Chapter 123: All For One!

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"It's started...! The battle with All For One, just as Izuku from the future said it would...! But Izuku isn't there with them like he said he was...! It's slightly different than from what he told us...! Does that the mean the future's already changed...!? Even so, I won't take chances...!" Azmuth muttered to himself as he watched a broadcast of the battle against All For One. "Progress...! What's the progress on project Fusion Fall!?"

(Only the real OG's know what I'm referencing here)

"First thinker, Project Fusion Fall is only 48% completed! We're still running into multiple bugs with the double-helix matrix feature of the new Omnitrix!" A Galvin replied as he and the other Galvin's behind him work on two strange wrist-band like Omnitrix on a pedestal.

"Give me that!" Azmuth said as he swiped the tablet away from the Galvin. "No no no no! It's all going too slow! I'll write the patch codes myself! You, follow me! You will be running simulations alongside me and notify me of all of the errors that come up!"

"Yes sir!" The Galvin replied as he flew alongside Azmuth.

"First Thinker, a transmission request from Commander Blanko of the Plumbers!" A Galvin said to Azmuth as he flew next to him.

"Put him through, quickly!" Azmuth replied.

A holographic screen appears next to Azmuth as Rook's face appears.

"Azmuth! What is happening!? The version of events you told us- "

"Are different than ones described by Izuku from the future, I'm already well aware!" Azmuth interrupted as he continued typing away with small drips of sweat rolling down his face.

"But how can that be!? The message from Future Izuku said that he and another fellow classmate of his were kidnapped and at this hideout! And yet the Earth News Broadcasting stations are all saying he is still nowhere to be found!" Rook asked.

"Some kind of butterfly effect or time causality! Something Izuku did when he got back from the future must have changed the flow of events in this timeline, leading to a different sequence of events!" Azmuth replied. "That's why he's not there now, like his future self said he was!"

"WHAT!?" Devlin's voice yelled as he gets in front of Rook and grabs the camera. "So where in the hell is he!?"

"That is up for you to find out! I've tried tracking the signal of his Omnitrix and it's only showed me the last known ping back on Earth!" Azmuth replied. "Future Izuku said that it was Albedo and Michael who kidnapped him in his timeline, so if that part is still true; they must've taken him back somewhere else!"

"Evelyn, can you- " Devlin asked.

""Mama Inko's house! His room there!"" Evelyn interrupted. "I can track him if I have something that belongs to him! Something that means a lot to him!"

"What are you waiting for then!? GO! Save him, and quickly!" Azmuth replied. "I'll stay here and keep an eye on Project Fusion Fall! I'll notify you of any changes!"

"Azmuth... Are you sure that this plan will work...? This plan to save Ren... It's- "

"WE CAN!" Azmuth interrupted. "We have to.... Or else all of this effort we're all going through... All of Future Izuku's pain and suffering... We have to succeed, or else it will have all been for nothing! Just have your plumbers on standby until that moment comes!"

"Understood!" Rook replied. "Commander Blanko, signing off!"

"Just hold on Ren...! Just hold on...!" Azmuth thought to himself as he began to type rapidly on a holographic keyboard next to him.

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