Wet Dog

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How did I find myself here in Namjoon's room? I don't know. Was I doing anything weird? Also no. So don't panic yet.

"Here, this one might fit. It's one of my favorites," Namjoon grinned, coming out of his closet and handing me a dark green bundle of fabric. I softly grabbed it, ignoring the wet hair sticking to my skin, and held it up.

"Looks good. Thank you so much and again I'm sorry about your...lamp." At the mention of the lamp, you both looked at the shattered pieces scattered over the ground next to a puddle of drying-up water.

Namjoon chuckled, helping me up from the bed. 

"That's my third one this month. You're good."

I grinned, following his gesture to the bathroom before shutting the door behind me. I glanced at myself in the mirror, my nose wrinkling in disgust. 

My hair was soaked, hanging in ropes down to my skin-clinging shirt and wet leggings. 

I scowled at the memory.

I packed up my stuff, waving to Yoongi who just nodded with a small sigh before leaving his classroom and skipping out the building doors without even looking through a single window. I was immediately met with the harsh downpours of large raindrops and dark clouds. 

I only felt a second of annoyance before there was a loud crack and I was screaming, running for my life with my bag tucked safely under my arm. 

I ran to my dorm but found it locked. Reaching for my keys, I let out a soft groan when I remembered I hadn't actually taken them this morning, forgetting them on the kitchen counter next to the sink. Yoora also wasn't going to be home until tomorrow because she was visiting her parents out in Busan. Wherever the hell that is.

I stomped my foot down, looking around the empty corridor before deciding I had nowhere to go and if I didn't want to look homeless I needed to find some help. 

Before I could even give my idea a good thought, I stormed off in the direction of Jung Hoseok's house. The only other place I knew I could find help in this big ass city.

A string of curse words left my mouth as I sprinted back through the pounding rain, the shaking of the sky terrifying me out of my wits so I'd yelp every time.

After a good 5 minutes, I ran into the familiar luxurious complex and into the elevator, trying not to drip everywhere. I pressed floor 7 before waiting and watching the numbers tick up.

Once it got to said number, I exited the machine, skipping to the door in an attempt to not soak the carpet. 

I underestimated how wet I really was.

A few seconds later someone came to the door, making my eyes widen in surprise when it wasn't Hoseok but instead Namjoon. 

"God Rina what happened to you?!" He grabbed my arm, pulling me inside before leading me down a hall and into a bedroom labeled KN. As soon as he let me go though, I slipped on his clean floor, knocking over a lamp on his table in my hurry to find support.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry."

Namjoon just looked surprised before breaking out in laughter. 

"It's fine. Anyway do you need clothes? Jimin might have some bottoms you can wear. Either him or Yoongi. I can give you one of my sweatshirts if you need it."


"So what happened?" he asked, rummaging in his closet. 

"I locked myself out of my apartment and ran through the rain. And my roommate won't be home until tomorrow."

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