Let's Make it Official

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Dinner that night was loud and rambunctious. Jimin was ranting on about how he stopped some guy from robbing a girl which obviously led to many praises from around the table. Jin had just gotten a new offer from a big-time company and possible sauce sails for his restaurant. And the rest was just the usual.

I finished my plate before everyone else, feeling full from lunch and a bit nauseous. The pendant around my neck had continued to weigh more and more, the burden of my mission pushing down on my shoulders.

I only had to figure out now how to get home. Was there some sort of spell I was supposed to say and suddenly I traveled back home?

I stood up from the table, washing my dish in the sink before folding myself into the couch cushions. I felt a presence next to me before his arms circled my waist and his nose pressed against my neck. Based on the smell and tuff of dark hair, I could easily tell it was Taehyung.


He hummed, pressing his chest against my back as we lay on the couch.

"What's wrong?"

"I should be asking you that, hm? You're part of us now."

"Part of us?"

His fingers rubbed small circles on my waist as he nuzzled my neck.

"Maybe we should go over this. Let's have a small meeting," Namjoon announced, bringing the others to the living room as well. I tried to sit up but the weight of Taehyung around me wouldn't let me, so instead I just stayed lying down.

Everyone took different seats, snuggling up with each other as Jin pulled Namjoon down between his legs.

"I'm pretty sure we all feel the same way about Rina, hm?"

There were shy murmurs around the room as my cheeks heated up. 

"So, Rina we want to talk to you about this before making any decisions. How do you feel about us? Being a part of us?"

"Being with us?" Jimin added, crossing his legs.

I felt Taehyung's arms give me a reassuring squeeze as I took a deep breath.

"Is that what you really want?" I asked them softly. I knew it was. And I knew if I said no, for the rest of the time I was here, I wouldn't get them off my back. I had pieces of their soul that physically attracted them to me. Either way, I had an answer.

"Yes, it's what we want. We've talked about this with each other and we all have the same opinion," Hoseok smiled, making my heart warm inside.

"So then what are you asking me?"

"How would you like to be our," Jin paused, putting emphasis on 'our' while looking around the circle of boys. "girlfriend?"

I couldn't stop the smile that broke out on my face. All the guilty and worry out the window just like that.

"Yes. I would like that," I grinned, watching as their faces lit up and they all swarmed around me, pressing kisses to my face and embracing me tightly.

"Wow that made me a lot more nervous than it should have," Jin admitted, wiping invisible sweat from his brow. I giggled, finally getting up from the couch and hugging him tightly. 

"Namjoon-ah?" I called, seeing him standing off to the side, a deep smile on his face while the other boys were all laughing and snuggling with eachother. He turned to me, the smile never leaving his face.

"Did you find your missing piece?" I asked, joining his side. He wrapped his arms around me, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. 

"I think we did. Look how happy you've made them."

I smiled, forgetting all my worries and feeling like a normal human. 

"I'm glad."

He hummed, pulling me to the pile of boys spread over the giant couch and fluffy ground as Taehyung popped in a movie. I sat by Jungkook, throwing my leg over his lap and stuffing my face in his neck as Jimin came to rest on my other side.

"Are we good now?" I asked Jungkook quietly, quiet enough so none of the others could hear.

"Well if you're now my girlfriend, I guess you were going to see that part of me sooner as opposed to later."

I playfully hit his shoulder, watching as he grinned. 

"That feels weird," I mumbled, turning my gaze to the tv before glancing around me. Hoseok was cozied up to Yoongi and Taehyung while Jin and Namjoon were laying across each other. It felt nice to be surrounded by so many beautiful people.

"I expect more affection in the office," Jungkook whispered, lightly pinching my side. I giggled, pressing a kiss to his cheek. 

"Alright. But I'm warning you in advance, I may get nothing done."

"Stop playing, of course, you will. You're Park Rina after all. The superhuman."

I laughed, squeezing him tightly before turning to Jimin. "I love you," I mumbled, making him turn to me in surprise. 

"I-I love you too," he gushed as I planted a firm kiss on his cheek. "I'm glad to have you in my life. I'm glad to have all of you."

He smiled, making me melt inside. 

"We're glad to have you too."


The calm before the storm....so um, where's Mila?

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