Jeju and How Are You?

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It was nice. One thing that really interested me was the blue ocean only feet away from where I stood. 

Once we had gotten here and checked into the beach house we were staying in, Jungkook told me the meeting wasn't until dinner tonight and I had the next few hours to myself.

I was already prepared for the meeting and had done all the work so I decided to sit out by the water instead.

My eyes sparkled, feeling the chilled water run over my toes. I leaned down, picking up a shell just as more water made its way to me.


I waded further in, feeling free from all the burdens in my life. I had never experienced anything like the ocean. It was so magnificent. It was one of the things that made me feel like maybe Earth is better than my home.

People here had emotions, beautiful sights, and different appearances and characters. And most importantly, they had something we would never have, love.

I sighed, my mood deflating as I crossed my arms protectively over myself. "Hey, Rinnie. Is something wrong?"

I turned, noticing Jin had waded out to my side, a look of soft worry on his features.

"Hi, Jinnie. I was just thinking, you know?"

"About what?"

I let out a huff of air, wondering what lie I could tell him.

"And I want the truth. I know something has been bothering you lately. We all can see it."

"You can?" I turned to face him, studying his eyes.

"It's clear. You're having a mental battle with yourself. We've all tried to ignore it, knowing if you never brought it up, you didn't want anyone to know. But it's hard to see someone you care about always staring into space, tugging their heart over something."

I felt my defenses lower, my body instinctively crumbling into his hold.

"It's okay love, you can tell me."

"I wish I could. I do, I really do. But I just can't," I mumbled, hiding my face in his neck. I felt ashamed. I had taken multiple of his boyfriend's hearts and basically ripped them up, stomped on them, and said "screw you" to all of them.

"Why not?"

I faced him, tears in my eyes as I cupped his cheeks. "I need to fight this battle myself before I drag other people into it. I need to figure this out for myself, okay?" 

He nodded softly, wiping the few tears that dripped from my eyes. "If it gets to be too much, let me help you, okay? I want to be there for you."

"I will," I muttered, tears now spilling down my cheeks. "I'm sorry Jin. For everything. You mean so much to me."

Tears welled up in his own eyes. "Rinnie you're scaring me..."

"I know. I'm sorry. You'll understand soon."

He nodded again, a tear escaping his own eye. "I love you Rinnie. Please don't take this lightly. I know you're struggling, I want to help so much, but I know you have to figure this out. You might not feel the same and I don't want to force you into anything. Take the time for yourself. I can wait-"

I crashed my lips against his, sending him a few steps back. I felt the cool water hitting our bare legs, his fluffy hair through my fingers, his silk shirt against my arms and neck, and his soft lips against my own. Everything felt perfect. My necklace glowed as our lips molded together in perfect harmony. 

We had had our bumps and bruises, especially with Mila and there was a lot of effort that went on in the background, but I felt like because of this, we had gotten closer in that way.

When we separated, we both had tear-stained cheeks and red lips but we were smiling.

"I've wanted to do that for a while," he chuckled, pulling me into his chest for a tight hug.

'I wish I could say the same Jin. I do.'

"I hope you can figure everything out Rinnie. We'll always be here. It's kind of hard to get rid of us now."

"I guess it is, huh?"

He grinned, playfully splashing water at me. I yelped, kicking water at him in return as he burst out laughing. I smiled, playing along with him, unaware of the adoring eyes watching us from the window of the house.

Jungkook stood by himself, watching the whole scene unfold in front of him. He wasn't blind, he also saw how much his lovers adored Rina. She was almost a breath of fresh air for them, offering a retreat they didn't know they needed. She had been their missing piece, and now, watching his boyfriend kiss the girl he too loved, he felt complete.

He felt grateful for the little things. Not to mention, it was people like Rina who made his ex's reappearance not that bad. He had of course apologized to Taehyung for his behavior and spent a night making love to him. It was something they both needed and it felt good to explain each other's feelings. That's when Jungkook found out Taehyung had kissed her. That's also the night he found out he, like his lovers, could not live without the girl in their lives. She had saved some of them from a spiral they had begun to fall down. Now they were restored. She had saved him.


The boy snapped out of his thoughts at the now two soaked travelers standing at the backdoor.

"Can you pretty please grab us towels?" I asked, watching as he nodded and disappeared around a corner.

"Huh must've been staring into space again," Jin mumbled.

"Does he do that a lot?"

"A common habit of his." 

I nodded in understanding, gratefully taking the towel from Jungkook who had quickly returned. 

"Man, you guys are soaked."

"For you," Jin cracked, leaving us both doubled over laughing as Jungkook's cheeks heated up.

"Act your age, Kim," he grumbled, turning and leaving us outside.

"Jungkook wait!" We both scrambled inside and took our shoes off. I offered to take the towels to the laundry room while Jin went after Jungkook. Who knew what he was planning to do after that comment?

I dropped the wet towels in the hamper, making my way to my room to shower and change. My hair was almost fully pink now, I noticed while looking in the mirror. It was weird to go back to this now.

'It's as if I almost want this right now to be my reality.'

                                                                 ጎፕነ ቻልጕቿ

There are so many book ideas I have, I just want to get this one over with!!

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