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I awoke with a start once I realized that the loud sirens I was hearing weren't my alarm clock. I jumped out of bed, taking note of the flashing emergency lights. I grabbed my coat and quickly entered the kitchen where my mom and dad were grabbing small things and stuffing them into their pockets.

"13! We have to go meet in the town diamond. It's an emergency! The Leader has something to tell us all," my mother grabbed my hand and began to drag me from our home. Once outside, my father pressed his thumb against a scanner, and immediately the windows and doors were barred shut.

I glanced around, noticing my neighbors were also evacuating their homes. We were pushed into multiple different groups as we were ushered to the town diamond. I picked at my fingers as the crowds became eerily quiet. Our Leader entered the large platform in the center of the diamond with a large smile plastered on his face. Though I was sure he shouldn't be smiling in this situation.

"Please calm down. Shut the sirens off please," he ordered. Immediately the sirens stopped, leaving a low whistle in my ear from the lack of noise. "Our beloved planet is in trouble. It's been threatened with war." There were no gasps, silence only. "If you are 200 or younger, you will be sent to another planet for safety reasons." I turned to my parents but they had no reaction. In fact, it seemed like no one had a reaction when every number 200 and under separated from their families and to the front.

I made my own way to the front, pausing once I came to the stairs up to the platform where all the others were waiting for the command.


A small girl who look around the age of 800 stepped up the stairs and stopped right in front of the Leader. He explained something to her quietly before she nodded and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


He looked unfazed as a young boy, around 1600, entered the platform. He explained something once more before even he disappeared.

He continued to call numbers until I heard the number I was dreading. "#13."

I swallowed the lump forming in my throat before making my way up the stairs just like all the others had been doing.

"I will be sending you to a planet called Earth. Because you are of age, I am not only sending you there for safety but to complete a mission as well. On planet Earth, there are Seven Pure Souls. We need these pure sources of energy in order to save our planet. If you can complete this mission in 365 days, you will be promoted to the next position. No one must know you are an alien. If they do, the consequences will be intense. Good luck #13."

Before I could say anything I suddenly blinked into a non-existent space.

What does he mean of age? Is it because I'm 172? No that can't be it...can it? Mission. Got it. 365 days, seven, pure life sources. I can't mess this up.

Suddenly the blue light around me changed to a light mist before suddenly I found myself mashed between two large towers. I held back my scream as I looked around.

I stood staring at the large, bustling street in front of me. Where the hell am I?

I glanced around the space between buildings that I was standing in with furrowed brows. Nothing looked familiar. Not to mention the people rushing by the gap were incoherently mumbling a string of words I did not understand.

What language is this?

I looked down, gasping subtly at my changed appearance. My blue uniform was now replaced with a dainty black romper and my once pink hair was now jet black. My green skin was gone and instead now was very pale.

Something buzzed in my pocket, startling me slightly. I reached for the small device and watched in amazement as it turned into a slim, rectangular screen in front of my eyes. Confused, I tapped the screen and jumped as it lit up.

What kind of sorcery is this?!

A blue light appeared on the screen, causing me to shield my eyes as a woman appeared in front of me.

"#13, I forgot to remind you, when you land on the planet called Earth, you will temporarily forget all your memories. Everything will seem new to you but I assure you, it won't be long until everything makes sense. Stick to your mission. Find the seven pure souls."

                                                           ዕቿርዐዕቿ ፕዘጎነ

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