Chapter XXXVIII: Storm

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"W-what are you guys doing here," Harrison asks on edge as Stella hasn't come to pick him up from school since he could drive. "We just got your college acceptance letter in the mail and we wanted to take you out to celebrate," Stella says in surprisingly convincing amusement. However, Harrison hasn't applied for any colleges yet so he definitely isn't getting any responses either, something is up Stella just isn't able to talk about it right now probably. "Alright yeah," Harrison says unable to feign excitement as Stella grabs his wrist and starts dragging him out of the front office. 

Right as the door closes behind them Stella opens her mouth to speak yet is interrupted as if like an orbital strike Salter falls from the heavens crashing down right next to the group. Without a moment of hesitation, Archer immediately tenses and jumps back his two swords already summoned into his grasp Stella behind him. "Harrison who is this girl," Stella asks surprised by the sudden intrusion. "Oh that's one of my familiars Salter," Harrison responds in kind. "You control that corruption," Archer responds with venom in his voice as he has still yet to let down his guard. It is at this point the memories of Heavens Feel hit Harrison, of course, Archer would remember how Salter was in that timeline but that was a combination of so many things. 

"Emiy- I mean Archer I promise it is alright she isn't a corrupted version of Artoria she is her own thing no need to be afraid of Angu Maru or anything like that," Harrison says laughing off pretty heavy topics in the Fate verse. "You seem pretty knowledgeable on the goings-on of other timelines do you also possess Mystic Eyes," Archer asks. Before Harrison can answer him however Jalter manifests herself behind Stella stealing the letter from her grasp, "Come on let us get this show on the road what's in here," she says dancing around Stella's hands as she tries to take the envelope back.

After a couple of seconds of this, she relents and hands the letter to Stella. "That is Jalter my other familiar," Harrison answers the question before Stella can ask. "Okay as I was saying, Harrison, you saw the pictures I sent you correct?" Stella starts and Harrison nods in agreement indicating he indeed saw the pictures. "Well while cleaning up the mess we found this letter, except it is addressed to you," Stella says holding out the pristine letter. Once she hands it to him she continues, "Before you open it we should probably head somewhere more secluded, how about my house, your car is in the parking lot right?" For some reason Harrison trembles with the letter in his hands, an unexplainable feeling of fear crawling up his back.

Like standing before a mass grave the feeling of death that radiate from the letter alert Harrison to the fact that pure animosity went into the forging of the document. "Uhh yeah see you there," Harrison answered absent-mindedly his attention wholly on the envelope as if any moment now something will crawl out and start wreaking havoc on the planet before him. The collective group notices the state Harrison is in, yet no one except for Salter moves to do anything. "Righter is everything okay," she says as she wraps a reassuring arm around him. As soon as contact is made the animosity from the letter completely disappears as if it was never there, to begin with, and Harrison immediately starts to gasp for breath having totally forgotten to breathe. In fact, the sensation was very similar to when he met the servant to the first core master. 

"Oh yeah Salter I- I am fine," Harrison stutters out as he collects himself. "See you at your place, Stella," he says with a wave before starting to leave. However, he is only able to move because Salter supports him, or else he would have collapsed as his legs turned to jello. Once Stella and Archer began heading in the opposite direction Jalter swiftly took up position under Harrison's other arm. "What is with you," she asks curiously. "That letter it reminded me of something I had felt once before, and not in a good way," Harrison said as the feeling began slowly returning to his legs.

Soon enough the five of them arrived at Stella's small two-story house it was essentially two studio apartments stacked on top of one another. She led the way in flanked by the other four. When first entering the house Harrison took note of the fact nothing had changed over the past years, the dining room was to your right, and typically the table was very clean but now there seemed to be tons of notes and other written works strewn about. "Alright, Harrison what does it say," Stella asks motioning to the letter still clutched tightly in his grasp. Before he opened it he sent one last update to Yor who was stuck in school, she cursed him for not waiting for her but he was sure she could understand. Without any further delay, Harrison began to open the seal on the letter which contrary to normal letters that are hard to open without ripping them asunder this one opened easily as if begging to be opened.

The paper inside was thick card stock that was folded up inside however when Harrison unfolded it, there were no crease lines. Taking a deep breath Harrison began to read,

"Greetings, Harrison, Stella, and the accompanied servants.

It is a pleasure to be able to provide you with a golden opportunity. I and my servants will be hosting an event to gain unprecedented power and command seals, you have both proven yourselves worthy of being core masters like myself, or in Harrison's case already one. I digress, if you are to agree to the invitation the envelope will serve as the waypoint and teleport you to the designated location at the time needed. Oh how could I have forgotten right, the way you gain command seals is a one-on-one battle TO THE DEATH, no no I only jest. It will be to the brink of death so no worries about dying this is only to weed out the strong from the week so I can have a truly fantastic war against only the strongest opponents. I'm sure your servants can relate to that want. Anyways I hope this letter finds you in good graces, and thank you for ridding this war of that Octavius fellow he was a real drag.


        Game Master"

By the time Harrison was finished reading he felt as if his throat was as dry as a desert. "H-how do they know so much," Harrison was finally able to sputter out. "They must have advantages in information gathering in an assassin class servant or the like, I would guess," Archer responded the epitome of calm similar to Salter. "Harrison do you think we should accept though," Stella cut right to the important question.

On one hand the possibility of finding out lots of information with pretty low risk, however the high likely hood that it was some elaborate trap was also considerable. Harrison took in a depth breath, "I think we should-

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