Chapter 65: Technical Difficulties!

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Diamond Matter stands up in Ochako's palms and takes at himself all around, looking at his hands, feet and body, as well as feeling his head while still holding the three headbands, all before shrieking in terror.

"What the hell is going on!?"  Diamond Matter yelled out.  "Why do I look like I'm a secret love child of Grey Matter and Diamond Head!?  AND WHY DID I HAVE TO IMAGINE SOMETHING HIGHLY DISTURBING!?"

"How interesting folks, it looks like Midoriya's gotten a little jumpstart from one of Hatsume's inventions and was able to transform once more!  So, what's the situation on this one?"  Present Mic announced.

Aizawa frantically flips through the pages of alien heroes, trying to find one that matches Diamond Matter.

"Uh, hello...?  Earth to Eraserhead?  What's taking so long?"  Present Mic asked as he covered his mic.  "Come on man, the whole point of having two commentators is for them to bounce off each other and make the event more exciting!  Hurry up and just tell me the name of this form!"

"That's just it... there isn't a page with this form..."  Aizawa replied as he continued scanning  through the pages laid out on the desk once more.

"Huh!?  What the heck am I supposed to do with that!?"  Present Mic replied.  "What do you mean it's not on the list!?"

"Midoriya...  Something's gone wrong with that watch of yours, hasn't it...?"  Aizawa thought to himself as he remembered a conversation he had with Midoriya about 2 days ago.


"I see, I think I understand now."  Aizawa said to Izuku as Izuku placed the notes for Aizawa down on his desk.

"Yes, in short; this device helps keep my transformations separated within my own DNA, allowing me to take on one form at a time for 10 minutes each."  Izuku explained.

"A filing cabinet of sorts.  Keeps them all organized and ready to be taken out to use whenever."  Aizawa replied.

"More or less.  The list I gave you is all of the current forms I can change into as of now, I hope that'll be enough."  Izuku replied as he began chuckling.  "Minus the exception of Cannonbolt, I want to save him for the best part of the event...!"

"What are you chuckling about?"  Aizawa asked.

"O-oh, nothing!  I'm sorry about that!  I-if there's nothing else you need from me, I'll be taking my leave now Aizawa-sensei!"  Izuku replied as he bowed to Aizawa and prompt exited the room.  "Please excuse me!"

"I swear, that kid gets stranger and stranger every day..."  Aizawa said to himself as he looked through the pages of aliens Izuku had just handed to him.  "Still, he definitely has potential, that much I can admit...  These forms of his are powerful, each one having a different set of abilities and that pertain to almost every imaginable scenario...  Strength, speed, dexterity, stealth, direct hand to hand combat, reconnaissance, these forms cover almost every area of a normal hero's daily duties..."

Aizawa then looks at the door where Izuku had left through as he spread the notes out onto his desk.

"But then again... why can't I shake the feeling that he's hiding something...?  Or rather, he's not telling us the whole truth..."  Aizawa said to himself as he looked down at his casts.  "Well, no use worrying about it right now...  I'll have to keep a close eye on him I suppose...  Now then, time to familiarize myself with his forms...  Let's start with you, Heatblast..."


"Fascinating!  it looks like my baby managed to give that device of yours an upgrade!  You used to only be able to change between one form at a time right?  Well look at it now, the best of two worlds at once!"  Mei stated proudly as she fawned over Diamond Matter.  "I told you I'd repay the favor for fixing my baby!  Don't worry, I won't charge you for this little upgrade!"

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