Photoshoots and Creeper News

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"Can we stop talking about Shawn Mendes now?"

"But he's so hot!" I complained, exasperatedly throwing my hands up while rolling over on Hoseok's lap. I had just discovered him a few days ago and my life was drastically changed.

"And I'm not?" he teased, tickling my sides as I burst into giggles.

"Of course you are. As hot as the sun," I joked, facing him and pressing a playful kiss on his expecting lips.

He smiled as he leaned back on the floor-length mirror wall. We were currently talking in the empty dance room. It had been a while since we danced together and today he randomly asked if I felt like it.

"How about we go visit Taehyung at his photoshoot? I'm sure he would appreciate seeing us there."

"Sure," I grinned, jumping up and helping him from the ground.

We collected our bags before walking out to his car, hand in hand.

"Should we bring him a drink or some food? Won't he be hungry?" Hoseok shook his head, starting the car. 

"Maybe a drink, but even if you got him the food he wouldn't eat it till he was done with the shoot. Says it makes him look bigger on camera."

I pouted before grabbing my wallet and telling Hobi to pull over at a nearby Starbucks.

"I'll be two seconds, okay?" He smiled with a short nod, pulling out his phone while I shut the door. 

"A caramel frappucino. A caramel frappucino. A caramel-" I was cut off when someone bumped shoulders with me, pushing me slightly to the side.

"Hey what's-" I paused, my eyes widening when I met the familiar eyes of Mrs. Shin. 

"Oh, Ms. Park, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there," she apologized, bowing deeply but keeping her eyes on me. A bowed slightly before quickly regaining my composure. 

"Ah, it's alright. I wasn't watching where I was going."

She said nothing for a few seconds, staring intently at me before she brushed her hair off her shoulder, indeed revealing a grey patch of skin that was only slightly noticeable before.

"Have a good day, Rina."

She walked out of the coffee shop, causing me to roll my eyes before I actually realized what she said.


I shook my head, putting in an order for a caramel frappuccino, and handing her the money. Once the drink was made, I grabbed it, rubbing the side of my head in an attempt to calm my racing mind.

I slid into the seat beside Hoseok before briefly examining the little parking lot. No one.

"Hey, is something wrong?" Hobi asked, starting the car. I shook my head, placing Taehyung's drink in the cup holder before buckling my seatbelt.

"No. Let's go, hm?"

He nodded, backing out and starting on his way to the shoot.

One thing kept swirling in my mind with each light and intersection we passed.

'How did she know my name was Rina?'

                                                     ጎፕነ ል ነጎጠሁረልፕጎዐክ

As soon as we got to the place of the shoot and were allowed in, I set myself on finding Tae, leaving Hoseok to carry his drink and his bag.

I eventually found him near the camera, taking a look at the pictures and talking with a shorter man beside him.

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