The Hoseok Experience

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My brain was racing a hundred miles per minute, watching the sky get even darker and the passing lights from buildings get even blurrier. The only thing I could concentrate on was Jung Hoseok's hand interlinked with mine, resting on my lap. It felt...good.

"Love, you're being so quiet today. Did something happen?"

"Yeah actually. Do you know a Lee Miyo?"

His expression noticeably darkened while his grip grew tighter on the steering wheel and my hand.

"Why do you suddenly mention that name?"

"She showed up at work today, demanding things from Jungkook. I didn't let her get away with it of course. I was not going to stand by and watch her hurt him. But Namjoon was there too. She said she was Jungkook's ex?"

Hobi's jaw was clenched as he stopped at a red light before turning to me.

"You tell me if she ever lays a finger on you, alright? I'm not nervous about Jungkook, he can handle these things. But you? I need you unscathed in my arms, okay?"

My eyes widened profusely as he pressed on the gas. 


"Do you mean that? Do you actually care about my well-being?"

"Are you crazy?" He glanced at me in disbelief before continuing. "Of course, I care. I've always cared. All the boys care. You can't see that?"

I looked away, deciding not to answer. I had never felt these feelings before. I couldn't see it. And I couldn't tell him that.

"She said something else." He hummed lowly. "She said Jungkook would get married to his gays behind bars. Something about a whole business matter and how she would sue him. But you guys aren't married yet?"

He inhaled deeply before sighing. "No. We're not."

"Why? You all seem to love each other a lot."

He nodded his Adam's apple bobbing. "Remember how I told you we don't feel complete? We all agreed, when we first started dating, that we wouldn't get married until we were all positive we were happy with the circumstances."

"You guy's aren't happy?"

"No, we're happy. We just feel more...incomplete."

I grew a little hopeful at that. "So, you're waiting for another person? The right person?"

He shrugged. "Maybe it's a person, maybe it's a cat? Who knows? But for now, we're keeping our eyes open."

I smiled softly. "Which is why you're letting me take you on this date."

"Is this even your date anymore or mine?"

I laughed, his smile bursting with energy when I looked over at him. "Fair point."

Pretty soon we pulled up to a very fancy but casual-looking Italian restaurant. He opened the car door for me and helped me out before sweeping me to his side and resting his arm on my waist.

"Reservation for Jung."

"Yes Mr. Jung, right this way please."

"You got a reservation in less than an hour?"

He grinned with a small shrug. "Seokjin knowes the owner really well."

My mouth molded into an 'o' shape as I followed the waitress and Hoseok. She brought us up 2 sets of stairs, confusing me when we passed the dining rooms and continued to go up. "You'll see," Hoseok muttered when he saw my confused state. She brought us up 3 more sets of stairs before I felt a small breeze and the starry sky come into view. 

'The roof?!'

This wasn't any oridinary roof though. The fences were lined with vegetation, lights strung across the entire perimeter, and only a few nicely set tables with comfortable cushioned seats and candles.

"When I said date, I was thinking ice cream or something...this is- unbelievable."

He laughed softly, pulling a chair out for me so I could sit down. This was incredible. I looked out over the city and mountains in the distance. We had taken the table close to the edge. "Earth is really beautiful."

Hoseok snorted, bringing the menu down from his face and smiling at me. "You act as if you've never seen the world before."

"I kinda haven't," I mumbled, hoping he hadn't heard me.

"What do you want to order?" he asked, pulling my view from the city to him. "I'm not sure. Anything you'll get without mushrooms or olives please."

"I don't like those either," he laughed, calling the waitress over who was cleaning some cushions. It made sense not to make so many trips back and forth. 

He ordered quickly before she disappeared down the steps again like before.

I sighed softly, leaning my chin on my propped up palm.

"You know...I've never seen a girl quite as stunning as you Rina."

I felt flustered as I straightened my posture. "You haven't?"

"No. You are quite literally the most astonishing visual I've ever met. Besides Taehyung of course."

I laughed, rubbing my cheeks softly. "You think so?"

"I know so."

I ducked my head shyly, a gasp leaving my lips when I felt him pull me gently from my seat. Only now did I notice the soft, slow music playing on the roof. 

"Dance with me?"

I shyly smiled, placing my hands around his neck as I felt his fingers trace along my sides.

"You know, I've wanted to take you on a date for forever."


"Ever since you walked in my studio. I was in love."

My breathing hitched as his words sunk in. 

'In love?'

"In love?" 

He nodded, twirling me before pulling me back. "I can't stand the way you make me feel and I'm done denying my feelings. I'll only stop pursuing you if you know for a fact you don't want this."

'I do. I do want this. Don't I? Or am I just doing this for my mission?'

"I do," I whispered before my brain could form any other words.

"Are you sure?" he asked, his hand coming up to rest on my cheek. I nodded, words failing me as he got even closer until I felt his plush lips rest against my own. Another surge of energy bolted through me as a red light flashed. As soon as he had kissed me, he was off and smiling. 

I smiled, my lips wavering knowing what I had just done. 

'I'm sorry Hobi.'

                                                     ነቿሀቿክ የሁዪቿ ነዐሁረነ

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