Ex Reunion

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I frowned, throwing a few sweatshirts from my closet onto the bed. I had left the boy's apartment early this morning to start packing and now that I was here, I hated it. Yoora had been acting different ever since the robbery and I didn't like one bit of it. 

Since I wasn't going to be here much longer either, I stopped going to my classes. Yoongi hadn't asked yet but I knew he was going to soon. I mean I had only missed 3 already. He would be questioning me soon.

But that's not necessarily what I was thinking of at the moment. I told Jungkook that I would get all of our rooms sorted out at the hotel. Jimin and Yoongi were able to get their time off from work so we were all planning on going to the gala. The thing is, the gala was towards the very end of the week when I would be leaving.

The thought made me frown as I sat down on the edge of my bed. How was I supposed to leave them after everything? 

'I wasn't supposed to get attached and here I am, very much attached.' 

I groaned, letting my back fall against the unused bed. I picked up my phone beside me and began logging into the hotel's website. Jungkook said he wanted us all to be in a resort but I insisted that it was New York. We would be just fine in a hotel. Now a very nice hotel yes but no resorts. No money wasted that would amount to nothing once I left.

I looked at the rooms, coming up with a decision. If I'm not with any of them in a room, I can start to detach myself.

I got 4 rooms. 3 large ones for the boys to share (one of them had double beds) and one very small one for me. It would work out perfectly.

After buying the rooms, I set my phone down and stood up from the bed. I needed a dress. And no one would have better style advice than the man of pink himself. I immediately called Jin, asking if he could spare some time today after he was done at the restaurant to go get a dress. Of course, he said yes.

I threw on a T-shirt and jeans and left my room to go knock on Yoora's door.

"Hey, Yoora?"

I heard quiet murmuring before a soft, "I have to go." Moments later she opened the door, phone in hand and a smile on her lips.


"I-I was just letting you know that I'm going shopping with a friend so if you need me you can just call me."

She nodded, turning around to shut the door before I tapped her shoulder. 

"I'll also be going to New York for a few days this week for a business trip, so I won't be home then either."

She just smiled with a nod as I turned to leave. Her blue hair was quite stunning, it was almost vibrant now. She must've gotten it touched up from when I first met her. "I like your hair too."

She reached up to her soft hair and smiled a true smile. "Thank you! My friends say blue looks best on me."

"It does," I agreed before making my way back to my room. I grabbed my bag and my phone before texting Jin to meet me at the cafe. While I waited, I was going to see if Taehyung was working.

I strapped the purse on before exiting the dorm and making my way down the street to the familiar, warm-smelling cafe.

As soon as I walked in, I pointed out the fluffy head of brown hair behind the counter. He looked up, hearing the bell ring before a large grin spread over his soft, pink lips. 

"Hi baby," he chuckled, coming around the counter to wrap me in his arms. 

"Hi there," I giggled, pecking his lips. 

'I've already failed at detaching myself,' I thought, none too happy about how things were already turning out. It was just too hard.

"What brings you here?" 

"Jin is coming with me to buy a dress for the gala," I answered. He hummed thoughtfully before his eyes cast to the door at yet another ringing of the bell. Immediately his face grew hard as he pulled me behind him.

"There's my little puppy. Too bad that old man ruined our time yesterday. I had so many plans for us," a man a few years older than Taehyung greeted, holding out his arms to the younger. Taehyung's arms hung firmly at his sides before he crossed them in front of his chest.

"There's a reason that 'old man' told you to get out Mark."

I watched in shock as the man named Mark's hands crept around Taehyung's waist, his hands resting in uncomfortable places. I felt stuck in my place. Why was I not moving to help him?

Taehyung's face morphed into one of disgust as he tried peeling Mark from him.

"Get off Mark. This isn't funny," he grumbled. Mark only gripped his wrists and yanked him closer. 

"That's not what you call me pup," he growled. Okay, now it seems I need to step in. 

I shook my head, grabbed Taehyung's arm and pulled him back to the counter. "Tae, baby, why don't you go get that nice woman in line her coffee while I talk to Mark?"

"Baby?" Mark scoffed as Taehyung turned to me. 

"Rina, I can handle this."

"There's too much history for you to be able to handle this easily Taehyung. It'll be hard. Let me do it." Without a response, I pushed him behind the counter, announcing his presence to the woman in line, waiting boredly.

I stepped up to Mark, not letting the obvious height different intimidate me.

"Now, since when is Taehyung interested in girls?"

"Since when did you care?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. He laughed, adjusting his stance to look more assertive. "And do you have some sort of furry fantasy? Who calls their ex pup?"

"You'd be surprised. It's pretty normal around here baby doll," Mark smirked. I wanted to smack that smug expression right off his face.

"Do you live under a rock or something? When was that ever normal?" Before he could respond, I stepped forward and poked at his chest. "Now I'm going to have to ask you to leave before I get the manager, again, and the cops called on you for disturbing the peace and sexual assault."

His skin turned redder as his eyes darkened. "Who are you to tell me to go away?" he asked, clearly pissed off.

"Taehyung's girlfriend. Now fuck off," I snapped, pushing him back to the door. When he regained his balance, he turned to me like a mad bull. 

"Wrong move princess," he chuckled before storming up to me and raising his hand. Another hand caught his wrist, pushing him back once more before he could hit me. I turned, surprised to see Jin, practically steaming with anger.

"Leave. Now. Before things get even worse for you Mark. Remember, I know your father and have every right to talk to him about your little misbehaving."

Mark, though angry, seemed a little bit terrified at Jin's appearance. He muttered some useless words before turning and leaving the cafe. As soon as he did, Jin's facial expression softened as he turned to me. "Are you okay love?"

I nodded before glancing at Taehyung who was also staring, shocked at the scene before him.

"Rina this is why I said let me handle it," he almost growled, grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards him.

"He was making you uncomfortable! What am I supposed to do? Watch with a bag of popcorn as he harasses one of my boyfriends?! Why am I always getting in trouble when I try to help?" I practically fumed, steam coming from my ears. "It's always, 'Rina don't do that.' 'Rina not the time.' 'Rina let me-'." Taehyung pressed his lips against mine in a soft plea to stop talking. 

"Because we don't want you hurt," Jin mumbled from beside him, threading his fingers through my pink hair.

"We love you too much."


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