Migraine and My Pain

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"I actually don't know much about her. Namjoon is the one who handles all of that."

I pouted, getting off his lap before pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. "Alright, I'm going to go see him then. Is he in his office?"

"Yeah. He should be."

I nodded, waving goodbye to him and running to his office. Now that the adrenaline of Miyo had passed, I was nervous again.

I knocked on his door, hearing a murmur telling me to come in. I opened the door and slipped in before shutting it behind me. I turned to find Namjoon laying on the couch, one arm over his forehead.

"Joonie?" I questioned quietly. He looked up at me before sitting up and rubbing his temples. "Is something wrong?" I asked.

"My head's just killing me. I have a lot to get done."

'Maybe this is a bad time. I should just help him instead.'

"Alright," I smiled, pouring him a glass of water and setting it on the table in front of him. I stepped in between his legs and pulled off his blazer before I ran my hands through his hair, massaging his temples as well.

He groaned from beneath me, resting his forehead on my stomach. 

"I know it hurts doesn't it?"

He nodded softly, making me swoon over how cute he was acting. I had to remind myself he was only a year older than Jimin and Tae.

"How about this," I paused, grabbing the few written files from his desk and sitting on the couch beside him. "I'm going to do the files, you lay your head here," I motioned to my lap, "and get some sleep?"

He looked opposed to the idea, almost arguing but I grabbed a blanket and popped a pillow on my lap. "No excuses."

He sighed before grudgingly taking his shoes off and laying down on the massive couch. I laid the blanket over his body and adjusted his head comfortably on my lap. I returned my left hand to massage his head while I read through the contracts and papers.

This wasn't so hard.

About 20 minutes later I was finished with his work, making me feel quite accomplished. I put the stack of papers on the table and reclined on the couch, sifting through Namjoon's beautiful locks of hair.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door, surprising me. "Come in," I called quietly, hoping not to wake Namjoon.

Jin peeked in the door, making me smile. As soon as he saw us, he smiled as well, opening the door wider and coming in with a tray of food. He set it down on the table before coming to my side and pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"Namjoon texted me earlier saying he didn't feel good so I brought him some of his favorite food. It always makes him feel better," he paused, looking down at his boyfriend sleeping peacefully on my lap. "But I see you've found your own way as well."

I grinned, nodding my head happily as Jin kneeled down on the floor and unloaded the food. "I packed enough if you would like some too, love," he mentioned, popping off the lid of a container of soup.

"Thank you so much Jinnie. Really." I felt grateful that the boys always had each other's backs. It gave me hope that maybe when I left...they'd be able to ground each other. He smiled thoughtfully, laying down two chopsticks and spoons.

"Anything for my loves," he mumbled, giving me a soft kiss before doing the same to a sleeping Namjoon.

"I have to get back to work. Text us if you need anything, okay?"

I nodded, flashing him another smile as he grabbed the empty tray and left again. A few moments later, Namjoon's eyes fluttered open probably because of the tasty aroma of food Jin had brought with him.

"Hungry?" I asked, fixing his hair and helping him sit up. 

"Yeah," he nodded his head before wincing slightly. 

"Careful with your head movements Joon. They make migraines worse."

"Okay," he muttered softly as I filled a plate for him and myself. "Did Jin bring this?"

I nodded, tasting the soup. "He said these were your favorites and always made you feel better."

"He was right. I love these dishes."

"They're quite tasty," I giggled, watching him almost inhale the soup. "And you seem to be quite hungry."

He smiled sheepishly before setting the bowl down and starting on the plate. "I haven't eaten since dinner last night."

"Well, no wonder your head hurts! Namjoon take care of yourself!"

"I know I know. I was just so busy with work and...and is that all the finished papers?" he asked, pointing to the stack on the other side of the table.

"Oh yes. I finished them for you while you were asleep," I chirped, finishing my own bowl of soup. He glanced at the clock before back to the papers. 

"Rina it's been half an hour."

"Yeah, you should've slept longer. But oh well, I guess cat naps work too."

"No no, Rina. You finished the papers in half an hour."

"Oh yes! I suppose...." Oh crap. "I suppose I did." I laughed it off, hoping he wouldn't ask any more about it. I guess I should've thought about that when I offered to do it for him. But at least now he didn't have to do anything! "Hey, I actually had a question for you."

"What's that?" he asked, looking away from the papers and to me.

"What do you know about Ms. Shin Lia?"

"She's married to a man named Mr. Shin Lao who just recently handed over the duties of expanding and business growth to her. She doesn't have much on her file besides that she came from an isolated traditional family, just like you. She's incredibly smart and talented which is why their company is one of the best. Which is also why we tried to get some land from her. Their properties are massive."

I was only interested in the same qualities we had. She definitely was an alien and she most positively wanted something to do with me.


Double update!

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