Future Heroes Special! Final Act: Destiny Unbound!

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"Hello... Deku..." Vilgax said to Diamondhead.

"Vilgax!?" Diamondhead exclaimed. "That's impossible!  You're dead!"

"And with the brilliant mind of Dr. Animo's genius intellect, Vilgax is revived once more!"  Dr. Animo replied.  "Ready for the second round...!"

"What are you planning Dr. Animo!?"  Diamondhead asked angrily.  "Why would you revive the most evil creature in the entire universe!?"

"Why, what I've always dreamed of!  To rule over a kingdom of malicious beasts that all bow to me!  To spread my superiority to every corner of Earth...!  And after that, the universe!"  Dr. Animo declared.  "And now, with Vilgax under my control; that dream will soon be reality!"

"Your control!?  What are you talking about!?"  Diamondhead exclaimed.

"I implanted a chip within his brain that would allow me control his every thought and action!  And with it, he now faithfully serves me as my new servant!"  Dr. Animo explained.  "Look at him!  Look at him in all of his magnificent glory as he obeys my every command!"

"You're a fool Dr. Animo!  Do you really think a simple chip in his brain would be enough to control someone like Vilgax!?"  Diamondhead yelled.  "He's pure evil incarnate!  Not even Albedo could accomplish this!  And yet you think you could!?"

"Albedo is a fool too blinded by his fake superiority!  I am a true genius in the making!  Perhaps you need a proper demonstration of my intellect!?  Destroy him Vilgax!"  Dr. Animo yelled.  "Destroy him and bring his Omnitrix to me my servant!"

"Gladly..."  Vilgax replied as he raised his arm up; making Diamondhead ready himself in response.  

Suddenly however, he grabs ahold of Dr. Animo's head instead; surprising the two.

"W-what!?  What do you think you're doing!?"  Dr. Animo yelled as Vilgax tore off his head with one arm, causing his gorilla body to fall to the ground.  "I am your master!  Obey me!  Release me this instant you- "

Still staring at Diamondhead, he instantly crushes Dr. Animo's head; letting the fluid, brain bits and blood flow down his hand as he releases the crushed mush hit the floor.  

"What a fool he was...  Dr. Animo...  To think he would force me to be his slave...!"  Vilgax said to Diamondhead as he dug into his own brain; pinching at the chip resting on the side, pulling it out easily before throwing it onto the ground.  "No one commands Vilgax the Conqueror...!  No one!"

Diamondhead readies himself once more as Vilgax begins to walk towards Diamondhead.

"After all this time...  I can finally have my revenge...!  Prepare yourself...!"  Vilgax said as he charged towards Diamondhead.  "DEKU!!!" 

Diamondhead unleashes a storm of his shards at Vilgax, Vilgax easily blocks all of the shots as he proceeds to attack him.  Diamondhead swiftly dodges much of Vilgax's attacks, occasionally trading blows with him.  

A punch leading into a backhanded swipe, countered by a pillar of diamond as Diamondhead manages to tackle Vilgax onto the ground; Viglax immediately tosses Diamondhead aside.  Diamondhead digs his fingers into the metal plating beneath him before looking up.

Vilgax continues his relentless attacks on Diamondhead before ending with a sideswipe; striking Diamondhead in his chest as he goes flying back into the wall. The pillars on his back pin him against the wall as he looked back at the three.

Diamondhead rolls along the ground before finally stopping.

"I've been looking forward to this for a long time Deku...!"  Vilgax said to Diamondhead as he grabbed his head and held him up. 

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