Chapter 17: Izuku Vs. Ren!

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Heatblast shoots a torrent of fire towards Swampfire.  Swampfire responds by growing seeds from the palm of his hands and throwing them in front of him.  The seeds begin to sprout from the sand and grow larger, reaching at least 10 feet high; forming a plant wall that manages to block the flames from Heatblast.

The plants then begin to bend and attack Heatblast, who lets out yet another torrent of flames beneath him; propelling him upwards and over the plants.  However, as he looks forward; he is met with a strike in the face from Swampfire who jumped off a large vine pole, promptly knocking him down and rolling onto the ground.  Heatblast recovers quickly however and regains his footing.

Swampfire creates two fireballs in his hands and fires them at Heatblast, beginning a seemingly never ending onslaught of attacks.  Heatblast launches either a fireball of his own to counter the projectiles of fire or dodges them entirely.  Swampfire inches closer and closer as he continues firing his blasts.  The vines from earlier extend and attack Heatblast continuously from every direction, now forcing Heatblast to mainly dodge, limiting his fire attacks to about only 1 or 2 fireballs at a time.  As Heatblast struggles to even hold Swampfire at bay, he then remembers a piece of advice Ren had given to him about 4 months into their training.

"Your problem is that you're trying to predict and outthink your opponent. This isn't always necessarily a bad thing, but you shouldn't always rely on this alone, as it'll; more times than not; slow you down." Ren in the past explained to Izuku.

"B-but, shouldn't we always try to be one step ahead of the villains?" Izuku in the past asked.

"Like I said, not always a bad thing, but thoughts take time to develop and take even longer to be executed. The decisions you make depend on the pieces that you see in front of you.  But in a real fight, predictions are a double edged blade, they make you predictable as well."

"Damn it, he's not giving me any room to think!"  Heatblast thought to himself as he tried to stay focused on what's in front of him.  "He knows this is one of my weaknesses and is exploiting it as much as he can!"

"What's wrong?  Running again!?"  Swampfire yelled out.  "I'm getting a serious sense of deja vu!"

Heatblast continues to back away from Swampfire as he continues to counter or dodge Swampfire's fire balls, all while keeping his distance from the plant's assault.  He remembers yet another advice from Ren.

"Expect nothing, but anticipate everything.  It's a delicate balance, but it's what really determines the outcome of a fight.  Expect too much and you'll become paranoid, but anticipating everything will make you a real force to be reckoned with!"

"Swampfire's flames aren't as hot as Heatblast's, but Sensei is more experienced in using these forms than me!  Ranged combat isn't an option, his plants can easily reach me!  There isn't a lot here that I can use to my advantage!"  Heatblast thought to himself.  "So that only leaves one viable option...  It's only been an idea in my head, but I have try at least try it...!"

Heatblast instead of dodging, manages to grab ahold of one of the vines and sets it on fire; causing a chain reaction leading to the burning of the other vines as well.  Swampfire then closes the distance between him and Heatblast.  Swampfire releases a large torrent of flame towards Heatblast, who counters instantly by takeing a deep breath and releases a torrent of flame of his own from his mouth.  

The two streams clash, creating a large wall of flames which instantly turn blue and releases a small shockwave from the impact.  Inko is knocked back slightly and she covers her face from the flames.  The flames then dissipate as Swampfire rushes through the smoke and locks hands with Heatblast , pushing him back slightly as he presses on.  They are locked in a standstill, but in Swampfire's favor as he slowly manages to push Heatblast back.

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