A Sudden Obstacle

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Oh my god, I just figured out who Taehyung was!

I mentally slapped myself for being this idiotic. Why did it take me so long to figure out something right in front of me?! Although I was still confused. If Jungkook and Namjoon were...an item. And Jimin's boyfriend was Taehyung. Then why on my first day was Taehyung's name brought up between Namjoon and Mr. Jeon?

Whatever I had no time to be worrying about personal matters. My timer had seemed to start counting down faster, making no sense to any time at this point. I had been here for a little over a week and what was my timer at? 310 days. How did that make sense?

I gazed up and read the eleventh shop sign, furrowing my brows at the strange name. "Ruby Antiques."

Ok. This is your chance to prove you are not an idiot because of something so dumbly obvious. You are smart.

I quickly entered the shop, the book seemingly burning through the bag and on my thigh when I got the feeling I was close. There was no doubt this was sudden. It could've all been a coincidence. How could things have played out so easily that I just happened to stumble upon a shop called Ruby Antiques? Almost quoting the mysterious note? I just had that weird swirling in my stomach that told me I was going in the right direction.

Well nothing in life is easy though, right?

As soon as I walked in, I was met with aisle after aisle of nothing but unnecessary junk that held no value. Sighing in annoyance I began my descent down the first path. This could take a while.


Just as I was about to give up and ask the woman at the counter in the way back, I heard the voice. The same one that rang all the warning bells in my head. The one voice I never wanted to hear again in all of my existance.

I hid behind a guitar case, my breath hitching at the sight of the familiar girl, negotiating with the woman who held a ring in a case. But not just any ring, one with a bright red ruby and my planet's language in small writing on the case of it.

Well shoot.

"I'll pay three times as much as the set price."

The woman instantly perked up at that, a shimmer in her eyes as she flashed a greedy smile. "Deal."

They exchanged items, bills for the ring, and my hopefullness for false luck. Of course it wasn't going to be that easy.

The girl I hated so much turned and skipped out the door, a proud smile spread across her lips. I quickly turned, racing out the door to follow where she went. No matter what, I could not let number 11 figure out who the life sources are before I did. 

I raced after the girl after catching sight of her fleeting blonde head, making her way down the side walk in a light jog, dodging in and out of people who flashed her odd looks. 

Why was she here? 

She turned into an alley, surprising me when it was a dead end and I came face to face with her. She flashed a bright, fake smile at me before she took the ring out, the ruby sparkling in the only ray of sunlight from above.

"Nice to see you 13. Seems Leader gave us the same mission."

"And it seems like only one of us will win."

"So it does. My percent rate is-"

"32.789532%. Not a good one," I smirked. She scowled at me, an angry look in her eyes. "Give me the ring." I held out my hand, though I assumed it would be no use. 

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