Real Talk

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"You're telling me you have some suspicions about some people and you think they might be aliens."

I pressed my lips in a straight line, clutching the pillow on my lap.


He gave me a disbelieving look before sighing. "How about we start with why do you think they are aliens?"

I let out a sigh of relief. 

At least he somewhat believed my story.

"Well first of all they are like the smartest people I've ever seen in my life. They look kind of strange and are just suspicious in general. And the other day, under the light they looked green."

Namjoon again gave me that weird look. "Besides the smart part, I think you're just overreacting. According to books I've read, aliens, if there are any, look just like humans and act the same way too. They just may have a small understanding of the human race."

I nodded my head slowly, settling into the large cushions of the couch. 

"Alright well, then I guess they aren't aliens. Maybe just my mind playing tricks on me."

"Rina, are you being completely honest with me?"

I looked up, my lips parting in surprise seeing the genuine look on his face. 

But I can't be totally honest with him. If I do, my mission will be ruined.

"You know you can talk to me about anything. Whether this is some coping mechanism or even if you're an alien." He chuckled softly at his "crazy" idea that really wasn't far off.

I hoped he didn't notice the small breath of air I sucked in when he said that. Because I was sure if he did, I would've looked even more suspicious.

I mean...even more suspicious than I already did.

"Namjoon I'm being very genuine when I said I am interested in aliens and I've taken an interest in the study of them."

He stared at me for a few seconds before nodding and crossing his legs. "Alright, what do you want to know? Let's see what I've got."

I grinned brightly, eagerly leaning forward. 

"Do you know what they look like before they look like humans? they always look like humans even on their original planet?"

Okay. Yes. Maybe I knew the answer to that question. But I couldn't seem that intelligent.

He thought for a moment before nodding. "There are many variations. I've heard the most common is green skin and pink hair. The other two I read about were grey skin and red hair and then white skin with blue hair. Apparently, once they enter our atmosphere, in order to blend in and disguise themselves, their bodies do a kind of morphing that makes them unidentifiable."

Now, this. This was news to me. There were other aliens who weren't just like us? How did they keep peace among their people?

"Do you know if they live in our galaxy?"

He shrugged. "Researchers have said yes and I've read about a few people who claimed to have seen and met the aliens in real life."

I nodded thoughtfully before deciding to move on to my real questions. 

"When we first met, you said something about long ago aliens would come here and take souls for their planets. Or something along those lines. How did they do that?"

He laughed before answering. "That's just a myth but it goes something like, the aliens would find the souls needed before targeting in on them."

"Targeting in on them?"

"Yeah. They would get as close to them as possible. The book I recommended to you actually states 302 that the easier way to get the souls would be for the aliens to get the victims to fall in love with them. When the soul gave them a genuine kiss, the alien automatically obtained part of their soul."

Perfect. After so so long.

I finally found out how to get the souls. But...getting them to fall in love seems a lot harder than I would've hoped it would be. 

"What did that end up doing to the person. You know the one who got half their soul taken away?"

He leaned back against the couch, thinking for a moment before giving a brief response.

"They would be left broken, incomplete, depressed and soon would die from lack of care."

"Lack of care? As in they don't care to live?"

He shook his head. "All they long for is their other half. And the aliens have that. It's said that the so-called aliens didn't have emotions and couldn't feel love. So they never returned for their now other half."

"So if this did happen, and one alien did it multiple times, there would be several different souls all waiting for the same person with their other half?"

"Hypothetically. Yes."

I felt guilty. I didn't know it would leave them so broken.

"But of course, it's all just stories."

I didn't hear him. I had another question.

"Okay, but how did the aliens use the souls to save their planet? Like what's it going to do?"

"Well, another book I read said that each alien species had a special gem that was very precious to them. It was a crystal to represent their planet and it's people. It's embedded in the center of the planet according to fiction. The soul or souls go in there and the planet is revived with new power and strength. From what I read it's a strength that's powerful enough to destroy other planets."

"Wow. I can't believe you know all this. It's amazing."

He grinned, dimples appearing. 

"I'm glad you think so. Some people get annoyed by my quotes all the time."

He shyly looked down but I could see a glimpse of hurt in his eyes. I stood up and sat beside him, grabbing his hand.

"Don't worry. You'd never annoy me."

Welp. It's never too late to start making some moves.

Especially if I need these guys hearts.

He smiled, a small pink blush tinting his cheeks. "I can see why the guys like you..." he mumbled, taking me by surprise. I almost didn't hear it.

"They do?"

"Yeah. They're constantly talking about you," he grinned as I leaned back in utter shock. I didn't think I was making an impact at all.


He nodded. "Is that so hard to believe? You're sweet, curious, smart, and stunningly attractive. According to Jungkook at least."

I laughed, pulling him into a hug. "Thanks for the talk. I think that's all my questions for now. I'm sure to have more in the near future."

"I hope so."

I smiled, standing up, and watching as he followed me to the door. I stopped before opening it and turned around. 

"Want to grab some lunch?"

He shrugged, a small smile spreading over his lips. "Why not?"


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