Trials and Tribulations

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"So, Rina," Taehyung paused as we quietly wandered through the empty halls. I sighed, glancing at him before continuing to walk. "I'm really sorry. I feel like shit. I just jumped to conclusions and didn't actually think about how everything had affected you...I felt so scared and I just assumed you had lied to us about everything for your own selfishness."

I stopped, turning around quickly and pursing my lips. "Taehyung, everything I felt was real. I told you that. And you called me a feeling fucker. If I fucked up anyone's feelings it was my own."

"I know I'm sorry. I feel awful about everything I said." He somewhat groaned into his palm before pulling me toward him. "Please forgive me."

"Do you even love me? Like actually?" I asked quietly, feeling my eyes fill with tears once more. "Because it didn't feel like it."

"Rina, I was scared. You basically told us you killed us it just needs to catch up." 

"I know. I know. And I'm sorry but you have to understand my side."

"So do you even love us?"

"Yes! You taught me what love is. There are no emotions where I'm from Taehyung. And there is definitely no love anywhere."

His fingers traced my jaw softly before he tucked my pink hair behind my ear. "I'm glad. Because you deserve to be loved the most Rina," he whispered before pressing his lips against mine. "It's already been too long since I've last kissed you."

I smiled, wrapping him up in a hug. "I love you a lot Taehyung. You mean everything to me."

"We love you a lot too. Now let's get that necklace before we both get trapped in here again hm?"

I nodded, grabbing his hand and dragging him in the direction I believed the stage was in. I stopped short coming to a door that was marked "stage" and creaked it open. 

"That was too easy," I mumbled before tiptoeing inside and flattening myself against the dark wall. "Thank goodness we aren't in our dressy gear," I quietly joked before creeping along the wall. Eventually, we made it to a curtain where we could see the guests still dancing like nothing had happened.

"What time is it?" I turned to Taehyung. He flipped his wrist up to check before furrowing his brows. "It's only 10."


"Yeah I thought it was a lot later," he shrugged before a microphone turned on and someone cleared their throat. I knew right away who it was.

"Good evening everyone. I'm so glad you are all here this evening for the annual business gala. Tonight we have some special things planned for you. My name is Yoora and I am one of your hostesses' for tonight."

"How did we miss that?" I asked myself. Taehyung shrugged in confusion before pulling me against him.

"How are we going to get the necklace?" he asked as Yoora continued to speak.

"I say we wait till she's alone and jump her."

"She hit Jimin and Hobi with tranquilizer darts. I don't think she's unprepared."

"You got a better idea?" I raised an eyebrow, expecting something. He thought for a moment before offering a sheepish smile. 


I nodded. "Alright then, my plan it is."

"Hardly a plan," he scoffed. 

"Are you doubting the alien Taehyung?"

"Very much so," he rolled his eyes as Yoora stopped talking, clapping loudly. Cheers erupted throughout the ballroom and I struggled to figure out what was happening. 

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