Chapter XVIV: Grasp

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(Yeah random school cover art pog)

Harrison grumbles as he drives to school that morning being the worst in a long time. He can't believe they are forcing him to go to school when Salter can't even get out of bed what if he gets ambushed again. Turning the radio on Harrison tries to drown out his own thoughts with music not wanting to think about everything that has happened in recent memory. A familiar sound greats him as he begins pulling out of his parking spot.

The song does weed its way into Harrison's mind as the lyrics ring through his head, "I just want to live when I'm alive." Harrison can't help but get involved with the tune tapping his steering wheel to the beat as he sings as loud as he can letting the emotion of the last couple of days spill out. Command seals, Heroic Spirits, Core Masters, Alliances, it's too much, but he can spare the minute for this song not letting any of that cloud his thoughts at the moment.

Bouncing from one classic rock song to the next Harrison loses himself in the music, however during the climax of one song he does think back to Salter being bedridden, and he is saddened as he is sure she would have enjoyed a sight like this. "Maybe I should sing to her one day," he says to himself while looking at the empty passenger seat. A sudden knock at his window shocks him out of his thoughts, "No one is here this early," Harrison thinks as he turns around to see John at his window. He is currently swirling his finger in a circle indicating for Harrison to roll down his window.

Putting his key in the ignition and turning it just enough to activate the battery Harrison rolls the window down. "What do you want," he asks with suspicion evident in his voice. John looks just about as awkward as him at the moment before he sighs and just cuts to the chase. "Listen, Harrison, I don't particularly like you, and you don't like me that much is obvious." Harrison nods in a way such that he continues. "You beat me and Artoria fair and square before other Masters started coming for her or my command seals, so I wanted to give them to you so I could get out of this stupid fucking game," he says spitting the last words. Harrison is taken aback by his sudden generosity, "I- uhh yeah, do you know how to give them to me," Harrison asks in a conspiratorial way.

"That I do, would you mind placing your hand with the command seals under mine, I want to get this over before anyone sees this," he says grabbing Harrison's right hand. He presses his right hand above the back of Harrison's as he closes his eyes causing a few magic circuits to light up along his body. "Ich gebe die Kontrolle ab, mögest du das Kommando übernehmen und zum Sieg geführt werden," is the chant that eminates fromm his mouth in a voice distinctly diffrent then his own. Red lighting begins to emanate from the two sets of command seals as Harrison begins to feel a burning pain course up his arm.

"Don't move your hand no matter how painful or else things will go really south," John says in a very pained voice his eyes slammed shut with his face scrunched in pain. Harrison doesn't even notice how hard his jaw is clenched as it feels like lava is coursing through every one of his veins, but he does see ever slowly the last command seal of John's hand begin to move down his fingers and onto Harrison's own.

When it first makes contact the piercing pain is almost enough to make Harrison pass out as he feels lightheaded. His heart is beating well passed a normal rate as it sounds like a metal drummer is hammering away in his chest. After what feels like an eternity of pain, John having to stabilize himself at the car door multiple times throughout, and the ritual finally ends. John stumbles backward clutching at his hand as Harrison sinks back into his chair panting heavily. "We never speak of this okay," John says in a tired and pained tone as he stumbles away from Harrison, "Hey John!" Harrison shouts after him. He holds up his hand with a new pattern engraved in it and smiles, "I owe you one."

Harrison looks down at his own hand admiring the change in spells with the addition of another charge per se (image attached above)

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Harrison looks down at his own hand admiring the change in spells with the addition of another charge per se (image attached above). Taking a deep breath in he begins to let his mind drift on his mental break still trying not to get wrapped up in Grail War stuff today. "It was just command spells nothing else will happen today, just the spells..." Harrison tells himself as he fully fades to sleep.


Harrison is poked by Yor in the shoulder, "Hey H.R the bell rang wake up, my gosh you act like you didn't sleep for 9 hours yesterday," she says angrily. As Harrison fully wakes up he sees some of the male and female students giving him daggers and jealous looks at Yor's sudden friendliness with him. "Sorry Yor, just a lot has happened I think I need a break this weekend," Harrison says packing up his things. Yor stamps her foot as she crosses her arms, "The other Masters don't do breaks and unless you want to fall behind you will deal with it." Sighing Harrison exits the classroom and begins heading to his next class followed by Yor.

About halfway to his class though Yor suddenly stops snapping her head to her left. "Harrison there is another Master present on campus, they seem to have dispelled BB's field," she says in a completely serious tone, the other high schoolers having to move around her as she stands at a point like a guard dog. "Come on Yor let's move out of the way, haha she is a funny one right," Harrison says to other passing students trying to cover up for Yor's sudden mood and topic change. Forcibly having to pull Yor to the side as the students start to dissipate with the ringing of the bell indicating the end of the passing period.

"What was that all about Yor," Harrison says with a stern tone of voice as he holds Yor by the shoulder. Yor blushes slightly before she slaps him across the face causing him to recoil backward, "One don't grab me, two I am communicating with BB. We are trying to find the intruder. "Well you won't have to look much further, I am right here," says a voice Harrison recognizes that immediately sets him on edge. Grabbing Yor once again he jumps back standing in between her and Annabelle in his fighting stance, an unusual stance with his hands open and low near his waist.

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