bright sunlight that seemed to want to lance the vision straight from Harrison's retina, accompanied by the strong smell of wet foliage that was such a shock to his system. Once his eyes were able to recover from the light he saw Salter standing before him with a smile so radiant the sun that blinded him earlier would be jealous. "Okay okay just a bit further," Harrison said as he took her hand in his, her cool soft hand a welcome addition to the dreamlike scenery.  Leading Salter around the back of this building following the fence line they eventually came to a gate that appeared to be locked with a large padlock. That is until Harrison just slid the lock open as the locking mechanism has long since been rusted away. "That seems real secure," Salter said sarcastically. Harrison smiled and nodded before replying, "Don't worry about it."

Harrison couldn't help but smile as he lead Salter through the forest to the spot he had in mind. He has always wanted to take a girl on a date in the woods like this, where it is nice and quiet. Dodging the occasional branch that threatened to close line them as they nimbly ran through the woods. With one final deep inhalation, Harrison pushed a bush out of the way revealing a very small clearing, in which light filtered in such a way that it shed the entire area in green light.

THWACK the pain of getting slammed in the ribs by a wooden stick shocked the blissful reminiscing from Harrison's mind, as the last strike from Salter sent him flying. He winced as he pushed himself up. He looked around at the now very large clearing, when he showed Salter her first response was, "Hmm yes this could do," before unleashing her blade against the foliage creating a perfect 100ft (30 m) radius circle of plains inside this dense forest.

"Harrison did I say it's time for a break come on I've knocked you down over 66 times now and you haven't done so to me once," Salter complains her figure the epitome of calm and collected the thick tree branch she is using as a makeshift sword leaning against her shoulder. "It's not my fault you are literally a legendary swordsman and I am a failure of a magus and combatant," Harrison complains pushing himself to his feet. Salter crosses her arms in disarmament, "Say bad stuff about my Master one more time and I won't go easy on you, besides the sun has almost set, let's go just one more time." With a sigh, Harrison readies himself once again as he gets into an unorthodox fighting stance from what he knew none of prior to today. The precursor to Kampfringen a medieval unarmed combat style specialized in dealing with both armed and unarmed opponents as, "Your magic leans towards fighting hand to hand with another servant or master, so this will most likely be best for you," Salter told him before instructing him on the basics of Kampfringen.

Salter came rushing at him with an aggressive assault of strikes that he was just barely able to block nevertheless avoid. His arms stung, his muscles ached, and his head swam, but he held his ground and focused on the sword Salter held as the rest of the world faded into nothingness. His breathing slowly stabilized, being careful to not activate his circuits by accident as they were still recovering, Harrison slowly let his consciousness slip into a new frame of reference. Finally seeing an opening through the flurry of blows Harrison thrust a palm forward to try an off-balance Salter.

THWAAACK! Harrison was suddenly slammed to the ground by the stick he had sworne had been under him moments earlier. Facedown in the grass Harrison only tasted dirt and defeat, "two of my least favorite d words." A soothing voice pulled him out of his sorrows however as he was gently helped to his feet, though the voice wasn't Salter. When Harrison's eyes opened he saw ANNABELL!

"Hi, Righter," she said with a smile that was scarcely innocent.

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