Partner Dance

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I slid the ring off my finger, gently folding it into a handkerchief and stuffing it in the bottom of my bag so I wouldn't lose it. I didn't want to risk it falling off during the dance.

"Hi Hoseok," I greeted once I entered the room. He looked up from his phone, jumping up from his corpse pose on the floor with a bright smile on his lips. 

"Hi, Rina! I'm super excited for today."

"Ah, is that so?" I grinned, seeing the light shimmer in his eyes as he nodded quickly. 

"Yeah. I thought since you learned the last...two dances really quick, we could do something fun!"


"Well yeah. Last time, you learned 2 dances that would've taken a...normal person at least a week each to learn them."

I raised an eyebrow in surprise. 

They were really easy...or maybe Hoseok's just a really good teacher.

"Alright, so what's your idea of fun?"

He smiled, turning on the music and reaching for my hand. I was caught of guard, squealing when he dipped me against the ground and flung me back up, his hands around my waist as he grinned at me. My eyes widened as his dimples appeared. 

"I was thinking partner dance?"

"P-partner dance?"

"Just follow my lead," he shrugged before twirling me, his hands returning to the bend of my waist. I tried to focus on his moves and not the feeling of his body on mine. 

I need to get a grip on myself.

But then again...I've never felt this way before.

The music quieted, leaving me and Hoseok flush against each other in silence. 

"Not so hard, huh?" he smirked, his face only inches from mine.


My words became stuck in my throat as I searched his face with my eyes. 

Come on Rina speak!

"I-I guess not."

He let me go, grabbing his water as I stood watching. 

He's gorgeous. 


I tugged at my hair, casting my eyes away from the skillful man to my reflection in the mirror.

                                                           ዕቿርዐዕቿ ፕዘጎነ

"Woah Rina! Are you okay?" 

Hoseok lunged forward, wrapping his arms around me before I completely passed out on the ground. 

Blinding red lights blurred my vision as the ring around my finger coursed blood through my body. 

Oh my god, how is it possible Hoseok is a soul too?

I groaned as Hoseok stood me upright, my vision clearing as all the red lights seemed to fade into nothingness.

"Hey Rina," he snapped his fingers in front of my face as I came about. 

"O-oh yeah?"

"Here drink some water. What happened?" he offered his water bottle that I gladly took. 

"I uh- I don't really know. I guess I'm dehydrated."

"Yeah, that makes sense. You did really well today," he grinned, patting my head. I smiled, shaking my head and taking a drink of the water.

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