Chapter 38: A Hunter's Scouting!

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It's the middle of the second round, Four Arms throws 3 consecutive punches on a pig like alien; sending him sliding back a good distance as he drops his laser canon.  He slowly gets up and shakes his head looking up to see a smirking Four Arms catching his canon.

"Ragnar really isn't giving any leeway this round folks!  Despite struggling a bit in the first round, Ragnar seems like he's only toying with Thunderpig!  He hasn't even been scratched by him while Thunderpig has been taking beatdown after beatdown!"  The commentator announced.

"Ragnar really isn't giving any leeway this round folks!  Despite struggling a bit in the first round, Ragnar seems like he's only toying with Thunderpig!  He hasn't even been scratched by him while Thunderpig has been taking beatdown after beatdo...

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Thunderpig growls as he looks at Four Arms taunting him and began to spin his electric flail rapidly around.

"You think you're so tough!?  Try this on for size then!"  Thunderpig yelled as he charged in, throwing his flail at Four Arms.

Four Arms, still holding the cannon; smirks as he then uses the cannon as a bat and swings the flail to the side.  The shift in momentum causes Thunderpig to be flung to the side, Four Arms catches one of Thunderpig's legs and throws him across the stadium and into the wall.  Thunderpig groans as he slowly falls off the wall and becomes unconscious, the crowd cheers for Four Arms.

"And there you have it folks, the rising star from Khoros, Ragnar the Iron Fist is your winner of the quarter finals!"  The commentator announced.  "This was almost too easy for him!"

Four Arms waves to the crowd as he makes his way back into the stadium.  Ren, Devlin, and Evelyn all smile as they look at Four Arms.  Once Four Arms was out of sight, he gets a transmission from Ren.

"Looking good out there kid, don't think Vulkanus suspects a thing."  Ren commented.  "Feel anything weird at all?"

"Just a little tired, but other than that; I'm fine Sensei."  Four Arms replied.

"You sure?  It's been about an hour since this whole thing started, if you want a break; I can easily deactivate it over the coms."  Ren replied.

"Yeah, I'm sure!  I want to keep this momentum going!  I'm all fired up now!"  Four Arms replied.

"Look at you Young Wolf, you're kicking serious butt out there!"  Evelyn exclaimed through their coms.

"Real different from the normal and nervous kid I first saw back at the base."  Devlin commented.  "Confidence and finesse kid, that's what separates the champs from the chumps."

Four Arms scratches his head out of embarrassment as he chuckles slightly.

"Thanks everyone...  But in any case, I feel fine Sensei.  Don't worry about me."  Four Arms replied.  "I'll keep pushing through the competition!"

"If you say so.  Looks like your DNA can handle longer times of transformations now, when the mission's over, maybe we'll talk about increasing the limiter's time limit.  But remember; feel anything weird, don't hesitate to let me know."  Ren replied.  "Rest up, there's still 2 more matches to go!"

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