Unknown Identity

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That day, after classes I decided I could not waste any more time. Each day was going to be a challenge but I had to get through and finish before the 3 weeks were up. So I made the impulsive decision to visit the boy's apartment in search of Namjoon. 

Yoora was still not home, the dorm was still a mess, and I had yet to see Mila anywhere. So this was my next move. Hoseok had mentioned that Namjoon probably had information on every book he'd ever read in the back of his head. 

My hope is that I can get the rest of the information that was in the book from him. 

He had read it and suggested it to me after all. Why wouldn't he remember? If he enjoyed reading about aliens so much.

I knocked on the white door in front of me, bringing my arm back before patiently waiting.

I heard footsteps before the door was opened by Jimin. 


"Hi Jimin. Is Namjoon here?"

His lips folded into a straight line as he shook his head. "I'm afraid not. He's spending the weekend with his uncle."

I huffed in frustration before looking back up at him. "The uncle that owns that book store?"

He thought for a moment before nodding. "Mr. Ling? Yes, that's him."

I smiled brightly before ruffling his hair. 

"Sweet! Thank you, I'll head there now."

I turned to leave but he grabbed my wrist, pulling me back towards the door. 

"Wait Rina, it's too late. It's probably closed by now. Why don't you have dinner with us and then go early tomorrow morning? It should open at 9."

I let out a small sigh before nodding in agreement. "Alright. Just for dinner though, thank you."

I have no time to lose.

I followed him inside, making sure to shut the door behind me before hanging my purse on the rack near the door.

"Guys! Rina's here for dinner!"

There were some shouts before Taehyung and Hoseok came stampeding down the large stairway, enclosing me in their arms.

I think I have these two sold. Now for the other 5.

I eagerly hugged them back, my earlier sour mood disappearing when I instantly saw their smiles of pure happiness.

"Hi guys."

"I get to see you twice in one day?! But I'm sure it isn't my birthday," Hobi pouted, backing away as Taehyung eyed him in jealousy. 

"You've seen her already? Then it's my turn!"

He pulled me back from Hoseok's reach and into his chest.

"Guys let her go. You're acting like children."

I turned, hearing the familiar voice of my boss. He flashed me a wink before pulling me out of Taehyung's arms.

"Hey, you see her every day."


Jungkook gave them both a look, shutting them up instantly as Yoongi walked into the room.

"Oh," was all he said when we made eye contact. "Hi, Rina." He left the living room, making his way toward the kitchen to help Jin with dinner.

I moved to sit down on the living room couch, feeling quite exhausted. The time I'd spent here most likely was affecting my energy. Not to mention my time was running out anyway.

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