Chapter XV: Repetition

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Salter awakens to the smell of freshly made bread and pastries wafting to her nose. It eases her from her nice dream and to reality once more, though it is weird as she typically wakes before Righter yet it would seem today it is otherwise. Stretching as a cat does and letting go of Cavall III she lets the feeling return to her joints and muscles with a yawn. Rubbing her eyes she begins to make her way to the kitchen where the wonderful smells are emanating. When she enters the blissfully illuminated kitchen she sees all sorts of pastries and bread adorning the counter.

"Good morning Salter," Harrison says surprising her as she jumps slightly noticing him with tired eyes but a blissful smile all the same. "R-right good morning Righter, what is all this though? A special holiday or something?" Salter goes right into an inquisitive state of mind. Harrison pushes the hair out of his face as he shakes his head no, "No no I had just woken up early today, and we had some fruit lying around, and well I got carried away with it all. So I hope you are hungry because I won't be able to get rid of this all." Salter's eyes widen as she takes in all the food again as if appraising exactly how much of each dish she will be able to eat. "Oh one more thing before you get carried away, I made you some lunch for today," Harrison adds placing a simple lunch box on the counter by Salter.


"Pst buddy, trouble keeping your eyes open," Baron whispers to Harrison catching his friend once again drifting to sleep. "Yeah I didn't get enough sleep last night," Harrison says trying his best to fight the urge to let his eyelids fall shut. "Listen man have you been feeling all right, recently it seems you've been more all over the place than usual, and I just want to make sure you aren't wrapped up in some weird game," Baron says concern clear in his voice. Harrison laughs to himself at this before yawning. "Yeah no, just an off week you know?" Harrison says deflecting the concern his friend has for him.

"Yo H.R you awake," Harrison hear yet another familiar voice butt into his chance for a quick nap. Garner makes themself known to Harrison's left side wearing their trademark black jeans with tares along with the knees, their black vans to match, and a loud shirt to contrast the other simplicity of the look. "Yeah what's up Garner, someone giving you a problem again," Harrison asks simply as Garner takes the seat beside him. "Not yet at least haha, Nah but what's up with you anything interesting going on. You know I've heard rumors people have seen you around town with this pretty blond chick, huh what's that all about." "Garner always has something to gain from any encounter, and I guess finding out who can only be assumed to be Salter, is." Harrison thinks to himself before coming up with some sort of response.

"Yeah she's a friend of my parents from England so she is staying with me while she's in town," Harrison says with a long yawn afterward. "Dude could you be any more excited you have a score like that all to yourself at your house alone, how have you not-" "Baron just stop right there okay, I have no plans on doing anything like that to her, I like to consider myself a normal person you know." The exhaustion left Harrison's face with these harsh words. The bell signaling the start of class rings shortly after ending the moment of silence the three of them shared for that moment.


For the rest of the day, Harrison attempts to focus his efforts on locating any fields Annabelle may have set up as Salter suggested. Though he doesn't have much luck as he doesn't completely know what he is looking for throughout the day, his lack of formal training comes to bite him in the rear. This also leads to Harrison recalling what the odd servant had told him earlier that day, "You use dangerous techniques focus on that," the scene replays in his mind. "If they are so dangerous why should I focus on them, guah that guy makes no sense," Harrison mutters to himself aloud not realizing it. Yor the girl sitting next to him at the time taps his shoulder shaking him from his thoughts, "What guy makes no sense H.R, or are you talking about Fate again," she says in a sincere voice that leads on that she might actually care for the answer. Yor is the secret envy of everyone in the school she is incredibly intelligent (the current valedictorian), she is pretty and well-manicured in her appearance and kept out of everyone's business, the only thing is she is known for keeping to herself and being quite which is why she is the perfect person to sit next to in Harrison's mind.

Semi-caught off guard with how accurate her guess was even if she has no idea about the actual Holy Grail War Harrison responds truthfully, "Yeah Fate stuff you could say." She nods in thought as if considering his words seriously, "That has to do with servants and things of that nature right?" Surprised by this notion, Harrison didn't think she paid him the least bit of attention when he went on small rants to himself about the series or the plethora of drawings he has done of the characters in class next to her. "Yeah, why?" Harrison asks as the girl looks torn on something, "Hey did someone tell you not to talk about servants." Harrison adds noticing the torn look on the Yor's face. Immediately her face lights up, "Yes how did you know," she says as if someone will finally understand what she has been going through. Internally Harrison lets out an elongated "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck," as he has a really bad feeling about where this is going. Though he examines her face and notes for the first time that the Yor he thinks he knows, might in fact be a persona.

"You could call it a hunch," he says with a fake smile. "Umm well, they said that I couldn't tell anybody about them unless we were on a team, so H.R want to team up," Yor says her whole body turning to face Harrison. "Yep, it is definitely what I hoped it wasn't going to be." Harrison says in his mind before answering Yor, "Sure but I'd have to che-" "GREAT!" Yor shouts as she jumps into the air pulling the entire class's attention to her. Quickly she sits back down her face red with embarrassment. 

Yor and Harrison exchange numbers during class as well as chat a little bit longer on what exactly a Holy Grail war is and if she is positive about her participation. Though it is weird Harrison doesn't feel that sense of worry he felt when he found out that Stella had summoned a servant, almost like subconsciously he knew something that he consciously wasn't aware of yet. It was as if Yor had been more prepared than him. However, in that discussion, he lost all track of time and soon enough class ended before he ever got to ask her about her servant.


"I wish I could communicate with Salter telepathically like most other Master's it would make things so much easier," Harrison once again mutters to himself during passing as he moves through the hallways towards his last class of the day. "Hmm why something on your mind," he hears Salter's voice from behind him. Harrison whips around seeing Salter in a casual outfit with her baseball cap on and a smug smile. "W-wha, I thought you were watching the perimeter why are you here," Harrison says as he continues walking attempting to not look suspicious, which only makes it more obvious. "Well I just finished the lunch you made me and I wanted to say thank you, but clearly something happened. Any luck on the fields," she says blending in perfectly with the crowded hallways. Harrison sights, "No not with any of that, I think I just agreed to team up with another Master though, her name is Yor." Harrison hears the sound of a loud facepalm, "Of course you did," is the response he receives from Salter.

"Regardless this is my stop Salter, we will talk more about this... and she is gone wonderful," Harrison says as Salter disappears from sight entirely. "Could have been an assassin at that rate," he mutters to himself as he walks into the last class of his day. 


Thankfully Harrison didn't encounter Annabelle in the parking lot like yesterday. Though as he is walking out to the parking lot Salter sneaks up beside him once again. "So what do you do after school normally when we don't get ambushed," she asks. Startling Harrison he jumps back with a small shriek, "Gosh you got to stop doing that, no I normally hang out in the art room for a bit, you are welcome to join me and we can discuss the team etc." Salter seems to get excited for a moment a large smile overtaking her face. "You are an artist right, you draw and stuff," she said with glee in her eyes. Harrison confused by this random spout of info, "Yeah but how do you know I haven't shown you anything I've drawn." "That's not true what summoned me here was your multitude of drawings of me, very good ones I might add. Though I don't know why I was in such a weird pos-" Salter starts before Harrison throws his hands up hushing Salter. "NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT HAHA," he tries to laugh off as he starts to speed walk to the art room as if he can outrun embarrassment. 

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