Chapter 93: Triple Threat!

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A business man is pushed against the fence in an alleyway as he's surrounded by a gang of thugs.

"P-please, I already have you everything I have!"  The business man pleaded as a thug kicks the fence next to him.

"Bullshit!  We saw you leaving that fancy office, we know you got way more than that!  Now fork the rest of it over!"  The thug yelled.

"Please, have a heart...!"  The business man begged before picking thrown against the side building.

"Getting tired of listening to your whining...!"  The leader of the thugs replied as his arm began to glow.  "Think I'll just smash your face in before I- "

Mirio suddenly phases through the wall behind the business man and punches the leader in his face, knocking him back into the wall and surprising his crew as he kicked another thug back.

"B-boss!"  A thug yelled.

"Are you alright sir?"  Mirio asked the business man as he helped him up.  "Can you walk?"

"Y-yes...  Thank you young man..."  The business man replied.

"Just doing my job sir.  You're safe now, we'll handle this."  Mirio said to the business man.

"No one's going anywhere!"  A thug yelled as he charged in towards Mirio.  "Who do you think you are you brat!?"

Mirio quickly pushes the business man away and readies himself.  As the thug closed in, he is met with a kick from Izuku, who leapt off the wall behind Mirio in order to preform the kick.  The second thug is sent crashing against the wall as Izuku lands on the ground gracefully.

"The hell was that!?"

"I had that handled."  Mirio said to Izuku, who stood tall as he dusted off his shoulder.

"Probably, but didn't want to risk it."  Izuku replied as he picked up a drawn pocket knife off of the ground.  "He had a switch blade up his sleeve, you were probably expecting a punch from him, right Togata-senpai?  I mean, Lemillion?  He would've slashed out your eye in a flash."

"Wow, I didn't even catch that.  Thanks for the save Midoriya-kun!"  Mirio replied.  "I mean, Deku!"

Izuku nods in response before dripping the knife to the ground, stomping on it and breaking the blade.

"This is your chance sir, leave while you can.  This is about to get messy."  Izuku said to the business man, who nods and runs away.  "We have a couple of questions we'd like to ask you fine people.  Hope you don't mind."

"You can't be serious...!  I know these two!  These brats, that's All Might's new sidekick; Lemillion!  And that one, he's the champion of the U.A. sports festival, the kid with like 20 quirks!"  A thug exclaimed.


"The hell are they doing around here!?"

"The better question to ask yourselves is..."  Izuku replied as he cracked his fingers and neck, readying himself while flashing a confidant smile.  "Who's feeling lucky today?"

"I'm afraid assaulting innocent civilians doesn't quite sit well with us.  Perhaps if you knew what it felt like on the receiving end..."  Mirio added as yellow sparks began to emanate from his body.  "You'd rethink your actions and abandon your criminal ways!"

"Heh, don't get cocky just because you brats work for a big name!  There's more than 30 of us, and only two of you!"  A thug shouted as the gang begin to surround Izuku and Mirio.  "We'll knock those egos of yours down a peg or two!  And when we're done with you, you'll learn what really happens when you choose to play hero!"

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