The Boys Part 3

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It didn't take long for Stella to drift off to sleep herself as she became cemented into her spot whether she liked it or not. Archer who was in the kitchen leaning against a wall couldn't help but let out a slight snicker at the scene. Though his senses immediately exploded to life as he heard the sound of shuffling around in Harrison's room. He looked to Sakata who happened to be across from him at this moment and motioned for him to move to the Masters.

As Sakata slowly took position guarding the two Archer began to quietly make his way to Harrison's room, activating his eagle eye his vision was enhanced tenfold. Each step rang like thunder in his own ears as he strained to be as quiet as possible. Slowly he pushed the door to Harrison's room open with a responding creek. As it opened he summoned both of his short swords to his hand. As he stared down the room he could see the window slightly ajar as the wind from the cold winter night blew in disturbing some of the loose items around the room.

With a sudden burst of pink flower petals on an especially strong breeze, a sword was pressed to Archer's neck. His eyes slowly drifted down to the man that held the long odachi. He had long purple hair pulled into a ponytail and wore a lavender-colored gi of sorts. "I don't imagine you are the type to want to do things the easy way," Archer said with a  sneer unable to turn his sarcasm off. "No no he is not," this time it was a feminine voice that answered Archer. A woman with crimson eyes and a matte black skin-tight suit and long hair jumped into the fray. Though it was the matching crimson lance at her hip that worried Archer.

 Though it was the matching crimson lance at her hip that worried Archer

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(the two servants in question)

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(the two servants in question)

Archer's mind was racing on how to get out of this situation without harming those that were in the room behind him. That is when a bolt of mana raced past his face striking at the area the swordsman had just been, forcing him to jump back releasing the pressure from Archer. Looking back Archer saw a smug-looking BB as she floated up behind Archer's right shoulder. "I see then this won't be too easy then," the woman said with a smile. She was like lighting itself as she streaked across the room in a flash appearing before Archer with her spear ready to skewer him. 

Needless to say, a bedroom was not designed to have four superhumans duke it out inside, and so rather unceremoniously Archer and BB were thrown out towards the living room with resounding clashes and bangs from the weaponry and magic being thrown around. This wakes the ever-astute Stella and Yor as they immediately jump to action. "BB situation," Yor says as if getting awoken by explosions and shaking was an everyday occurrence. "Two enemy servants have infiltrated the premises," BB started preparing herself for the servants emerging from the smoke.

"Stella, Sakata, BB, Archer let's try and get them outside we are at a big disadvantage trying to fight in a cramped area we are also trying to keep from being destroyed," Yor said. Sakata smiled and gave her a thumbs up, "Golden." The two servants did not expect to be blind-sighted by a third other than the red Archer and Caster they had just encountered, so the inclusion of Sakata was deadly as he sent the swordsman flying outside easily blind sighting him. Lancer was not so easily overtaken however as Sakata came down with another heavy blow, she was just too fast weaving in and out of the strikes. That is until Archer came to assist his two blades flashing like lightning in a thunderstorm. 

She still held her own mostly striking out at both Sakata and Archer leaving gashes across their skin but Archer gave Sakata the room to drop his axe, and grab Lancer by the face before running her out of the hole he had created with the swordsman earlier, before slamming her to floor. With a responding boom the rest of Harrison's group, except Annabelle who slept peacefully regardless of the events transpiring, ran to the hole to look outside and see the damages. They couldn't see much because of the tree cover a little ways away from the building. "Slide?" BB asked looking to Yor who nodded seriously.

Suddenly BB jumped from the hole in the third-story apartment and fell onto a pink plastic slide that began to come into existence behind her bringing her to a nice stop on the floor. Yor jumped on without any hesitation, followed by Stella. Archer however took the opportunity to scale the building to the roof taking out his bow. Quickly Yor took Stella by the arm taking her closer to the action as she looked back for Archer and for the first time saw him with a bow drawn and ready. She couldn't help but smile having complete confidence in her servant's abilities.

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