New York?!

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"Hey, Rina? Taehyung? Will you guys come to the living room when you're done?" We both turned to Hoseok whose head was poked in the kitchen, a smile bright on his lips. I glanced at Taehyung before nodding and offering a smile. He shot us a thumbs-up before disappearing around the corner.

"Wonder what that's about," I thought out loud, scrubbing the last few plates. Taehyung shrugged, a tired look on his face as he dried the silverware.

"Did something happen at work?" I asked, shutting off the water and pulling up my sleeves even more. Ever since he had gotten home from the cafe, he didn't seem to be in a good mood. Not even the barbeque could cheer him up.

He sighed, setting down the last few dried plates.

"Not really. My ex showed up out of the blue and stuck around for a few hours pestering me until I called the manager to kick him out."

I frowned, leaning my back on the counter as he rolled his sleeves down. "Did he say anything to you?"

"If you mean tried to get back in my pants then yes." I flinched slightly at his cold tone, watching as he sighed and rubbed his eyes. "I'm sorry Rina. I'm just- he's done some horrible things to me. It took me so long to warm up to the guys and it's crazy how I opened right up for you. I mean it's been hard ever since I left him." 

I nodded in understanding, brushing his bangs from his golden eyes. His gaze met mine as I stopped in front of him. 

"I'm glad you trusted me," I whispered, saying the opposite thing my brain was telling me. 'I wish you didn't.'

He offered a small smile, his long, nimble fingers resting around my wrists. 

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah," I giggled, cupping his cheeks. "Because now I can stand here and do this." I leaned forward, pushing my lips against his and fluttering my eyes shut. He let go of my wrists, his hands coming to rest at my nape and cheek as his head tilted. Our lips molded perfectly. Almost as if I was meant to do this. Meant to be with him.

Someone cleared their throat, surprising us both. "When you lovebirds are done, we're waiting for you," Jin grumbled, rolling his eyes. I laughed, noticing Taehyung's cheeks get red and Jin playfully smile. At least now he was in a better mood.

"Alright let's go Taehyungie," I teased, pulling him to the living room where everyone was seated in different places. Jungkook motioned for me to come over to him, so I dropped Taehyung's hand and ran into Jungkook's lap. From there I watched as Taehyung made his way to Namjoon's expecting arms.

"Okay, basically, we're having our annual family meeting about the gala." My eyebrows furrowed as I buried my cheek against Jungkook's chest. His arms squeezed around me in a comforting manner. "Rina, you don't know about this because you haven't been with us for very long," Namjoon explained. 

"It's basically a huge dinner party Jungkook and Namjoon get invited to every year because they're close work partners with the guy who hosts it. They bring us every time so everybody already knows who we are."

I nodded in understanding at Jin's explanation before turning to Jungkook. He just smiled at me, pressing a kiss to my forehead before turning his attention to Namjoon who had continued to speak.

"It's in 2 days. And it's in New York this year."

Immediately everybody was alert.

"New York?! Jungkook did you know about this?" Taehyung questioned, turning to the younger boy. He tensed under me, his hold around my waist tightening in the slightest.

"Hey, it's okay guys. Maybe he just found out. Don't be upset," I interrupted, making sure none of them got too mad.

"We were only just informed about this when we received the invitation this morning. Jungkook and I have to attend because there will be important officials there that we need to meet's up to you guys if you would like to come. We know it's hard because normally he hosts it here or in a nearby city but for some odd reason he decided New York this year."

"It's because Shin is part of the guest list."

I turned to Jungkook who answered the rhetorical question. 

"Shin as in...Shin Lia?"

Jungkook nodded as I suddenly felt uneasy. We were walking right into her territory. But I couldn't let Jungkook and Namjoon go alone. There was no way. I was going to figure this out without letting any of the boys get hurt.

"I'm going. Is that okay?" I asked quickly after. Namjoon and Jungkook looked at one another in surprise before nodding along. "I mean am I not part of the company?"

"I guess...I guess you are," Jungkook mumbled thoughtfully. I turned to face him on his lap, my fingers playing with his hair. "Will you please come?" he asked softly, his doe eyes gazing up at me.

"I wanted to anyway," I smiled, kissing him before turning back around. 

"I'll come too," Hoseok offered, a small smile on his lips. Jimin who sat to his right gave an unsure shrug. 

"I might be able to get the time off. How long will we be away?"

"3 days at max," Namjoon answered.

He nodded, picking up his phone. "Let me go make a few calls." He got up from the couch and left to the kitchen, a grim look on his face. He probably didn't want to think of work just yet. Not after what happened today.

"I think I can get off work," Taehyung thought out loud. 

"I'll go," Jin called out from beside Yoongi. I watched his face as he thought about what to do. 

"I also need to make a phone call. I'll need a sub and if Jimin's going to be gone they'll have to find someone else." We watched as he also got up and went down the hall, phone in hand.

"At least everybody somewhat wants to go," I joked, lightening the mood a little. Smiles broke out on the remaining five's faces as I snuggled up to Jungkook.  

"Should I start packing tomorrow?" I asked quietly. He wrapped his arms under my knees and back before standing, picking me up along with him. 

"Yeah probably. Joon will you let me know what their answers are? I'll get these tickets taken care of."

Namjoon nodded from his spot under Taehyung's clutches. He smiled, holding me against his chest before giving the others kisses. "We're heading to bed," he told them for us before exiting down the hall to his room at the very end.

"We are?"

"We are," he hummed, opening the door and shutting it behind him. Although the bedroom was dark, it wasn't that hard to see. He sat me down on the edge of the bed before making his way to the closet. 

He grabbed a large t-shirt and handed it to me before taking his own shirt off. 

I shamelessly stared, only mildly disappointed when he put on another, loser shirt. He turned and snorted, seeing me still desperately clutching the shirt in my hands.

"C'mon change princess. I'm tired," he sighed, collapsing on the large bed. I shrugged off the hoodie, turning my back to him as I slipped a huge shirt over my head. I crawled over to his side and hid under the blankets. He pulled me against his chest before pressing a warm, soft kiss to my neck. 

"I love you."

"I love you too," I mumbled, feeling my eyes droop. "I love you too."

                                                           ዕቿርዐዕቿ ፕዘጎነ

Is this three updates in one day?

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