Attacking Past

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"Our land is perfect for your branch off Mr. Jeon," Mr. Kang proposed, his lips pursed in a straight line and eyes narrowed to slits.

"I'm just not seeing all the potential Mr. Kang. You've stated your pros but no man is without a single con."

My eyes snapped between Mr. Jeon and Mr. Kang's. While my boss looked cool and collected, Mr. Kang was losing his patience. The redness of his face told me so.

Mr. Kang cleared his throat, taking a small drink from the glass just placed on the table. I still sat staring at my glass of dark red liquid. Is it blood? Should I drink it? No..not if its blood.

"Ms. Park," Mr. Kang called my name, making my eyes widen as I immediately sat straighter. "What do you think of the matter?"

Mr. Jeon's jaw clenched but he stayed silent. "I-" I quickly went over the extended conversation in my head, remembering both men's points. "Respectfully Mr. Kang, I don't think it's a very wise deal on our end. You have yet to give a good reason for us to buy out your land. For one, the foundation is not suitable and would cost extra for us once we finally do obtain the space. And it says here you illegally own the land because your fines are past due," I turned my phone to him, my eyes catching the smirk from Mr. Jeon. 

Mr. Kang's eyes widened in disbelief as he grabbed for my phone. I held it back, holding a palm up. "I'm sorry Mr. Kang but I don't belive Mr. Jeon would like to accept your offer. It was nice meeting with you," I smiled kindly, jumping when he landed his fist on the table and stood up, storming out of the restaurant. 

I let out a breath, dropping my phone back to my bag before noticing Mr. Jeon's strange silence. I looked up at him with questioning eyes. 

"Please don't tell me you wanted to accept the offer and I just ruined it for you," I began to panic, suddenly getting all hot. 

"No, you-" 

I stopped fanning myself, looking up to meet his sparkling gaze. "How did you do that? You came completely unprepared?"

I smiled shyly, casting my gaze on my lap. "A knack for it I guess," I muttered. He hummed from beside me, lifting his glass of red liquid to his lips. 

"You haven't touched your wine," he noted, pointing with his full hand to my own glass. 


He quirked an eyebrow before nodding. I reached for the glass, gently lifting it to my lips before the liquid slipped down my throat. I immediately placed it back down, a sour taste overcoming my mouth as I coughed into my arm. "That was horrible."

"Have you never had wine before?" he asked, a rather amused tone lacing his words.

"No," I frowned, clearing my throat and drinking my water instead. 

"I'm still amazed," he murmured as the food came out, placed nicely on our table. 

"By what?"


You cannot let him get to you. He has a boyfriend.

"W-what is there to be amazed about?" I asked, grabbing a small cracker. 

"Your intelligence, speed, and-" he paused, taking another drink of his wine. "Your beauty."

I almost choked for the second time tonight. Why does he have to be like this?!

"Ah, you're quite the charmer, Mr. Jeon."

"When we're alone like this, it's Jungkook," he corrected, placing the glass down. 

Ah, so that's his name.

I nodded softly before beginning to eat. "I do believe it." I glanced up from my plate, seeing he was staring out the window near our table. 

"Believe what?"

"That there could be others, out there." I followed his gaze to the dark sky, shivering at the dark clouds. But what he was saying now made sense to me. He was just scared. Though he may be a CEO and in charge of a booming company, he's still a young boy at heart. Scared of the same things a 5-year-old could be scared of. 

I smiled warmly at him as he averted his gaze to his plate, a sudden shyness to his manner. 

"Well-" I was cut off by a loud crack of thunder outside, making me yelp and clutch onto his sleeve. I buried my face in his shoulder, flinching at the bright flash that followed suit. 

He shifted in his seat, gently pulling me towards him. "It's okay. The storm can't hurt you in here."

My body trembled lightly, reminding me of the horrid experience when our planet had gotten attacked. Bombed.

A low rumble shook the ground, pulling us all from our studies. Looking out the window, we gazed in wonder at the strange firing stars shooting down at us from the starry sky. We watched as one came crashing down only liechens (yards) from our schoolhouse. As impact was made, the ground exploded, dust and rocks flying at the windows, shattering them as we all screamed in terror. Loud booms echoed throughout the building as we all frantically made our way for our homes. Running through pathways had never been more terrifying, shooting stars crashing so close, our eardrums were ringing.

I began to shake uncontrollably, gripping tightly onto Jungkook's shoulders. "Rina it won't hurt you."

"Y-you don't know that. It could s-shatter the glass or hit n-nearby!" I cried. As if things weren't bad enough, suddenly everything went dark, the building rumbling. "Oh my god," I sobbed, sliding under the table and cradling myself. I'd already been through this once. 

Jungkook slid under with me, sitting comfortably before he pulled me onto his lap, his fingers threading through my hair as he tightly held me against him. This was wrong. Though he was helping, it was wrong. He was my employer, I was his assistant, he had a boyfriend, I had no one. 

And I did nothing about it.

"Why are you so scared?" His velvety smooth voice sounded like chocolate melting from the tip of a chocolate fountain. And I was the strawberry, blessing myself to feel it, hear it.

"Past experiences," I mumbled, letting loose my grip on his suit. "It's wrinkled." I pouted, smoothing out his suit. 

"It's okay."

"This is wrong Mr. Jeon. Thank you for comforting but- you have a b-boyfriend."

He hummed as I tried to remove myself from his lap, jumping right back into it when another crash came from right outside the window closest to us. "Rina."

I gazed up at his gorgeous chocolatey orbs, golden specks of amusement dancing around. "Don't worry about that. He wouldn't mind."

"He wouldn't mind you being this close with other people?" 

Jungkook shook his head. "He's"

I snorted, temporarily distracting me from the storm. "Open?"

"In a way. It's a lot...but always open to new ideas."

I giggled as he wiped my tears. "Are you 'open' too?" 

He grinned a bright bunny smile. "One more wouldn't hurt."

I was confused by that but pretended to understand. There were some things of this world I just couldn't understand. Like why my boss was acting like this? Why storms were so common and terribly frightening? And why my timer was going 10 times faster than it normally should.

                                                           ዕቿርዐዕቿ ፕዘጎነ

Hi, I'm sorry for the unexpected update! I was busy so I missed yesterday's update. But here it is now! I'm so sorry but something will happen soon :) Have faith in me loves.

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