Chapter 135: The Flip Side! Part 2

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Heatblast and Spider-Izuku both continue circling around Sandman as he swipes at both of them.  Heatbleast releases a torrent of flame onto Sandman's elbow, turning it into glass as 

Spider-Izuku grabs a piece of flying debris with his webbing and smashes it against the glass elbow, breaking Sandman's hand off as he web-zips towards Sandman's shoulder.

Spider-Izuku's arm begins to cackle with green electricity and he strikes Sandman's shoulder, creating a large explosion that leaves a crystalized wound on Sand-Man's shoulder.

"ENOUGH OF THIS!!!"  Sandman yelled as the vortex of sand around the three become even stronger.

"You think he's mad!?  I think he's mad!"  Heatblast yelled to Spider-Izuku as he tries to fly against the vortex.

"Well...!  Maybe just a little bit!?"  Spider-Izuku yelled as he shot his webbing onto a building, proceeding to hold himself with his thread.

Heatblast struggles against the powerful vortex and is sucked in towards Sandman.

"ALIEN ME!"  Spider-Izuku yelled as he tried to shoot out a line of webbing towards Heatblast, only for it to disintegrate near his body.

Heatblast slams against Sandman's chest as the sand continues to absorb him.  Heatblast tries to pull himself out only to be completely consumed by Sandman.

"NO!"  Spider-Izuku exclaimed as a large glowing red spot begins to shine on Sandman's chest.

"W-what the...!?"  Sandman's giant asked as he looked down at his chest, which slowly began to turn into glass, revealing Heatblast's extending flames from inside.  "W-WHAT ARE YOU- "

Heatblast roars loudly and releases an even bigger flame that melts the glass as well, creating a large explosion that sends the real Sandman within the giant to be flung out and slam against a building.  

Marko groans before he falls off of the building and down towards the ground.  Spider-Izuku immediately dives down towards Marko, quickly releasing a web-shot towards Marko and pulls him towards himself.  

Marko soon awakens however and immediately punches Spider-Man away with an enlarged fist made of sand as the two fell to the ground together.  Heatblast lands next to Spider-Izuku, who shook his head as he coughs up sand.

"Hey, you okay!?"  Heatblast asked.

"Ugh...  I have sand...  Everywhere...  And I mean... EVERYWHERE..."  Spider-Izuku replied as he and Sandman both stood up together.  "Marko...!  Buddy...!  Let's just...  Let's just relax, okay- "

Sandman glares at Spider-Izuku as he pants heavily, forming another vortex of sand around him as he breaks off the glass arm on his body before growing a new one.

"Oh...  That's not good, right?"  Heatblast asked.

"It's never good when he does that...!"  Spider-Izuku replied as Sandman roars once more, reforming the giant once more.  "I hate when he does that!"

"How do we make this guy stay down!?"  Heatblast asked as the two dodged a slam attack from Sandman.

"We need to splash his main body with water or electricity!  It's the only things that can really mess with him!"  Spider-Izuku replied as the two look up at the sand giant.  "I got lucky last time using the sewer pipes to amplify my Venom Punches, but something tells me we won't be so lucky this time!"

Heatblast frantically looks around the area, eventually spotting a building with a single water tanker left standing.

"Don't be so sure...!  A hero always makes the impossible possible!"  Heatblast called out.  "I have an idea!  Lead him up to that building up there!  I have an idea!"

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