Chapter LII: Sinking

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Harrison didn't even realize that he dozed off as he sat on the couch overlooking the counter. He didn't dream didn't feel rested it was as simple as skipping time to him. When his eyes opened again he still felt as terrible as earlier if not worse. "What is wrong," he thought to himself as he looked back over the couch seeing Jalter drawing something in a sketchbook and the mug near the door drained of its contents. "Whatcha drawing Jalter," Harrison asked, though as an artist he didn't dare try and get a peek without permission. "N-NOTHING!" she said as she slammed the book shut before throwing it across the room. "HAHAH HA HAHA HA, WOW LOOK OUR OPPONENT IS ON THE WALL," Jalter said trying to change the subject as quickly as possible. 

Harrison did look back to the wall and low and behold was the opponent they were supposed to face shown clear, "Luke Cavall," Harrison mumbled to himself. It was at that point that Harrison noticed the counter in the top left was only 15 seconds from hitting zero. Without a second thought and ignoring his wooziness Harrison vaulted over the couch running towards the door, he grabbed Jalter by the back of her clothes pulling her along. "GOT TO GO FIGHT SEE YOU SOON SALTER," he called out before Salter heard the sound of a door slam. 

When Harrison and Jalter flew out of the gate, the weird footing was the first thing the two noticed. And as they untangled themselves and their eyes adjusted to the new brightness from the sun high in the sky, Harrison realized why their footing seemed to shift as it did. They were on a boat in the middle of what seemed like an ocean. There were empty wooden boats as far as the eye could see in any direction, and exactly straight ahead of them were two figures who were also on a ship. Harrison didn't have a lot of time to panic or prepare as a screen squirmed its way into his vision.

"Hey, you made it!

Luke has only agreed to bet 1 command seal, do you accept these terms



If Harrison accepted these terms it would put him at 6 command seals or just under enough for a third servant, which may be what he needs right now if Salter isn't feeling well and Jalter is bound to get tired eventually. First, he looked to Jalter who nodded with a confident smile sealing the deal. So without further delay, Harrison selected Yes. The screen vanished from view and a large counter in the middle of the two fleets, Harrison realized, materialized starting from five it began to count down. "Jalter I don't know how this terrain will really function so we have to be really careful especially because I can't make out who we are up against. So let's try and stick together until I can formulate a good strategy," Harrison said just before the clock struck zero. 

"GOLDEN WILD HUNT," were the words that echoed across the sea. Harrison's eyes became wide in understanding, "DUCK," he screamed knocking Jalter to the floor as a beam of energy nicked just his shoulder leaving a burn mark. "Francis Drake in an ocean how is this fair at all," Harrison mumbled to himself stealing a glance above the railing and seeing the mass of ships rise out of the water. "Jalter we are up against a servant whose specialty is the fleets on the water, they will have a complete and total advantage at this distance, so we need to get in fast," Harrison told Jalter with absolute seriousness. Jalter nodded in understanding, "Follow my lead, I'll get us in," she said as she pushed herself back to her feet analyzing the ships leading up to Francis Drake's fleet. 

Without a word signaling Harrison, Jalter lept to the boat to their left. Scrambling to follow Harrison activated his magic circuits unable to make the jump otherwise, and leaped from the deck of one boat to the other. In the nick of time as well as an onslaught of light cannons from her fleet destroyed the ship. The shots seemed to become less coordinated after that, which sounds good, but it just meant harder dodging on Harrison's part as the beams of light streaked toward them at irregular times. "Jalter duck-" Harrison called out to Jalter in front of him as they ran across the hull of the boat, a beam of light racing towards them from behind, though in his mistrust of Jalter he got struck in the back causing himself to spit blood up. He hit the floor hard after being hit pain radiating through his being, but he didn't have time to lay in pain as every boat they lept to ended up in the water moments later after being pierced by the many shots from the Fleet of the Sinking Sun.

Jalter helped him to his feet, or so he thought before she spun him like a discus before throwing him across the water onto one of Francis' boats, landing in a sail thankfully Harrison slowly slid down onto the floor without a hitch. Minus the fact, that armed and ready navy men now surrounded him. Moments later Jalter landed with a thud behind him, they were now back to back facing the encircling crew. "Now!" Harrison shouted signaling the begging of the skirmish as both groups rushed at each other. With his strengthening magecraft, they were almost no match for Harrison, that is until he was elbowed in the face by Jalter as she reeled back for a strike against a crew member. This caused Harrison to lose balance slamming into the blade of another crew member which pierced the side of his ribcage. Puking blood Harrison retaliated kicking the man in the side of the skull and sending him flying into Jalter knocking her over completely. 

They both needed to get their acts together as their dissonance was starting to really negatively impact their performance as the crew was doing considerable damage.  They were up against foes much weaker than them yet the two of them were actively bringing down their fighting ability. The sound of an alien humming cut through the sounds of battle suddenly, and as Harrison and Jalter looked to their left they could see the large cannon aimed toward the ship. It was easily the diameter of a large barrel and floated in mid-air the empty void in the center slowly charging with purple light. That was the least of their concerns however as on top of the cannon sat a woman Harrison was all to familiar with. She was in full pirate regalia and had long pink hair. Her Master presumably Luke was standing right next to her, he looked to be an overall nice guy, though he appeared to be shorter than Harrison and had shaggy blonde hair and green eyes with freckles. 

(Francis Drake Luke's servant)

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(Francis Drake Luke's servant)

Both Harrison and Jalter didn't think the other saw the cannons aimed at them, and so both rushed toward each other unable to rip their eyes away from the cannons, and ran right into each other. Though the pain from impacting each other wasn't the only pain present for very long as the beams of purple light that engulfed both of them felt like a fire roaring under Harrison's skin as they were thrust through the hull of the boat deep into the depths of the ocean. Harrison struggled to keep his eyes open in the dark and cold abyss that was the ocean and he could feel his breath escaping his lungs. Everything was so quaint under the ocean that the sounds of battle quickly faded along with the sight of blood. 

He couldn't even see Jalter anymore, Sophie was right there teamwork was nonexistent and for a master-servant combo, one really needed that. They couldn't rely on individual strength as at the end of the day a holy grail war about the best team of master and servant or in Harrison's case servants plural. He thought to himself at that moment that he should just give up, that he wasn't cut out for all this.

He wasn't Shirou some protagonist with infinite skill, and the ability to win things like this. He wasn't a magus with years of training, he didn't know what he was doing, why was he even doing this. Harrison's thoughts spiraled at the rate he sank further and further into the cold dark depths of the ocean. That embrace of despair a familiar one that grasped and pulled I'm further down.

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