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I opened my eyes, feeling an aching in my head. Wow, how long had I been playing?

I took off the headset and looked around. "I will never understand how you can spend hours staring at a screen like that. Anyway, shops closing kid. Time to head home," Park Xi Un grinned from the front desk. I nodded, in somewhat of a daze. 

"How'd you like the new game?" he asked as I gently hung the headset up. I shrugged, feeling a smile overcome my lips at the thought of the seven men in the video game.

"It was good. I enjoyed it."

"Yeah? You were standing there for 4 hours kid."

"Only 4?" I asked, surprised. He snorted, as I lifted my hoodie over my head. "Felt like 4 months."

"That's what's awesome about that game my dear. Time flies like it's nothing. Did you pass it?"

"I think I did. I got the souls or whatever and then made it home. So I think I did."

He hummed, pleased that the game was a success. 

"Well, next time you come in I'll have to see if I can get that sequel early for you." I smiled brightly, hugging the older man tightly.

"Thank you so much, Xi Xi!"

"Huh, you liked it that much? Were those handsome men too much for this kiddo to handle?"

I giggled, punching his shoulder softly. "No way. They were cute but they're a video game. A girl can dream huh." Some emotion flashed in his eyes but I couldn't decode it. "Anyway, I'm gonna get home now. Eomma's probably wondering where the hell I am."

He nodded with the smile back on his lips.

"Alright, kiddo! See you later!"

I waved goodbye to Xi Un before leaving the game store. It was my favorite place in all of Seoul. And the owner, Xi Un, was so nice to me. He always had a new game for me to try. But so far, this one was my favorite. There was just something so lifelike about it. I couldn't describe it.

I began to skip, a happy grin on my face as I put on my headphones and wrapped my scarf tighter around my neck.

I however was so caught up in my scarf, that I didn't see the man right in front of me. I yelped as I fell back, his bag dropping and falling open. His binders and papers fell out directly in front of me.

"Oh shoot." I began picking up the papers. "I'm so-" I paused, staring at the man's face as he quickly put everything back in his bag. "Jungkook?"

He paused, turning to me with furrowed brows. As he stared at me, something flashed in those dark orbs of his. Something like recognition.

"Do I know you?"

Thank you for reading Save Me 사랑해

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Maybe a sequel? I have ideas  🤔

                                                             ነልሀቿ ጠቿ

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