Chapter LIII: Fraction

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Then there was a light in the depths, as Harrison sank further and further a mind that wasn't his reached him. Soft at first but quickly the voice got louder, "Swim," it said over and over again. Harrison's eyes snapped wide open as he met eyes with Jalter who was trying to pull him from underneath the wreckage of the ship. It was then that Harrison realized the lack of air in his lungs, and he immediately felt lightheaded. He looked back at the larger wooden hull that his lower body was trapped under, and he remembered the words that echoed in his skull earlier. "I'm not Shirou, I am not the protagonist type, I can die, I can make mistakes, but I WILL LIVE!" he screamed internally as he thrust his arms under the ship pinning his back to the seafloor, and summoning all the strength he could access from his magic circuits he pushed upwards. For the first time in Harrison's life, he accessed more than 5 percent of his circuits calling the power from 80 percent of his strengthening magecraft.

From above the ocean, Francis Drake saw the two of them get blasted through the ship before it sank atop them altogether. She would have let her guard down had her master not alerted her they would have been teleported out if things were over. So for the next 5 minutes, they watched the spot where the ship sank cannons aimed at the ocean. Now they saw something they didn't expect thousands of gallons of water to be displaced all at once as the ship that sank minutes ago seemed to rise all on its own before piercing the surface of the water altogether. The ship exploded out of the water throwing hundreds of fo gallons of water across the ocean as the ship flew high into the sky. Luke turned to Francis, "What kind of servant can muster that much strength," he said worry in his voice. Francis Drake just swallowed hard at the realization of the monsters they were fighting.

Jalter was as shocked as Luke and Francis when Harrison woke and pushed the entire hull of the large pirate ship a fourth-rate British naval vessel easily weighing over 1000 tons dry, not only off of him but up and out of the ocean nearly a mile down. The exertion alone knocked Harrison unconscious almost immediately, pushing Jalter back into action as she swam quickly to swoop up his body carrying him to the surface like a submarine, unbothered by the presence of water. The two of them pierced the water's surface while the rest of the fleet was trying to carol the boats now that Harrison had single-handedly created monsoon-class waves. Jalter landed on one of the smaller boats in the fleet quickly setting Harrison down as the crew mobilized on her location, as she looked up they could feel her inhumane rage, and in that moment they all hesitated for just 1 second which was one second too long, as Jalter flew through their ranks her swords flashing like the fangs of a starving boar easily carving through flesh. Their bloody corpses didn't bother the servant that was Jalter as soon as her slaughter was completed she turned to the unconscious Harrison and stowed her blades.

She pulled Harrison to the inside of the boat to examine his current state. Somehow miraculously he seemed to have not swallowed any water and was still breathing, though it seemed every muscle in his body was absolutely shredded. "FUCK! I need you Harrison there is no way I win this alone," she exclaimed as she slammed a fist onto the wooden floor. "H-how am I, I can't heal you all I do is break things god damnit," Jalter cursed the very heavens themselves. She could hear the sounds of other crews landing on the deck of the ship, they must have discovered something was amiss. "Think think, what would Salter... She shifted her saint graph once I have to have one that gives, one that is not as destructive," Jalter mumbled to herself.

The boat Jalter and Harrison landed on was one of the closest to the spot left by the sunken ship. So when Jalter had eliminated the crew while they were trying to control the ship, it had crashed into another boat alerting the crew of that vessel something was amiss. The crew quickly inspected the deck of the ship finding many of the crew dead or nearly dead as blood soaked the entire deck, however, they also noticed a strange trail of blood leading to the cabin on deck.

As the crew approached the door of the cabin on the deck, where blood and water lead, they saw a bright light shine through the cracks in the door, before slowly dissipating. No one moved for a moment as they observed the door, that is until one man put a hand on the doorknob to open it. Within an instant they were on them, Harrison with renewed vigor and bright eyes burst through the door followed seamlessly by his servant.

He was like a whirlwind ducking and weaving between Jalter, he did add directly to the offensive capabilities of their team, but he covered for her blind spots and allowed her to focus solely on offense. The biggest scare to the crew members was how a master was not only keeping up with a servant but how they seemed to even be faster at times. They truly saw Jalter and Harrison as monsters. Jalter's style of crazy blows and powerful strikes topped with Harrison's training with leverage and control over body weight made them an unstoppable duo to the remnants of a noble phantasm.

They were all of a sudden in perfect sink as, more so than anything Harrison seemed able to read Jalter's moves before she made them, adjusting accordingly. After the 15 men on the boat were dealt with in a matter of moments Harrison collapsed onto the hull of the boat breathing heavily his eyes stinging slightly but they weren't bleeding and there was no loss of vision. "Harrison are you okay," Jalter said as she hurried to his side. Harrison sat back on his haunches taking one last deep breath before speaking with absolute certainty, "Yeah, yeah I am fine thank you Jalter, and one more thing...

I think I know how we are going to win this thing."

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