Story interruption and an announcement: Kokichi and Himiko's Daughter!

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   I made an OC drawing of Kokichi and Himiko's daughter, as well as a description of her and what her parents are like when they got married: 

    At 25 years old, Kokichi and Himiko live in a spooky house in a suburban neighborhood. Well, the house itself isn't all that spooky, it's just that they decided to decorate it with a bunch of Halloween stuff since Himiko's into the witchier things in life, and Kokichi...well, he just likes the attention the house gets from the neighbors (though, unfortunately, they have some haters, of course). XD Together, they own a little magic/prank store called "Jokus Pocus" (mix between the words "joke" and "hocus pocus") where they sell novelty prank items as well as magic kits for kids who want to be magicians. They're always dressed up, too; Himiko wears a witch outfit while Kokichi wears his D.I.C.E. uniform, but it's all black, and he wears his cloak and supreme leader hat. Himiko wanted to sell real potions and spellbooks since her magic is real, but it's a rule that she has to keep her magic a secret from outsiders.

   Kokichi and Himiko are kinda like Morticia and Gomez Addams, not that they're morbid, but when things get romantic, they really get the hots for each other! XD Of course, Kokichi is the more romantic and flirty one, and because he dislikes being bored, he's always looking for exciting ways to spice up his marriage with Himiko even more. He's still very playful, goofy, and can be a bit overly dramatic at times, but he's also still extremely intelligent and sassy. Being in a relationship with Himiko for the past few years has made him slow down a bit, however, and take it easy from time to time, since Himiko can't always keep up with his extroverted behavior. Sometimes, he'll agree to stay in to cuddle up with her and watch a movie, or just sit and have a conversation while enjoying some tea or hot chocolate.

  As for Himiko, she's still quiet and shy, but being with Kokichi has changed her a bit, as well. Being with Kokichi the past few years has caused her to take more risks in life and become a bit more wise to the world around her. She also discovered a flirty part of her, as well; she's not as big a flirt as Kokichi, but there are times when even she can turn him on! Sometimes Kokichi's playful behavior can get on her nerves, and when she's annoyed, he leaves her alone for a while to cool down. Later, he sets a romantic mood and works his own special magic on her. It works, and when Himiko's not as mad, they talk it out, Kokichi apologizes for doing whatever he did to get on her nerves, and then they, well...y'know. ;)

Rini is their 5-year-old daughter. She inherited her mother's shy personality, but like her dad, she's highly intelligent for her age, and can be quite mischievous at times. Because she is deaf and mute, Rini has a bit of trouble making friends at school and has become a bit of a loner, though her classmates do support her sometimes. Because of this, however, she spends most of her time reading books rather than playing with the other kids. Kokichi and Himiko learned sign language so that they can communicate with their daughter. Rini enjoys using sign language to communicate, but she does get sad occasionally because she wishes she could hear the sound of her parents' voices. She has a tight bond with her parents; she loves watching Himiko perform her magic, and she helps Kokichi play pranks on Himiko which sometimes results in Himiko scolding them and sending them both to their rooms (she is the Supreme Lady after all). XD Occasionally, Kiki, Kokichi's little vampire cousin who never ages, comes to visit them sometimes, so Rini sometimes does have somebody to play with.

Due to her disability, Rini feels like an outcast sometimes. One day, however, she saw mimes performing on TV and asked her dad what they were. Kokichi explained to her that mimes are silent performers who entertain people without making any sound whatsoever. Rini felt happy to know that there were people like her, in a way, and that just because she was deaf and mute didn't mean that she was incapable of doing anything. She was then inspired to become a mime herself. She would often be alone in her room, pretending to perform like a mime in front of an audience. One day, she was pretending to be trapped in a box when she found out that she really had trapped herself inside an invisible box. She became scared and cramped, and tried to call out for help, but due to her being mute, no sound came out. She remembered what her dad had told her that whenever she was in danger, she should remain calm, take a deep breath, and think. She did just that and imagined an opening to the invisible box she was trapped in. Miraculously, the box opened, and Rini stepped out, stunned about what had just happened to her. Out of curiosity, she then imagined sitting on top of a table, and there she was, sitting on thin air! Rini deduced that she may have inherited some of her mother's magic, only this magic was a bit different. She had decided to call it "silent magic," since she didn't need to utter any spells to wield it. She wanted to tell her parents about her own magic, but thought that it would be exciting to keep her secret to herself. She thought that maybe her silent magic would help her to become some kind of crime-busting mime! ^^

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   Thanks for reading! Anyways, back to the story. XD

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